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Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) Page 15

  "Welcome to my home. I've heard a great deal about you from Lucas."

  "It's a pleasure to be here," Edward said and, after forcing Louisa to stand still long enough to have her cloak and mittens removed, pulled her to face their host.

  "Good Lord, you are the spitting image of your sister," Stefan said, bending to kiss her cheek. "However do your Papas tell you apart?"

  "There are a few ways," Edward said, causing his wife's cheeks to flush and Stefan to grin.

  "Ah, and I dare say those must be most interesting. Welcome, little one. Come, meet my Emmie."

  After introductions had been made in the foyer, they were repeated once the group moved into the large parlor.

  Lucy curtsied as she met the man she'd seen carrying his wife, and learned that he was Carlton Chase and his little one was named Melody.

  Emmie explained they'd been friends for ages and ages, and made her friend smile when she praised her for her singing abilities. "Papa, can Melody sing for us?"

  "Perhaps in a bit, Emmeline," Stefan said. "It's important to introduce everyone and make sure our guests are comfortable first."

  Another gentleman was introduced as Lawrence Fielding. "Dr. Fielding is a newcomer to town," Stefan explained, as the man shook hands with the men and nodded to the ladies. "It is a great blessing to have him establish his practice here. It will make necessary medical visits and exams far more comfortable for certain little ladies. Especially if they find they need a Papa's hand on a bare bottom to chastise one for fussing during that exam."

  Emmie's red cheeks, and her hand rubbing against her backside, spoke more about the doctor's specialties than Lord Northbridge's introduction. Lucy saw her Papa and the handsome doctor exchange glances, then swallowed hard when the man pressed a card into Lucas's hand.

  "Feel free to send for me day or night. I know how worried a Papa can be if he fears his little one is becoming ill," Dr. Fielding said. He looked at the group before him and his smile widened. "With this many little ones, I'm sure you'll be calling for me sooner rather than later."

  At the sound of a gasp, Lucy watched as the doctor's eyes moved to where Ettie was standing beside her.

  "Are you feeling okay, Miss?" he asked.

  Ettie's head bounced up and down.

  "This is my youngest sister, Henrietta," Lucas said. "Even though she did mention that her corset was making it difficult to breathe, I'm sure she can speak. Right, Ettie?"

  Ettie looked up at her brother with huge eyes before she giggled, her cheeks a delightful pink. "Yes, Sir."

  Chuckling, Lucas introduced Franny, Bea and Frank, and after Edward introduced Louisa and explained they were just visiting, Lucas tucked the doctor's card into his vest pocket.

  "Thank you for this. Though I hope we won't need your services, I won't hesitate to send for you if necessary."

  "I'd consider it an honor," Dr. Fielding said, giving another bow before turning to look again at Ettie.

  Lucy released her pent-up breath when the man walked away. She looked up to see Lucas grinning down at her. Her own cheeks flushed as possibilities swirled in her mind. It was only when Uncle Stefan spoke again that she pushed the doctor from her mind.

  "I'd like to introduce Mr. Samuel Benedict, he's a partner in my firm. Samuel, these are great friends of mine."

  As hands were shaken and nods given, Lucy realized that the guest list was unbalanced. There were definitely more men than women, and she understood that Uncle Stefan was doing a bit of matchmaking. It seemed that the men were unconcerned that such introductions were usually made at the large balls or receptions held to introduce eligible young women to prospective suitors. Perhaps this was one way in which men helped guide their friends to partners they might feel would make a good match. She smiled, understanding that the men she knew in this room had no true care of what society might deem appropriate. Though she continued to be polite and proper, she wished she could drag Emmie into her room and get the true information about the people she was meeting.

  Another man was introduced as Lord Raymond Lenard, his occupation not mentioned. When his eyes seemed to rake Franny up and down, Lucy saw her step closer to Lucas who dropped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side.

  The last person, David Whitmore, a successful businessman who owned several establishments, was introduced, and extended an invitation for the girls to visit his recently opened mercantile. "I'd love to treat you to luncheon, as there's a small tea parlor in the rear of my store."

  "Oh, may we, Lucas? Imagine: we can shop and eat at the same time!" Ettie exclaimed, her hands lifting as if to clap before remembering that it might not be deemed an appropriate thing for a proper young woman to do.

  "That is very kind of you, Sir," Lucas said with a grin. "I'll make sure Ettie understands not to wander through your aisles with food in her hands. It wouldn't do to drop crumbs over your merchandise."

  "A few crumbs would be a small price to pay for the pleasure of seeing your sister enjoying herself. I'll look forward to your visit," Mr. Whitmore said, giving Ettie another smile.

  At the last of the introductions, two servants appeared, one serving drinks to the men as another served the women. Bea was offered a glass of wine but she declined, stating that she'd prefer water. Franny accepted the white wine, and though Ettie was of age to also enjoy wine, she asked for mulled cider—the same as the rest of the girls were served.

  "Where's Socrates? Louisa wants to meet him," Ettie said, and Lucy giggled when Emmie rolled her eyes.

  "Papa made me put him in his bed in my nursery. He says guests don't want to have a kitten underfoot." She sighed heavily, but then smiled. "Maybe after dinner, when Papa asks the men to join him for brandy and cigars, we can go play with him instead of just talking in the other parlor."

  A servant appeared to announce that dinner was served. Lord Northbridge guided his guests to the dining room. The huge table was set beautifully; crystal goblets, china, and heavy silverware at each place. Bowls of greenery and berries were surrounded by candles. There were thick linen napkins set in the center of each plate, and place cards inscribed with their names guided people to their chairs.

  Ettie sat on her brother's left and flushed when Dr. Fielding slipped into the chair beside her. Lucy looked around the table. Mr. Whitmore was on her right, her Papa on her left. Lord Lenard sat next to the doctor and didn't appear too happy about his position. Across the table, Franny sat between Mr. Benedict and Edward, who had Louisa on his other side, Frank and Bea next to her. Lucy noted that Mr. Benedict was already speaking quietly to Franny. Uncle Stefan sat at the head, Emmie beside him and Mr. Chase sat at the foot, Melody occupying the last chair next to Mr. Benedict.

  Molly and Bertha tucked bibs around their charges' necks before they left to enjoy a far more casual dinner in the kitchen. Dinner was delicious, but Lucy was more interested in the conversation than the food. It was the first real dinner party in which she understood that she, Louisa, and Emmie were not the only child/brides. She noticed that Melody had patiently waited while her Papa cut her food before he allowed her to take her fork.

  "Are your girls looking forward to the Christmas Ball?" Stefan asked. "I know that Emmie certainly is."

  "They seem to be," Lucas said with a chuckle. "I hear talk of dresses, shoes, and whispers of who they might see. I'm sure they'll meet more people than they will remember. It has always been very well attended in the past."

  "I can see why," Lawrence said as he looked at Ettie. "I can't imagine anyone forgetting these beautiful women as they spin about the dance floor. Tell me, Miss Huntington, do you enjoy dancing?"

  Ettie nodded, and then shook her head.

  "I might be a physician, little one, but that reflex is confusing me. Can't you speak your answer? I promise, I won't bite."

  Lucy looked to see Louisa smiling and Uncle Edward shaking his head.

  "Um, I'm not sure, Sir," Ettie finally managed, though her voice was so very soft.
r />   "Not sure that I won't bite, or not sure you enjoy dancing?"

  His teasing had Ettie's face flushing. "Dancing, Sir. I've never attended a real ball before."

  "Ah, then the night will be a magical experience for you. Promise you'll save me a spot on your dance card—that is, if your brother approves."

  Ettie gave her brother a quick look, and at his grin, she nodded.

  Not be outdone, Mr. White leaned across Lucy and made it a point to extract the same promise as their plates were cleared and dessert was placed before them.

  Lucy saw that Franny was listening to something Mr. Fielding was saying and from the flush on the girl's face, hoped that Louisa would be able to tell her what had been said. When Lord Lenard requested a spot on her card, Franny stated softly that he'd need to seek permission from her brother. Lucy almost giggled at the look on the man's face before he managed to nod. She had the distinct impression that he was unaccustomed to seeking another's permission for anything. She honestly didn't remember eating the cake served for dessert but she must have, as her plate held nothing but a smear of chocolate.

  "Shall we retire to the parlor?" Stefan suggested.

  The suggestion met with approval, and once they were all seated around the comfortable room, they formed teams to play charades. Though the game began quietly enough, everyone was soon laughing and chiding each other when guesses took too long in coming.

  "Forgive me, Ettie, but not knowing you to be silent for more than a few minutes at a time, I just couldn't come up with the answer," Lucas teased as Ettie stood, hands on her hips, giving him a glare.

  "I think you did quite well, Miss Huntington," Mr. Whitmore offered.

  "Yes. I believe curling up on the floor was quite effective." Dr. Fielding chuckled, having been the one to shout the answer of 'Silent Night' after hearing Ettie's loud snoring when she'd dropped to the floor pretending to sleep.

  After everyone had a turn, the game was declared a tie. Stefan clapped his hands to garner their attention. "Now for a treat. I've asked Carlton if his lovely Melody might entertain us with a song or two." Lucy sat on her Papa's lap, Ettie at his side on a settee, Louisa on Edward's lap in a chair across from them. Franny was seated next to Bea, and Lucy noticed that Mr. Benedict had foregone a comfortable chair in order to sit on an ottoman, as close to Franny as possible.

  Melody's Papa went to the piano and ran his fingers across the keys for a few minutes before nodding to his little one. The moment the small woman opened her mouth and the first note poured out, she had every person in the room in the palm of her hand. By the time the ballad was done, tears were being wiped from cheeks.

  "May I help?" Samuel asked, bending forward and pressing a handkerchief into Franny's hands.

  Wiping her cheeks, she gave him a tentative smile. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. It is a true gift when one's talents can so move another."

  Franny nodded, and when she attempted to press the cloth back into his hands, he shook his head. "Keep it."

  Melody sang another song and then, at the suggestion of her Papa, the rest of the group joined in as several Christmas carols were played. It was a nice scene, the glow of the fire lighting faces that were happy as chorus after chorus was shared.

  When the next pause came, Stefan spoke. "Thank you, Melody; once more I am amazed with your voice. Your name is well-suited to you, as you sing like an angel."

  "Thank you, Sir," she said, her cheeks flushed at the compliment.

  "Cook will have additional tea or cider in the kitchen to soothe your throat. I fear I'm quite parched. Perhaps you ladies will excuse us while we enjoy a glass of brandy and a cigar?"

  Melody gave her Papa a kiss and then took Emmie's offered hand.

  "May we go see Socrates, Papa?" Emmie asked, and when her Papa agreed, she and the others left the parlor to the men.

  Lucy heard Frank asking Bea if she felt okay, and noticed that her sister-in-law did look a bit pale.

  "Yes, I'll be fine. Perhaps I'll see if a cup of tea is available."

  Lucy assured Frank she'd help Bea find the kitchen, and when she did, both Molly and the cook began to fuss over the young woman.

  "Where are the rest of the girls?" Bertha asked, a row of small glasses on the table obviously waiting to be filled.

  "Oh, they aren't thirsty, Nanny Bertha. They've gone to Emmie's room to see Socrates. Uncle Stefan said it was okay."

  "I'm sure it is. Go along, Lucy, your sister is fine with us. In fact, if Franny would rather, she may join us."

  "Yes, Ma'am, I'll tell her," Lucy assured the woman. It wasn't until she was upstairs and could hear the sound of giggling that she wondered why Nanny Bertha hadn't offered for Ettie to join Bea. Was it that obvious to anyone who met her youngest sister-in-law that the young woman preferred play over conversation? Perhaps Nannies were also able to see through the invisible cloak her Papa had alluded to? What impression would Ettie make on Miss Summers? Opening the door to find Ettie, her skirts billowing around her as she sat on the floor, squealing as the kitten pounced all over her, Lucy had to smile. She had a very good idea of what Eleanor would think.

  Franny did accept Bertha's invitation. "You girls behave, now," Franny said, rising gracefully from the rocking chair where she'd been sitting. "Ettie, please remember that you are a proper young lady. Goodness, look at your skirts."

  Ettie shrugged as she picked several white hairs off her dress. "Socrates can't help it, Franny, and he is just too sweet not to cuddle."

  With a smile and a shake of her head, Franny left the room to the five other girls. They played with the kitten, who was growing quickly into a beautiful—but very fat—cat, and then began playing with Emmie's various dolls.

  Lucy noticed that the horse that usually stood in the corner of Emmie's room was missing. Had it been removed because Uncle Stefan didn't want to chance offending his guests, most likely understanding the girls would spend time in the nursery? Though she desperately wanted to talk to Emmie, that discussion would have to wait. Her Papa's instruction that some things were not meant to be shared told her it would be improper to ask such personal questions in front of Ettie or Melody. She also wanted to talk to Louisa and discuss her thoughts about what she believed was being orchestrated, but didn't want to discuss it in front of the others. Ettie seemed oblivious to the fact that men had obviously been invited simply to see if either Ettie or Franny caught their attention.

  Instead of any serious discussion, the girls talked about the upcoming ball and how much they loved the holidays. They even sang a few more carols; Melody's voice just as beautiful without the piano's accompaniment. When Bertha and Molly appeared to tell them it was time to return to the parlor, Bertha shook her head, running her hands over Ettie's skirts.

  "Goodness, child, how did you get so much cat hair on your dress?"

  Ettie shrugged. "I suppose it's because I have a longer dress." The answer was simple but accepted, especially since no one tattled that she'd been practically rolling across the floor.

  Instead of entering the front parlor again, they were shown to the library where a huge tree stood, the glow from the fire and the reflection from the wall sconces making the glass balls seem to shimmer. When Ettie put her hands on her hips and turned an accusing look on her brother before stating that some people already had trees, Lucas popped her lightly across her rear, causing her to squeak.

  "And some people seem to be forgetting their manners."

  Ettie had apologized, but Stefan had laughed. "I completely understand. It's hard to be patient when you are so young." He invited the girls to choose one of the many paper cones that hung from ribbons on the tree's branches.

  Lucy heard Ettie squeal with delight and saw her pop a small candy into her mouth. She chose one that hung from a low branch, discovering it filled with candy as well. Lucy smiled when Mr. Benedict removed one from a high branch and offered it to Franny, who accepted it with a soft smile.

  "I'll se
e you at the ball," Lucy said as she gave Emmie a hug. "And then you and Uncle Stefan are coming to Hunter's Ridge for a few days. We'll have more time to talk and play then."

  "Do you think we can ride again? Maybe this time my bottom won't be so sore." Emmie smiled as both girls remembered riding on very tender backsides during her first visit to Hunter's Ridge.

  "If the weather is nice and Papa says we may," Lucy answered properly. At the sight of her Papa's smile and the look in his eyes, she remembered that there were other horses at Hunter's Ridge—those not ridden through fields or meadows. She also thought of the vacant space in Emmie's nursery. Feeling a slight twinge of discomfort, as if her rear was reminding her of what happened when horses made of wood were ridden, she forced those thoughts away as she gave her Uncle Stefan a hug and a kiss on the cheek, thanking him for a wonderful evening.

  "You are welcome any time," Stefan assured her, then pulled Louisa into his arms and hugged her as well. "Both of you are welcome. I insist you both save me a dance, no matter what your Papas say!" The twins agreed, knowing their Papas would certainly not mind.

  Stefan placed a kiss on both Franny and Bea's cheeks, thanking them for honoring his home with their lovely presence. Bending down to give Ettie's cheek a kiss, he chuckled. "You, my dear, are quite delightful. I hope you weren't too terribly bored."

  "Oh no, Sir, I had a wonderful time. Your home is quite lovely, especially your Christmas tree." She giggled as she saw Lucas roll his eyes. "Thank you so much for inviting me, and for the games and the candy."

  Final waves were given as they hurried through the cold to the waiting carriages.

  "Did you have a good time, Kitten?" Lucas asked, dropping a kiss on top of her head.

  "It was lovely, Papa." She looked up at him, a soft smile curling her lips. "I enjoyed singing and playing games. I think Uncle Stefan likes playing games as well."

  Lucas and Edward both chuckled but it was Lucas who answered. "I believe you might be correct, but rest assured, he'll make sure to follow the rules."