Her Lord's Law (The Forbidden Saga Book 2) Page 13
Edward, his tea forgotten, sat back in his chair and casually crossed his ankles. “I think you might be quite surprised with what my ward is capable of. While you see a worthless silly girl, I see a young lady who has grown quite a bit during this past weekend. She has worked exceptionally hard, and except for attending church yesterday, every waking hour was spent studying for her final exam.”
Thorne chuckled, wetting the tip of a finger before dabbing at a crumb that had fallen to his lap. Raising it to his lips, he transferred the morsel to his tongue before responding. “Well, I must say I’m not truly surprised, Lord Wintercrest. After all, I’m quite positive the thorough caning she received in this very office was exactly the incentive your ward needed. I’ve found that well-striped buttocks are quite remarkable in focusing a miscreant’s mind on her lessons, wouldn’t you agree?”
Edward saw Thorne’s eyes dart to the rack of canes on display behind his desk and knew the man’s fingers were surely itching to take one down and use it again on the bare bottom of his ward. Edward knew that would never again happen. Despite whatever Lucille’s score might be, she would never again step into this school. She had learned all she could here. The lessons she truly would need to learn to live a submissive, happy fulfilled life would be learned under his roof until she found her own papa. Once that happened, little Lucy would learn only the things her new husband decided, exactly as Louisa was slowly learning the lessons she needed to make Edward happy.
Edward had just returned his cup to the tray, never having taken a single sip when a knock sounded on the door. Thorne called out his permission and the door opened. Lucy stepped inside, her face showing her concern, her hands twisted together. Edward watched her eyes flick to the canes as well, and for once, he wanted to assure her that she had no reason to fear them. He stood and walked to her, taking her hand to guide her to the settee. He would have chosen another piece of furniture but, it was the only one large enough to hold both of them. When she stumbled a bit, he had no doubt that she was remembering having to bend over and present her bottom to Thorne’s cane on this very settee. As he sat and pulled her down to sit beside him, he bent toward her.
“Don’t fret, little one. I know you did very well.”
Her eyes lifted to his and he saw hope briefly flare in their depths. Giving her fingers a squeeze, he felt her relax just a bit.
The headmaster waited until Edward looked back at him before turning and impatiently demanding, “Well, don’t stand there, Lloyds. Did she fail?”
Charles’s smile told Edward the answer before he even spoke. The professor strode across the floor to hand the test booklet to his employer. “No, sir, she most certainly did not.”
“What?” Thorne’s surprise at the answer was clearly written across his face. Coughing a bit at a crumb that had obviously been inhaled rather than swallowed, he took a long sip of tea, recovering before flipping open the book. His gaze dropped to the letter scrawled at the top of the first page and then he flicked through the pages. He slammed the book shut and glared at Charles. “I don’t believe this, Lloyds. There is no way this test is valid. That stupid little chit couldn’t even accurately recite her multiplication tables last week. You are trying to tell me she has suddenly grasped not only geometry but algebra as well? That is simply impossible.”
“I assure you, sir, that it is not. Lucy… I mean Miss Furniss—”
“What, Lloyds?” Thorne said as he looked from the professor to Lucy. “What exactly did Lucy do to earn a perfect score?” Swiveling his head to glare at Charles again, he sneered, “Did Lucy spread her legs and allow you between them, so you would pass her? Tell me, was your Lucy quite a good fuck?” he snarled, the repetitive use of Lucy’s Christian name telling everyone in the room exactly what he thought of her.
Even as Charles actually backed up a step, his shock evident on his face, Edward was on his feet and standing face to face with Thorne. Grabbing a handful of his black robe, Edward lifted the man off his feet.
“How dare you! You bastard! You will apologize to Miss Furniss immediately!” he demanded before throwing Thorne away from him like a sack of coal.
Lucy was standing, her face ashen even as Thorne hit his desk and he fell to his knees. Charles rushed to Lucy’s side and put his arm around her as they both watched Thorne slowly get to his feet. The headmaster’s face was almost purple, his rage obvious as he darted behind his desk. Fingers curled like a bird’s claws reached to snatch a cane from a rack on the wall. Whirling around and lifting it over his head, he once again found himself flat on the floor. Edward easily removed the cane from his hand, snapped it into two pieces, and then hauled Thorne to his feet.
“I’d love nothing more than to knock you down again, Thorne. You aren’t a headmaster, Melvin, you are nothing but a worthless piece of manure. I can assure you that you will no longer stain these halls with your presence. No wonder you have students who fail… you are a pitiful example for innocent young girls. Now, apologize immediately before I beat you to within an inch of—”
“Please… please, sir. May we… may we just go home?” Lucy broke in, her voice so soft and yet able to penetrate the veil of anger surrounding Edward. Edward turned to see her supported by Charles, her face pale, tears swimming in her eyes. He wanted to force Thorne to apologize for his hateful, vulgar accusation, but seeing how terrified his ward looked, he simply threw the pieces of the cane down to land at Thorne’s feet, snatched up the exam booklet and nodded.
“Certainly, my dear, we can go wherever you desire,” he assured her though he knew Lucy wasn’t even listening to his words. Slipping an arm around her, he led her from the room and out into the sunshine, hoping she’d feel safe. When he saw tears sliding down her face, he cursed beneath his breath and swept her off her feet, carrying her to the carriage. Henri hurried to open the door for the two, concern written on his face as well. Edward climbed into the carriage, never releasing his charge. He nodded at Henri to close the door and then held his hand out to keep it open when he saw Charles standing uncertainly on the sidewalk.
“Thank you, Charles. Call at the manor later this week if you desire.”
“I will, Lord Wintercrest. Please… take care of Lucy.” Before Edward could correct the young man’s form of address toward his ward, Charles smiled and said, “You can be very proud, sir. She didn’t make a single mistake.”
Edward felt his heart swell and smiled, looking down at the still shaking young woman. He saw that she had also heard and watched as her face seemed to come back to life, her smile beginning on her lips but quickly spreading to her eyes.
His own smile grew as he turned to speak to the professor again. “I would be proud of her regardless, Charles, but we both owe you our thanks.” With that, he nodded again at Henri, who was also grinning from ear to ear. The carriage door closed and as it pulled away, Edward gave Lucille a hug and then helped her to take a seat opposite him.
Her smile disappeared as her face flushed and she met his gaze. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she managed to say, “I-I didn’t do the thin… I-I never—”
“Hush, Lucy, I know you didn’t and I promise Thorne will be out of a job as soon as I can arrange it. I know you worked very hard, and I am very proud of you,” Edward reassured her, leaning forward to cup her cheek with his hand.
She closed her eyes and he saw her take a deep breath for the first time since they’d arrived at the school. Opening them, the fear was gone, the violet-blue seemed lit from within. “Really, sir? You’re really proud of me?” Lucy asked, her voice soft, the question coming out a bit shakily.
“Oh yes, little one. I am very, very proud. More importantly, you have honored yourself, little one, and I couldn’t be happier that you proved that disgusting turkey vulture wrong.”
She smiled brightly and then began to giggle. He watched as her hands clapped over her mouth as if to contain her mirth. He found himself laughing as well. Her eyes widened as the horrid tens
ion of the past several days broke. She was soon bent forward, her laughter filling the carriage. It was a long time before she was able to begin to get herself under control.
“He… he does look like a vulture and looked so funny on the fl… floor… ohhh…”
Edward grinned glad to see her laugh instead of appearing as if she were about to faint. Bending forward, he took her hands in his. “I think he was most concerned about his silly cane.” The moment the word left his mouth he was sorry. She immediately stopped smiling and began to pull away from him. He tightened his grip and said, “Don’t, Lucy. You have nothing to be sad or scared about. You never need worry or even think about Thorne again. He was wrong in what he said. I know you studied and earned your degree. Don’t waste another moment thinking about him or that school. Instead, think about how happy Louisa will be when you tell her that you not only passed, but that you are the reason why no other students will ever have to be scared of Mr. Thorne.”
“Thank you, sir, I won’t think about him anymore, but… but I don’t have my diploma.”
Edward lifted her hand to his lips and gave her knuckles a quick kiss. “Don’t fret. I’ll make sure you get it, for you shall always get what you have earned.” Her face was just as expressive as her twin’s and he knew she understood the words addressed more than just a piece of paper.
Her cheeks flushed a very pretty pink, she tentatively returned his smile. “Yes, sir. Thank you,” she said very softly.
He nodded and they turned to their own thoughts as Henri took them home.
The front door opened the minute the carriage pulled up. Louisa stood on the top step, her tiny form framed by the open door. Edward climbed out of the carriage and helped Lucy down. They both turned to see Louisa flying down the steps.
She ran to her sister and said, “Please, Lucy, I just know you passed… please tell me you passed!”
Lucy’s smile returned at the pure happiness and expectation on her sister’s face. She nodded and the girls soon had their arms around each other, hugging and dancing in a circle, giggling as if they were small children. Edward watched, his heart full as he realized how lucky he was. He had originally been disappointed in learning that he would not be allowed to simply enjoy being a new husband but was duty-bound to take on the role of guardian as well. He’d known that the guardianship would interfere greatly with his plans for his bride. Today, however, seeing the girls so happy and hearing their excited chatter, he wouldn’t have changed a thing.
He gathered them both to his sides and said, “I believe a celebration is in order. How would you both like to go out for supper and celebrate our newest scholar?” Louisa squealed and clapped her hands. Lucy was also happy and smiled.
“I would love that, Edward.”
Edward quirked his eyebrow and shook his head. “Just because you graduated, young lady, doesn’t give you license to forget your manners.”
“Yes, sir, I’m sorry. I-I guess I thought once I actually graduated I would be treated as a… a grown up.”
Edward smiled and looked down at the small woman. “The world may consider you an adult, Lucille, but believe me, you are a true little girl now, just as you have always been. You need a good, firm hand to keep you in line as has been proven with your recent success. Can you tell me that you believe you could have done such a wonderful job without being forced to study and study hard?”
He knew her to be a stubborn young lady, but also an honest one and wasn’t surprised to see her shaking her head.
“No… no, sir. I… I wouldn’t have studied as hard.”
He nodded. “And, tell me the truth, Lucy, what helped motivate you to study as hard as you did.”
Her blush deepened to a rosy red, her hands fidgeting in her skirts as she seemed to consider the past few days. If he knew her as well as he believed he did, he could imagine her recalling images of herself kicking and crying, her bottom lifted as it was paddled, strapped and birched.
She moaned softly and had to finally admit he was the cause of her concentration in her studies. “You… you did, sir. You made me want to memorize all the equations and learn the formulas necessary to pass the mathematical section of the exam.”
Keeping his eyes on her, knowing she could see the intensity within his gaze, he asked, “And exactly how did I motivate you, Lucille?”
“You… you spanked me, sir.”
Edward smiled and reached out and drew her to him. She laid her head against his chest. “That’s correct, Lucy. You are a very special little girl just like your sister. You need a strong man to make sure you behave. Your bottom needs to be paddled and spanked whenever you step out of line. You might not want to admit it, and I know you have so much more to learn but, little one, if you look deep inside and are honest with yourself, I believe you will find the truth of what you need.” He paused and allowed his words to sink in. His glance flitted to his own little-girl wife and saw she was nodding. He smiled knowing that it was still new to Louisa as well, but that she was finally admitting that she needed what he provided. He knew she was discovering that she not only needed it, she loved and craved both his harsh discipline and his demands of her body. She saw him watching her and smiled up at him even with concern for her sister written all over her face.
“Lucy… we don’t have to go out. We can just celebrate at home. I-I don’t want you to feel ashamed of… of me.”
“Oh, Louisa, I could never be ashamed of you. I love you with all my heart. Thank you, sir. May we all go out to supper?”
Edward had been proud of her at the school, but his pride grew as she reassured her sister of her love and her support. Nodding, he said, “I’d like nothing more than to escort the two sweetest little girls in the city out for supper. We shall have our lunch and then, after Louisa takes her nap, we shall have plenty of time for you to put on your prettiest dresses and we shall have a wonderful dinner.” He saw Louisa’s smile falter and knew she was about to ask not to have to take her nap.
He gave her a warning look and shook his head, “Only after your nap, little lady. You know you need a nap and I don’t want a cranky, sleepy little girl sitting at the restaurant.”
Louisa flushed but nodded, “Yes, sir.”
Edward took their hands and led them up the stairs. He related the news of Lucy’s success to Mrs. Bremmer who was quick to enfold the young woman in a warm hug and praise her. Though it was obvious from her gasp that Lucy was startled, she quickly recovered, returning the housekeeper’s embrace and thanking her. They sat down to lunch and laughed and talked about various things. Edward realized it was the most relaxed meal that had taken place in the house since Lucy’s arrival. When the last plate had been taken, Edward pushed away from the table and held out his hand to his wife.
“Come, little one. I’ll tuck you into bed.” Louisa seemed to want to argue, but sighed and took his hand. Lucy stood as well and walked with them as far as the hallway.
“Have a good nap, Louisa,” Lucy said as the two walked up the stairs. Louisa turned her head back to give her sister a smile and a small wave.
Chapter 13
Lucy continued down the hall and entered the library. She began to comb the shelves for a book that would allow her to enter a world that didn’t reflect her own. She wanted to read of princes who saved the damsels of the world and made them princesses. She wanted to read about heroes who were strong and tall and who made every woman want to be chosen to belong to him. She wanted to read about love and happiness. She giggled, realizing that she wanted to read anything other than a column of mathematical problems. Realizing that her school days were indeed over, she smiled brightly. Pulling her choice off the shelf, she settled back in a big overstuffed chair, her feet tucked up beneath her and opened her book.
After half an hour, she found the story wasn’t holding her attention. Her eyes were drooping closed. She yawned and discovered she was very tired. All the tension of the past several days was finally affecting her. She rose,
replaced her book on the shelf and walked up the stairs. Louisa might not have wanted to nap but Lucy found she wanted nothing more. She entered her room and slipped out of her shoes. She began to lie down on the bed and winced as her corset pinched her waist. Sighing, she pulled the bell cord for Molly, suddenly envious of the way Louisa was allowed to dress. It must be lovely to be able to go without the horrid constricting corset all day.
Molly entered and helped Lucy disrobe. As Lucy gave a huge sigh of relief once her corset was removed and then laughed, Molly smiled. “Pardon me for saying so, miss, but I can’t help but think it is rather silly to wear something that is so uncomfortable, simply for fashion,” she said, laying the corset aside in order to tuck her mistress into bed.
“I find I quite agree,” Lucy said with a huge yawn, her eyes already closing as Molly quietly picked up the discarded clothing, returning it to the armoire.
Lucy awoke a few hours later, feeling far more rested and excited about the outing. She again called for Molly and the two girls chatted while they worked to prepare Lucy for an evening out. As Molly held up yet another dress that Lucy considered, she was thinking of exactly what her twin would be wearing. She had seen Louisa dressed in juvenile clothing when they attended church but would Edward also require she enter a restaurant dressed as a child? She blushed at the thought and again wished she could speak to her sister about the choice she had made.
“Please, Miss Lucy, you must decide. It wouldn’t do for you to be late for your own celebration,” Molly pleaded as she pulled another dress from the wardrobe.