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At Home In Corbin's Bend Page 13

  Rob found what he’d been praying to see in John’s eyes as a fire blazed deep within the depths that had been sullen and empty for so long. “It’s about damn time,” he said as he stepped back. “Put your money where your mouth is, John. Go find her and show her that you love her, that you’re proud of how hard she’s trying to make life easier for you even though you don’t deserve it. Tell her thank you and then spank her to remind her that you are her man, her HOH, and that as of today, you will not allow her to curse or throw tantrums. When you’re done, I’ll be upstairs. We’ve got a system to debug so don’t take too long.” Rob turned and walked away, praying that John would follow through.

  “Did he? Did he go after Tory or what?” Violet had stopped eating, her fork in mid-air as she listened to the story. “God, please tell me he didn’t leave her.”

  Ever smiled and shook her head. “No, he didn’t leave her. Rob said that he prayed hard and then waited around the corner to see what happened. He saw John walking, walking without his canes. The next thing he knew, Tory was standing beside John, her face glowing and apologizing to him for her behavior. Rob said John was beaming and told her that she’d better remember what they talked about or she’d be going right back over his lap.” Ever giggled and took a sip of her coke. “I talked to Tory and she said it was the most fantastic spanking she’d ever gotten.” Leaning closer, she continued. “She also said she’s thinking about getting one of those beds with the controls that move the mattress into various position. It seems that losing a leg did not affect her husband’s ability in the aftercare department. Vi, she was giggling like a teenager. I was so thrilled.”

  Violet wiped her eyes. “That’s so great. I am so glad that you and Rob decided to give Tory another chance.”

  “I’m glad Tory gave me another chance.” Ever grinned. “By the way, she said to tell you that you need to come in for your final fitting. And, I’ve asked Amber to be my flower-girl. She’s so excited to be in the wedding.”

  “That’s so cute. She is such a precious little girl.” Vi smiled and finished her meal. Leaning back in the seat, she grinned. “Now, have you decided on your wedding gift for Rob? You’re running out of time.”

  “I have but I’ll need your help.” The two whispered together for several minutes, the occasional giggle drawing looks from other diners and smiles. It was impossible not to be drawn into their happiness. Bernie tried to tempt them to spill their secret by bringing a plate of fresh churros, knowing the cinnamon and sugar coated fried bread was a weakness of theirs. Though each took one of the long sticks, instantly biting off an end and moaning in pleasure, they refused to spill the beans. Standing, they each gave the older woman a hug, promising to see her at the wedding shower to be held in a week.

  “Humph, maybe I won’t be able to come,” Bernie said with a mock frown.

  Violet bumped her hip against Bernie’s. “Good try, but you promised to bring guacamole and chips so even if you can’t make it, be sure to bring the goodies by first.” They left Bernie laughing and shaking her head.

  Once outside, Violet turned to Ever. “Okay, come by tonight - the guys are playing poker over at Brent’s. We can at least start and then I can work off photos.”

  “Thanks, Vi, and make sure Charles doesn’t find out. I want it to be a surprise. I’ll be there by seven. Now, I’ve got to go meet Beth. We’ve got a few more rows to finish.” The women hugged and went their separate ways.

  Ever was wiping her eyes a few hours later. Her ribs felt bruised from the hug that Beth had given her. Walking into Fabric Fancies, she adjusted her hold on the large box as she went to the back.

  “Hey, let me help,” Wendy said, hurrying to grab one edge of the box. “Are these all of them?”

  “Thanks, yes. Now you’re sure ya’ll can finish them in time? The presentation is next week.”

  “I promise they’ll be ready. The girls have all volunteered to help. Even if we have to pull all nighters, we’ll finish. I can’t wait to see how your friends did.”

  “They did great,” Ever said with a proud smile. “I think I might have created some quilting monsters. Wendy, I can’t thank you or your staff enough.”

  “Nonsense, we’re thrilled to help and besides, more quilters mean more business for me.” The women spent some time going through the box before Ever said she had to get back.

  “Don’t forget, you’re all invited to the presentation. Friday night at the VA hospital. Dinner is included so come hungry.”

  “We’ll be there and so will every one of these. I promise.” Wendy walked Ever to the door, laughing when her friend was distracted by a display of new batik fabrics. “Hey, did you finish the wedding quilt?”

  “No,” Ever admitted. “I found this project far more rewarding. Besides, I can make it for our first anniversary.”

  “Or maybe you’ll need a baby quilt instead,” Wendy proposed with a grin.

  “Let me get married first, then we’ll talk babies. I’ve got to run. Love you and thanks again.” With a quick hug, she left Denver to hurry home. She needed to grab a couple of things before she went to Violet’s. Pulling into the driveway, she ran inside and then came to a halt, her hand against the wall to brace herself as a wave of dizziness hit her.

  Rob came through the living room just as she bowed her head, her eyes clenching closed. He was at her side in an instant, picking her up and carrying her to the sofa. “Ever, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m okay, just a little dizzy,” Ever said. Opening her eyes, she shook her head and then moaned as that didn’t help her dizziness. “I swear to you, I ate, Rob. Violet and I pigged out at Endelé. I think I just need to rest a minute.”

  Rob brought her some juice and a bag of peanuts. Ever didn’t protest, drinking the glass of orange juice and popping the peanuts into her mouth. After a few minutes, she felt better.

  “Thanks, that helped.” When she tried to stand, Rob shook his head.

  “No, stay there. I’ll call Brent and let him know I’m not coming. I think you need to get to bed.”

  “I can’t, I promised Violet I’d come over. I...she needs my help. Rob, I’m fine. Please trust me. I wouldn’t lie to you. I’m not having a sugar drop. I just ran around too much today.”

  Rob didn’t appear convinced, but he nodded. “If you’re sure and, Ever, I still want you home early. If you start to feel bad or get dizzy again, you call me. I’m serious. If I find out you don’t, I promise your maintenance spanking tomorrow night will be a great deal harder, are we clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. I promise. I’ll even lie down for a half-hour and eat a sandwich before I go, okay?”

  “Okay, I’ll fix you one. They can play without me for a few hands.”

  Ever stretched out on the couch, her head on a pillow. She accepted the plate and ate the BLT Rob had prepared, nibbling on the apple slices he had added to her plate. Rob waited until she was done and the half-hour was up. When she complained that he didn’t need to watch her like a hawk, his eyebrow rose.

  “Careful, I’m still not positive I should go. You’ve been running around an awful lot lately. I know I said to find a project, but I didn’t mean let it drive you into the ground or make you ill.”

  “Honey, I swear I’m fine. Besides, we finished the project today. I dropped off the quilt tops earlier. Wendy agrees that they turned out great. Everything is in place. You did remember to remind the people at the VA, right?”

  “Yes, everything is good on that end.” He still didn’t appear absolutely convinced she wasn’t ill but finally nodded. “Okay, I’ll go play poker. But, I want you home by ten.”

  Ever fought the desire to roll her eyes. Instead, she stood and walked to him, draping her arms around his neck. “Yes, Daddy. I won’t break curfew.” She squealed when he swatted her ass.

  “See that you don’t, little girl. I can always put you on restriction. At least I’d know you weren’t running around like a bat out of hell.”

  Ever blu
shed, imagining attending her bridal shower in the nude. She nodded, wishing him luck in the game. Waiting until his taillights disappeared, she raced into the bedroom and then the kitchen. Grabbing a bag of granola out of the pantry, she hopped into her car and arrived only a few minutes late.

  “I almost got grounded,” Ever said as she followed Violet into the spare room in her house that had been turned into her studio. “I got a little dizzy and, of course, Rob saw me. He had to wait for me to eat a sandwich though I’d told him we’d eaten lunch. I’m telling you, if that man continues to stuff me with food, Tory is going to kill me. The final fitting is next week.”

  “As much as I adore you, Everleigh, if I think you’re getting ill, I’ll call Rob myself. I refuse to go through being scared for you again.” Violet shook her head as well as her finger. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, young lady; I’m serious.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Ever said. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Rob, I’m fine. I just ran around too much today. Now, can we get started? I have to be home and in bed by ten and I promise Rob will either be there or will make me take a selfie to prove I’m in our bed on time.” When Violet giggled, Ever’s voice joined in. “Good Lord, who would have thought we’d fall in love with men who treat us like naughty teenagers.”

  “You have to admit, it does make you feel loved.” Violet hugged her and told Ever to change as she set up her easel. When Ever returned, she took several photos, both women giggling as they discussed Rob’s gift.

  As she sketched, they talked about the upcoming shower. “You’ve been so busy that you seem to have forgotten you’re the bride. I promise, you’ll have a blast at the shower so make sure you don’t get grounded!” Ever promised and then changed back into her clothes.

  “You know I’ll need a few more photos, right? When can I come over when there is no chance Rob will come home early?” Violet looked at the photos on her camera screen, making sure she could at least start the painting that Ever had decided she’d present to Rob as his wedding present.

  “Not tomorrow. We’re going into Denver to rent the tuxes and pick up a few things. I’ve got my maintenance spanking that night, so maybe you can get Charles to invite Rob to go on a run or bike ride Sunday? You can come over then - heck, we can cook out steaks or something. All you’ll need is a half-hour or so.”

  “That will work. By the way, are the maintenance nights working? I’ve been meaning to ask but we’ve both been so busy that I haven’t gotten a chance until now.”

  Ever blushed but nodded. “Yes, call me nuts, but they help a lot. It’s weird and my family would think I’m crazy but I have to admit, just knowing I’m going to get a hard spanking helps keep me on track. Dr. Yu thinks they are a great idea and said that unless I start feeling overwhelmed or stop my progress, he doesn’t need to see me anymore. I wasn’t very happy when Rob made weekly therapy sessions a condition of his not cutting his trip short, but I admit, they’ve helped as well. Between him, Marcus, Venia, you, and Charles, I’ve worked out a lot of stuff and understand I need to take care of myself. Heck, that’s why I brought a bag of granola. I seem to snack all the time and I promise I wouldn’t have thought of having something on hand a few months ago.”

  Hugging her friend, Violet smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. Charles has been discussing the benefits of a weekly session. I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you.”

  “You can thank me and curse Rob,” Ever suggested with a giggle. “Now, I’ve got to run or I might be telling a different story tomorrow night. Love you and don’t forget to talk to Charles about dinner.”

  “I will and we’ll bring a side and dessert. I’ll call you tomorrow. Be careful and make sure that selfie is sexy!”

  Ever smiled and munched on granola as she drove home. Changing out of her clothes, she was in bed, her phone next to her by a quarter to ten. Thinking about Violet’s last words, she had dressed in a red baby-doll nightgown. When the phone rang, she smiled and answered. She didn’t have to take a selfie as Rob had called her and activated Facetime. Giggling at the look on his face, she held the phone out and smiled into it, her free hand running down the bodice of her gown.

  “I’m home and in bed, Daddy,” she purred. “Just like you told me to be, but it’s awfully lonely in this great big bed.” She loved hearing Rob’s laugh and then blushed when their friends all called out a good night. God, she hadn’t remembered that they’d be able to hear her as well as even see her if Rob wasn’t careful positioning the phone’s screen.

  “That’s my good girl,” Rob said, chuckling. “I’ve just about wiped these guys out so I’ll be home soon.” He paused and his voice changed to almost a growl. “Do not take off that gown - you can think about Daddy climbing in to share that big bed. I’ll be thinking about tucking you in on the drive back.”

  Ever had to smile and blew him a kiss before disconnecting. Her stomach was flipping as she set the phone aside and slid down in the bed. She hoped he was even now walking out Brent’s door.

  “We’ll be back in time to fire up the grill,” Rob said as he poured the last of the marinade over the steaks they had gotten yesterday. “If you’ll prep the corn and the onions, they’ll go on the grill as well.”

  Ever agreed, washing the dishes and utensils they had used. “Where are ya’ll riding?” She had managed not to show her relief when Charles had called earlier and asked Rob to go with him for a long bike ride. The two men often exercised together but hadn’t been on one of their longer rides in weeks. Rob told her they were going out to some trails they’d ridden before and she knew they’d be gone at least a couple of hours.

  “You’re sure you don’t want to come along?” Rob washed his hands and then pulled her to him.” It’s been a while since we’ve ridden together. I don’t want you to think I’m neglecting you.”

  Laughing and rolling her eyes knowing he’d understand she was just teasing, she reached behind her to run her hands over her backside. “Believe me, Mr. Montgomery, I haven’t felt neglected since the moment you stepped off that plane. It’s not like you’re going away again and frankly, the thought of sitting on that little bike seat makes my butt want to scream for mercy.”

  Rob laughed, his own hands moving to cover hers. “You tend to exaggerate, my love. I’m betting your behind isn’t even pink. Shall I check?” Ever squealed as he turned her around and pulled her sweatpants and panties down to bare her bottom.

  “Rob, they’re going to be here any minute!”

  “I don’t think either would bat an eye, babe, after all I’m just checking to make sure I’m keeping my fiancée happy and satisfied.”

  Ever moaned as his hands cupped her cheeks. She would bet she wasn’t still pink as well but she was a bit tender. It seemed the weekly spankings had the additional benefit of keeping her just a bit sore for most of the week. By the time the tenderness dissipated, it was Saturday night again and she received another spanking. She hadn’t lied to Violet; the weekly maintenance sessions were keeping her grounded and feeling loved. Rob gave her cheeks a final squeeze and a pat before pulling her clothing up, turning her again to bend and kiss her soundly just as the doorbell rang.

  The women waved as the men loaded their bikes onto the racks of Rob’s SUV. With a honk and a wave, the men drove off. “Is it just me or are those two of the hottest guys on the planet?” Violet asked, fanning her face.

  “Believe me, it’s not just you. There is something about men in lycra biking shorts and those tight shirts that make me weak in the knees. Especially when they are bent over the handlebars, legs pumping and those tight butts are up in the air.” Ever pretended to swoon and the women giggled as they went back into the house. “I’ll get changed while you set up.”

  An hour later the two sat in the living room, cups of coffee in their hands and more of the granola in a bowl between them. “This is really good stuff, you’ll have to give me the recipe.” Violet popped another cluster into her mouth. “I like th
e M&Ms a lot.”

  Ever giggled and slapped her friend’s hand away. “I can tell, stop hogging all the good stuff!” Promising to make her a batch, Ever flipped through the sketchpad. “I thank God you starting painting again, Violet. You really are incredibly talented. Have you thought about having your own showing?”

  Violet smiled and shook her head. “Not really. I’m still in a daze that I sold all my stuff at the festival. Besides, I’m not too sure our men would want to see paintings of their women in any gallery, especially the ones that sold for the most money.”

  Ever giggled and shook her head. “Well, I can understand that, but I promise Rob is going to have his tight bike shorts blown off when I unveil this painting. You’ve gotten the pose exactly right. I can’t believe how much you’ve already done. How’d you do that without photos from today?”

  Violet shrugged. “I guess I have an ability when it comes to certain things and your description was quite vivid. With today’s sketches and photos, I’ll have it looking like you could step right out of the painting and Rob will have a hard time knowing which was flesh and blood and which was pigment and oils.” Hearing the sound of a car pulling up, they hurriedly stashed away the drawings and the camera.

  As Charles and Rob came through the door, the two women looked up at them with wide eyes and fanned themselves, pretending to swoon. “Oh, Violet, look, our demi-gods returned safely from the wilderness,” Ever said, sinking to her knees, bowing as if in worship.

  “You two are just hungry,” Rob said, chuckling as he helped her up and gave her a kiss.

  “Eww, maybe I should change that to stinky-gods. Did ya’ll run over a skunk or something? Ouch!” She rubbed her butt where he had popped her.

  “You’re smelling pure male, smart aleck.” Rob gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Since my manly musk is unappreciated by my fickle admirer, I’ll hop in the shower.”