Designed for Submission (Devine Designs) Page 11
''Locked car,'' he reminded, as he stood.
''Yes, Sir, locked car,'' she said.
''Good girl,'' Logan said. ''Where do you keep your Ibuprofen, and what would you like to drink before we start?'' Again she felt as if her head was whirling. Suddenly, it all seemed to be too much. She sighed and pointed down the hall.
''Ibuprofen is in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and I would like a glass of wine, please,'' she said. Logan began to move down the hall when she added, ''Oh, would you hand me my purse? I need to call Jason.''
He immediately put the satchel in her lap. ''I thought this huge thing was a satchel,'' he said, with a smile that caused her to flush again.
''I stand corrected, Sir,'' she said, and then giggled. As she made her call, he found the medicine and put a K-cup of tea in her machine. He listened to her assure Jason she was fine and that she would call Nancy tomorrow so they could begin their planning. She turned her eyes towards the kitchen and lowered her voice.
''I'm not sure … I'll tell you tomorrow. Good night, Jason. Tell Nancy good night for me,'' she said, before shutting off the phone.
Logan asked her what she would like in her tea.
''Tea? I asked for wine,'' she said, looking to see him shaking his head.
''I've seen you with a wine glass, and besides, tea will soothe you better,'' Logan said, as he held up the sugar container. ''Sugar, or do you prefer honey?'' he asked, as if he was perfectly at home in her kitchen.
''Yes, honey … I mean, honey, please,'' she said, and then blushed as the word exited her lips. She heard him chuckle and mumbled under her breath, ''I don't know why you even bother to ask.''
''Because I want you to be relaxed, yet not under the influence of alcohol for this conversation,'' he said, having heard her perfectly. He held out a glass of water. She looked at the water, a question in her eyes. ''I thought you'd prefer not to scald your throat taking medicine with hot tea,'' he explained, handing her two of the pills.
''Thank you,'' she said, taking the medicine with the water and handing back the glass. He set the glass down and then caused her to gasp, as he bent to lift her, moving her to the end of the small couch. He turned her so that her legs were stretched out on the couch. She simply found she could not move as he picked up the mug of tea and handed it to her.
''Careful, it's hot,'' he warned, as he settled at the other end, put the pillow on his lap and then lifted her feet to rest on the pillow, the bag of peas once more draped across her ankle. He had moved with such precision and grace that it seemed completely natural. She opened her mouth to protest but, as his hand took hold of her uninjured foot and he began massaging, she simply gave up. She stifled her moan of intense pleasure in the depths of her mug as he slowly rotated her foot.
''To parrot my father, we are both adults and it is time to be frank,'' he said without preamble. ''What is it about me that bothers you so?'' he asked. Elizabeth immediately flushed as he continued to massage her foot, his eyes on her face. She shifted a bit, the fantasies she had threatening to pull her into their embrace. ''I've seen you three times before, and yet tonight is the first time you seem hesitant and unsure of yourself. Why?'' he asked.
''Mr. Dietrich,'' she began, but was cut off.
''Logan is fine,'' he said. ''I might quote my dad, but I prefer that address be left for him.''
She nodded and bit back a groan, as he removed the peas from her sore ankle and gently began to massage it. She gathered her thoughts and then revealed that she realized he had seen her watching his interaction with Carol. ''I didn't mean to watch,'' she said, her face flushing as she tried to ignore the sensations of his fingers on her skin, slowly warming it from the cold of the ice. ''I was just walking back from the car and …''
''Miss Adams,'' he said, his fingers stilling. ''I have no idea what you are talking about. Clarity, remember?''
She looked up from her mug of tea, to see him looking at her. Suddenly, she was very uncertain of how to proceed. He simply resumed his massage, silently waiting for her to continue. ''You said you've seen me three times before tonight,'' she stated, though it sounded like a question. He nodded.
''I attended the presentation you gave my folks and then saw you at the restaurant, and then again …'' He paused and then continued, ''Tell me, why were you talking about a car?''
She seemed not to notice the pause. She had dropped her eyes, realizing he hadn't seen her and now was terrified of what he would think. ''Miss Adams?'' he said, quietly.
''That's why you knew my name,'' she said, softly. ''I mean, in the restaurant, you addressed me as Miss Adams but I didn't remember ever meeting you. You were the man that was against the wall during the presentation. I guess I did see you but was so nervous about the meeting that I didn't remember. I thought you looked familiar when I saw you and … Carol later, but still didn't place you.'' She looked up, her eyes narrowing as she seemed to study his face.
''You mother showed me tons of photos of you and you sisters,'' she said. ''Even Garrett was in a great deal of them. Yet, I didn't recognize you.''
Logan smiled and shrugged his shoulders. ''Parents tend to take thousands of pictures of their children when they are young. I believe it is a way to remember how they have grown and document the changes during their childhood. As their children grow up, I suppose most of the photos come from special stages, like graduation, marriages, etc. After all, once grown we really don't tend to change as much from year to year,'' Logan said, in way of explanation. Elizabeth nodded, knowing it made perfect sense.
''You were telling me about a car?'' he nudged, and she again lowered her eyes, her skin flushing as if she were becoming aroused or was embarrassed. Suddenly it became clear.
''Oh,'' he said, softly. She briefly lifted her eyes and saw his recognition of the moment. She quickly dropped her eyes again, her hands shaking slightly as she lifted her mug to her lips. ''The car … I see,'' he said, and she almost moaned, thinking about what she had seen. Logan smiled and thought she looked extremely appealing, her skin flushed with color, her eyes not able to meet his.
''I did not see you, Miss Adams,'' he said, softly. ''I admit I was only focused on Carol. Though I understand you might have been a little shocked, I have to say it surprises me to see the incident seems to upset and embarrass you. As a Submissive, I would think you would be accustomed to, even if not condoning, the right of a Dominant to provide what he believes is necessary or desired with a Submissive under his authority.''
Elizabeth was shocked when he so easily identified her as a submissive woman but knew he was right. She also knew she could continue to allow him to think she was shocked, but she would be lying by omission if she didn't clarify her true feelings. As embarrassed as she might be, she also knew he was concerned that perhaps her working on his parents' very personal project would not be either beneficial or even proper. If she didn't have the courage to be open and honest with the one man sitting across from her, how would she ever be able to effectively communicate with hundreds of people she hoped to, one day, hostess in her hotel? She took a deep breath to fortify herself and moved to place her mug on the trunk that served as her coffee table. She met his eyes as she slowly drew her feet off his lap. Logan watched as she curled her legs under her and waited. She appeared to be collecting herself, and he could be a very patient man when necessary.
''I was neither upset nor embarrassed,'' she said, so softly he had to strain to hear her. When he leaned forward a bit, she spoke a little louder. ''I found the scene to be incredibly erotic—a beautiful woman, a handsome man, shutting out their surroundings and being able to focus on just that moment. I had never truly considered it before,'' she said, and then gave him a soft smile. ''Well, that's not exactly true. I've seen women getting their bottoms smacked in all sorts of locations, with all sorts of people around. I just never thought of something so erotic being done so openly, and yet so subtly, that you had to be in just the right position to realize what was happ
ening. I was surprised, as it was the first time I'd seen a scene so openly done outside of a club. It was not the least bit frightening … it was beautiful.''
She paused for a moment. ''I … I called you the Limo Man,'' she said, and smiled at the memory. ''I … I often fantasized about what must have happened when the door closed. Seeing you tonight, in the setting of your home, well, it threw me. I was terrified you'd been aware of my intrusion and was afraid of embarrassing you in some way.'' She shifted a bit and then dared to look at him directly. ''I apologize, but please don't feel I am not excited about working with your parents. They are both wonderful people, and I not only admire them for their honesty in what they desire, I envy them the deep connection they seem to have. You are a very lucky son to have grown up with such love in your home.''
Logan was deeply touched as well as very impressed. She spoke with passion, as well as with a sense of desire. Her words told him many things. She was obviously an extremely sensual woman who had been under a Dom's authority on more than a few occasions. She was brave enough to be honest about her feelings, both of embarrassment and arousal. She was not against the idea of possibly being involved in a semi-public encounter with a man she trusted. He had also not missed her admission that the scene had found its way into her fantasies.
''Limo Man, huh?'' he said and she looked up again to see him smile. He chuckled and shook his head in amusement. ''I sound like I should be out repossessing cars or perhaps some incredibly handsome spy luring beautiful women into my car to have my way with them.''
She giggled and then slapped her hand over her mouth. When she regained control, she explained. ''I'm sorry, but all I pictured was you dressed in overalls, sneaking up some driveway in the middle of the night and hotwiring some car, praying to get away before an angry man runs out to take a shot at you.'' He grinned and shook his head.
''That's just great,'' he said. ''Instead of seeing me all handsome and desirable as I pretend the woman does not actually beg me to carry her away, the next time you honor me with a place in your fantasy, I'll be not only covered in grease and smelling of burnt wires, I'll most likely have a bullet hole in my ass.''
This time, she completely lost control. She laughed so hard she bent over, her arms wrapped around her stomach. Logan thought it was one of the most open and free displays of emotion he had ever seen. He knew she was not only a perfect match for the project, she was incredibly creative and absolutely one of the sexiest, most desirable women he had ever met.
Elizabeth gasped for breath, her sides aching, when she finally managed to look up at him. He was smiling, though shaking his head. ''I ought to turn you over my lap,'' he said, and she giggled once before her eyes grew wide. He watched as her face flushed. He had a feeling that if he had simply ordered her over his lap, she would have obeyed him. Her reaction revealed yet another aspect of her soul. He felt his cock twitch and knew it best to shut down that image. Though she hadn't had any alcohol to speak of to cloud her mind, he knew that the evening had been extremely stressful for her. He smiled and shook his head. ''But not tonight,'' he said, and swore he saw a glimmer of disappointment on her face. ''You have been extremely open and honest with me; it is time I returned the honor,'' he said, and Elizabeth felt herself fearing that despite his words, he was offended.
''Please, Sir,'' she said quickly, ''I really do apologize for intruding where I didn't belong. It really is none of my business. If you want, I … I will apologize to your Sub as well.''
Logan was even more impressed, knowing she would truly do so if he desired. ''Miss Adams,'' he said softly, ''that is a wonderful gesture but not necessary. I do not have a Submissive under me. In fact, I haven't partnered with a woman on any sort of permanent basis in quite some time.''
He saw her eyes and knew she was having a difficult time believing his words. ''You'll find that I am an honest man, Miss Adams,'' he continued. ''I have very little tolerance for ambiguity or deceit of any kind. Carol is a Submissive who is undergoing training. That evening, her task was to maintain the Sub role outside the club. When she first came to the club for classes, she was an insecure woman who was striving to find her way into her need to submit. She had been in a few relationships where submission was not truly under her control. In other words, she partnered with some real assholes that readily took advantage of her need to submit, without considering it the gift that it is. Fortunately, a friend of mine gave her the club training brochure and she came to us. She had done very well at dinner but had earned a quick reprimand. That is what you witnessed.'' Elizabeth listened carefully and could hear the depth of caring and truth in his voice. She felt her stomach tingle when he had said he had no Sub of his own but also felt a sense of loss when he admitted he didn't let himself get involved in long term relationships.
Logan watched her carefully. ''Do you understand?'' he asked, quietly. ''I'm only explaining because I do not want you to feel you need to make any additional apologies or feel any guilt about what you witnessed.''
Elizabeth nodded slowly. ''I submitted to a spanking because I felt so guilty,'' she said, almost as if talking to herself. ''I keep imagining what happened later … when the door closed. I … I dreamed about it.''
Logan bent forward and took her hands from where she had been kneading them together on her lap. She gave a soft moan as he slowly formed his fingers around hers, entwining them. She looked up at him, her eyes softening, as if gaining comfort from the gesture.
''Since we are familiar, at least in our dreams, I will address you as Elizabeth,'' he said, softly. She again felt her stomach clench and a thrill go through her. She nodded in acceptance, knowing deep inside that it was an important step. ''Elizabeth, I am sorry you felt the need to subject yourself to such an intense paddling for something you never should have felt guilt for. It was unnecessary and yet one of the most beautiful things I have ever been privileged to witness.''
Her eyes flew to his, her lips parted, as the realization of what he meant swept over her. ''How … you … you were the man in the shadows,'' she said, remembering the feeling she had that someone was watching just beyond her field of sight. ''You were there. Oh my God,'' she said, her face flooding scarlet as she remembered what Ethan had claimed from her as her penance. She struggled to pull her hands from his, her desire to run away nearly uncontrollable.
Logan kept her hands locked into his and furthered his control by scooping her up and dragging her onto his lap. She continued her attempt to flee, pushing against him with her body and pulling her hands. Logan allowed her hands to slip free but then grabbed both of hers in one of his huge hands, trapping them against his chest. He immediately put his other arm around her, holding her close as he began to make soothing sounds. He knew she needed to calm down to hear what he had to say. Even if it took forever, he would not release her until she had listened. If he simply stood and walked away, he knew she might never overcome her guilt and embarrassment. After several more minutes, Elizabeth tired of struggling. She collapsed against him, her face buried in his chest, her body slack.
''Elizabeth,'' Logan said gently, his lips against her hair. ''Yes, I was there. You are an incredible woman, Elizabeth and watching you was a gift. You were beautiful in your submission. Honey, you have nothing to be ashamed of. We both know the club is a safe place. Adults let themselves be free and experience what their psyche needs to be whole and fulfilled. You should never, ever feel ashamed or guilty about what you need to feel free and loved, for that is what makes you who you are. And, that, Elizabeth, is a wonderful, capable, intelligent and extremely sensual, beautiful woman.''
His words were like a balm, his tone gentle and without judgment, his hold comforting and reassuring. She allowed her mind to accept his words. After a few more minutes, she lifted her eyes to meet his. ''Thank you,'' she said, her lips trembling. ''God, what are the chances of us both going to the same club that night?''
Logan grinned, bent down and gently kissed her forehead. ''Well, for me
it would be one hundred percent. For you, I hope to find it quite close to the same,'' Logan said, cryptically. Elizabeth shook her head as if trying to figure out the math.
''Honey,'' he said, ''I own Tastsinn.'' Her eyes grew huge, her mouth dropped opened. She pushed against his chest until she was able to get some distance from him, though his arm kept her on his lap.
''You own Tastsinn?'' she asked, as if the thought were unbelievable. Logan nodded, his smile widening when her own smile reappeared. ''Oh my God,'' she said, shaking her head. ''That is incredible; it is such a wonderful club. The things you've done, the safeword bracelets, the colors, the textures, the …''
Logan stopped her, as he burst out laughing, filling the room with the sound of pure amazement. Elizabeth looked shocked for a moment, before she joined him, her laughter soft and musical. ''I can't say I wasn't a bit worried about how you'd react,'' Logan said, continuing to chuckle, ''but, babe, I never, ever, would have bet you'd go directly into designer mode.''
Elizabeth giggled as she relaxed against his chest again, like she'd been there a thousand times before. ''Sorry,'' she said, giggling again. ''I am not only that Submissive woman getting her ass paddled in your club,'' she said, her voice now light and no longer hampered by any sense of guilt. ''I am also that professional designer that will always be looking around to see possibilities, no matter where I am.'' She sighed and then giggled once more. ''God, you own Tastsinn!''
Logan knew it was getting late, and despite the fact that he wanted nothing more than to just continue holding Elizabeth, she needed time to think about the conversation. He gently eased her up and then cupped her face with his hands. He bent forward and kissed her gently, pleased when she eagerly returned the kiss, her body pressing against his. He felt his cock rapidly rising and forced himself to release her lips.