At Home In Corbin's Bend Page 15
“God, is that eyebrow move a requirement for dominant men?” Violet asked. This brought on a fresh bout of laughter and the families parted to go home.
“You and the ladies did themselves proud,” Rob said as he helped Ever into the car.
“I’m glad you think so,” Ever said with a grin. “I’m going to keep making quilts. There are so many more deserving soldiers and we’ve all agreed to make at least a few a month. We won’t present them like this again. Tonight was special but it won’t be the last of the project. Wendy might not have accepted payment tonight, which still amazes me as it was a lot of work to get the tops quilted and bound on time, but I’ll make sure she has plenty of business.”
Rob chuckled as he slid behind the wheel. “I’m sure you will and I promise not to tease you when you are covered in snippets of thread or I find fabric stuck in places I can’t fathom how it got there.” He paused and bent over to kiss her cheek. “Everleigh Harris, you not only found a project, you found one that has true meaning. Not only to you or to me, you and your group have touched a great deal of hearts tonight. I couldn’t be prouder.”
Chapter 13
Saturday turned out to be the perfect day for the bridal shower. The sky was blue, the only clouds white and fluffy. Ever felt like the bride-to-be that she was as her mentor pinned a small button on her dress that identified her as the bride.
“Geeze, you sure people are going to know me?” Ever rolled her eyes.
“Don’t be a smart-ass. Violet and I are hosting this shower so you just have to sit back and enjoy. Besides, I love all this stuff. We’ve got games, food, wine, and lots and lots of gifts. It’s going to be a blast.”
Ever groaned and wondered if perhaps she should have joined the guys for the day. When John had suggested Corbin’s Bend form a team for some upcoming obstacle course slash race, the men had been enthusiastic. None of the women truly understood why on earth they’d want to spend months training until they discovered it was done in the mud - the more mud the better it seemed. Phrases such as, “boys will be boys” were tossed around until behinds were swatted and reminders given that quilts were just one way to show support for the troops.
Women began to arrive, gifts in hand, and smiles and kisses given. Ever attempted to help Bernie but Venia beat her to it, taking the large bowl of guacamole and placing it on the table.
“You go sit, Everleigh. You’re the bride and you’ll just relax and let us shower you with attention.”
“As long as that attention includes some of that guac and a big pile of chips, okay.” Ever laughed as she took a seat, a bit embarrassed to be the center of attention. Violet brought her a glass of white wine and Venia brought the requested dip and chips. Ange had made a cake that looked like a giant present, a huge white bow wrapped around silver layers, all glittering with sugar that sparkled.
“If that is any indication of what my wedding cake is going to look like, I can’t wait!” Ever said, her heart beating faster. Just one week from today she’d be walking down the aisle. Her mind was drawn back to the present as Tory helped Beth hand out sheets of paper for the first of the games. “God, do people still play games at these things?” Ever grumbled but took a sheet and a pencil.
“They do and remember, there are prizes involved,” Violet retorted after everyone had a sheet, her house crowded with all the guests. She had giggled when a couple had asked if she had any pillows to sit on. “I live in Corbin’s Bend don’t I? Of course I have pillows!” Laughing, she opened a chest to display a half-dozen fluffy pillows. Every woman had laughed when Ever announced that it was a good thing the shower was Saturday afternoon and not that evening - stating she’d definitely have needed a pillow if that were the case. The entire house shook with peals of laughter when it turned out that the first game was to see how many words they could get from the phrase, ‘Spank The Bride’. It wound up to be quite a lot and Ever blushed when Venia won the prize and promptly presented her winnings to Ever.
“Um, thanks, I’m sure I’ll put this to good use,” Ever said as she accepted the large jar of arnica cream.
The next game had the women unscrambling words and then using the circled letters to fill in a sentence. Laughter broke out as Tory shouted, “Spankings are Life’s Spice!” Tory blushed as she was teased.
“That was awfully fast, Tory,” Beth said as she giggled. “You didn’t even fill in all the circles. I guess having John home is adding quite a bit of spice to your life.”
“Jealous are we?” Tory laughed, one hand rubbing against her backside as she accepted the prize of a gift certificate to Endelé. She presented it to Ever who told her the four of them would make use of it. Both women smiled remembering that had been the place where their friendship had started.
Ever’s winnings increased with each game and she rolled her eyes when Char presented her with a thick wooden spoon after properly identifying the ingredients Ange had placed into small vials. “Gee thanks, I’m sure that Rob will appreciate a new spoon as he does a lot of the cooking.” The women laughed as it was far more likely that Rob would be using it to heat up Ever’s rear more often than not.
Games over, the women took a break to enjoy the luncheon they all had brought to share. Ever was touched at how these women had become even dearer friends. They had watched over her while Rob had been gone, jumped into the Quilts of Valor project with both feet, and now were sharing their happiness at her wedding with her.
Violet had a notebook ready as Ever began to open her gifts. It didn’t take long before the theme became obvious. Opening a box from Beth, Ever blushed while Tory clapped enthusiastically.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about! You wear those for the fitting, Ever, or else I’ll be really upset.”
Ever tucked the scraps of white lace back into the box, her face flushed. The lingerie was perfect for a bride, delicate and sexy - perhaps a bit too sexy in her mind. The bra would lift her breasts and push them together, tight enough to guarantee the sleeveless gown would not be marred by bra straps. The panties—whoa—they were barely there. A thin strip of lace made up the sides, the g-string would be hidden between her cheeks and the small bow at the center of the back would draw attention to the bare expanse of her buttocks. Despite the fact that they made her blush, she loved them. “You know, I’m beginning to believe all of my friends bought their presents with the groom in mind.” She rolled her eyes but giggled when nobody bothered to disagree.
That evening, Rob chuckled over the game winnings, rolling the spoon between his palms. “I’m going to help you write the thank you note for this one. It will be the star in tonight’s maintenance so you’ll know exactly what to write.”
Ever snorted and shook her head. “How about I write the note now? Hmm, let’s see - oh, yeah. ‘Dear Char, thank you so much for the gift of the spoon. I was so looking forward to licking up and down it’s long handle, dipping my tongue into the bowl to taste the incredible ambrosia that my loving, dear husband has prepared for our sustenance.’” She paused and gave him a mock frown before continuing. “‘I’m so sorry to have to say that won’t be possible because my mean, demanding fiancé busted it on my ass. Thank you anyway - Love, Ever Montgomery.’ How’s that?”
Rob’s answer was to grab her and flip her over his knee, applying the spoon to the seat of her dress until she was squealing and attempting to scramble away. “Oh no, you don’t,” Rob said, “I’m not going to have my future wife accused of lying. We’ll see how many swats it takes to break it shall we?”
“No!” Ever screeched, laughing and squealing at the same time. “I’ll think of something else to write - I promise!” Rob popped her a couple more times in play before letting her up, drawing her back down onto his lap. It was a long time before they made it into the bedroom for the weekly session.
The spoon did come into play again and yet Ever didn’t resent it. She knew she needed the pain that Rob delivered. Every stroke of his hand or the spoon hurt and yet g
rounded her for another week. As she bent across the bed, her bottom lifted as she prepared for the ten strokes of his belt, she realized that this would be the last time as his fiancée. Any future spankings, well at least any weekly maintenance ones given, would be applied by her husband. Just that thought had her pushing her ass up higher and counting every stroke properly, sincere in her thanks for each one.
Rob stepped to the bed, drawing her arms behind her, holding her wrists in one hand as he pushed her legs further apart with the other. “God, I love you. You are the sexiest, most beautiful, most loving woman I’ve known.” She moaned as he unzipped his jeans, and released his cock. She arched and moaned again as he pushed into her.
Ever felt owned, possessed, and desired as he fucked her from behind. His free hand ran across her ass cheeks, his fingers pinching along the weal his belt had raised on her skin. She pushed against him, begging him to go deeper, faster, and harder. They came simultaneously, each calling out the other’s name as they collapsed onto the bed, Rob pulling her to lay on top of him, his arms holding her tight.
Ever giggled and reached to pick up the spoon from where he had dropped it. “Dear Char, I simply adore the spoon. It heats up my ass really nicely. Thank you for your thoughtful gift, Love, Ever.”
“And Rob,” he added before moving her again, kissing her deeply. Neither noticed the spoon falling to the floor as he made love to her again.
On Tuesday, her approaching nuptials became even more real. Standing in Tory’s living room, she had tears in her eyes. Violet and Beth wiped their own eyes. Even little Amber seemed awed. Tory stood back, her head tilted to one side, critically looking over every inch of the gown. When her face broke into a smile, Ever relaxed.
“You’re gorgeous!”
“No, the gown is gorgeous. Tory, I can’t thank you enough. I...I had no idea that it would turn out like this. I just couldn’t imagine from the drawings. You’re a true artist.” Ever meant every word. She had given Tory carte blanche, telling her that she didn’t really know what she wanted - just to make something that Rob wouldn’t mind seeing her wear walking towards him. Though she had come for fittings several times over the last few months, she hadn’t been able to see what the final creation would be. Today, she no longer saw Everleigh Harris, a tall, lanky woman who never seemed able to sit still. Today, she saw the future Mrs. Robert Montgomery, a woman who looked soft and feminine, a woman who had a look of joy and expectation in her eyes. She realized that she not only felt like one, she looked like a bride.
Throwing her arms around Tory, she hugged her hard, laughing and crying at the same time. “I love you!”
“I love you too, but let’s not get carried away,” Tory said, picking up her pincushion. “I want to adjust the hem just a teensy bit in the back so stand still.”
“Yes, ma’am, anything you say!”
“Now, I believe you are pleased - not a word of argument, not a dramatic sigh?” Tory teased going to her knees and making a few adjustments. “It’s a good thing you warned me that you were trying to gain some weight and I must say, the extra pounds look great.” Taking a last tuck, Tory stood. “However, now I’m going to tell you - don’t gain another ounce or we’ll be letting out the seams around your waist. How much weight have you gained?”
Ever shrugged as she was helped out of the gown. “I don’t know. I never even think about it.” She turned her head to look over her shoulder, down at her behind. “Rob seems to like it. He said my ass is getting nice and round. I think he just likes to see it jiggle when he sp—” Catching sight of Amber, she blushed. “Spontaneously breaks out into applause.”
Violet choked and shook her head at the attempt to steer the conversation away from the subject. She totally lost it when Beth said her butt jiggled far too much when she got spanked. Amber wasn’t the least bit interested in the subject - she was a child that grew up in a house that practiced D/D and though it wasn’t discussed, it wasn’t something that concerned her. What did seem to concern her was whether her skirts twirled properly and demonstrated by dancing about the room. Ever gave her a huge hug and said she’d be the prettiest girl at the wedding.
Rob and Ever picked up her parents, sister, and brother-in-law on Thursday evening. When Ever confessed that she was a bit worried about what they might think of Corbin’s Bend, Rob reminded her that she was an adult and had the right to live her life in a place that allowed them the freedom to enjoy the dynamic that fulfilled them. Driving home from the airport, both her mom and dad remarked on how nice and peaceful the neighborhood looked. Rob heard Ever’s soft giggle and squeezed her leg where she was pressed up against him. He had told her not to even worry about it unless the underlying bond of the community became clear. “If it does and if your parents ask for an explanation, we can either explain or not. Until then, just relax and enjoy their visit.”
Violet and Charles had offered to host Ever’s sister and her husband, and Rob’s parents had arrived earlier that day and were staying with Brent and Char. They all met for the rehearsal dinner at Amore’s, Corbin’s Bend’s Italian restaurant. Ever introduced Amber to her family.
“I’m the flower girl,” Amber said, her smile showing her excitement to be included in the wedding party. “I’m going to throw flowers!” Beth assured everyone that she would make sure the flowers were gently dropped and not thrown at the wedding guests.
Rob grew a little concerned when Ever didn’t eat her meal of veal parmigiana, her favorite dish. “You okay?” he asked softly when she pushed the plate away.
“I’m fine, just...just not hungry.”
Within a few minutes, Rob saw her reach for a garlic bread stick, tearing it into bites and finishing each one.
When she noticed him watching her, she shrugged. “Maybe it’s just the veal but I’m hungry now.”
“If you are sure your blood sugar isn’t off, then, babe you can eat whatever you want,” Rob said, but knew he’d keep a close eye on her.
The tiramisu was delicious and obviously appealed to Ever as she had two servings. When her sister shook her head and stated that it looked like Ever had gained a lot of weight, Rob had to put his hand on Ever’s to remind her not to say something she’d regret. Rob found it hard to believe the sisters were related. The two women were complete opposites, Ever was an artistic, loving person who seriously did not even think about herself or her looks beyond the basics. Even with knowing he was biased towards the woman he was about to wed, he didn’t have a very high opinion of Monica. His experience in Monica’s presence had given him the impression Monica was a calorie counter, an exercise nut, and far more concerned with her looks than with anything or anybody else in her life. Forget the tiramisu, she had eaten only the salad and that was after she made sure not a drop of dressing touched a single leaf of lettuce.
“Don’t worry about me, Mona,” Ever said, using her fork to slice off a piece of Rob’s dessert. “Rob likes my ass just fine. He prefers softness to boniness any day.”
“Everleigh!” Catherine Harris said. “There is no cause to speak so to your sister. I think you should apologize.”
Ever shook her head and opened her mouth. It was only when Rob squeezed her hand that she looked up at him and saw his warning in his eyes. Sighing, she turned to her sister who was looking quite pleased with their mother’s suggestion. “Excuse my choice of language, Mona.” Neither Monica or Catherine looked too pleased, but Ever had apologized and that was good enough as far as Rob was concerned.
The group split up, Beth, Eric, and Amber going back to Tory’s. They would be leaving after the wedding, returning to their own home but promised to visit often. The rest went to Charles’ and Violet’s house for a final glass of wine. Ever’s fear of her parents discovering the dynamic of the Bend became moot as they walked towards the house. Charles’ neighbor’s window was open and the sound of a woman pleading and promising to behave was heard above the sound of what the residents understood was a paddle being applied to a
“What the hell?” Monica said, drawing to a stop and staring at the window. “Is she...I mean, it sounds that woman being beaten?”
Ever moaned and turned away. Rob stepped forward and took Monica’s hand. “No, Monica, what you are hearing is just part of Corbin’s Bend’s orchestra.”
Mona as well as her parents looked between Rob and the open window where the sounds continued to grow even louder. “Robert, I’m not stupid,” Mona huffed. “That is definitely not the sound of any musical instrument. That woman is...she’s crying!”
Charles shook his head as Rob shrugged. “Yes, you’ll find that when the weather is nice, people tend to leave their windows open. Somedays you can’t walk a block without hearing the various tones of naughty females wafting out from windows.” Grinning, he shrugged. “I agree she’s crying, Monica, but can assure you that she is not being beaten. She’s just getting her hiney spanked. Hang around long enough and I’d be willing to bet you’d hear those sounds turn into much softer moans of intense pleasure. Now, what were you drinking - white or red wine?” Rob had to force himself not to laugh at the look on Monica’s face and then had to wonder at the look on her husband’s face - it seemed he couldn’t decide to follow his sputtering wife or knock on the neighbor’s door and ask to borrow the paddle being used to bring forth promises of good behavior. Catherine and Daniel, Ever’s parents, tried to pretend the entire episode hadn’t occurred.
Ever giggled as Rob’s dad put his arm around her and led her inside. It was obvious that the Montgomery family would easily fit into Corbin’s Bend when Stephen asked Charles to explain how the streets got named. “I’m willing to bet there aren’t many Spanking Loops in the country.” His comment drew a chuckle from Daniel and a glare from Catherine which Stephen ignored.
Stephen and Donna, Rob’s parents, walked around the house, commenting on the paintings that Violet had hung. “These are beautiful, Violet,” Donna said. “Have you considered having a show?”