Designed for Submission (Devine Designs) Page 19
''Give it to me,'' he whispered, his lips hovering above hers. ''Give me your pleasure, all of it.'' He covered her mouth with his, his lips sealing tight as he thrust once more into her. She arched, exploding and screamed for the first time in years, Logan accepting her sounds into his own mouth and absorbing each note with his soul.
He kept his mouth over hers until every sound had been accepted. He knew this was not an end to her phobia. Her fear was far too deep-seated to be magically cured. He prayed it was the first step on the road to finding her way to freedom. He finally released her mouth and her hands. He pulled from her and then lifted her off the counter, her arms instantly going around his neck. He kicked his clothing away and carried her down the hall. He pushed open the door to the bathroom and once more sat her down on a counter. She felt incredibly tired, her body both heated and chilled, as she watched him turn on the taps and put the stopper into the tub. She smiled at seeing him test the temperature, twisting the knobs until he was satisfied.
''Are you okay by yourself for a minute?'' he asked turning to her.
She nodded slowly. ''Ye … yes, Sir,'' she whispered.
''Don't move,'' he said. ''I'll be right back.''
She nodded, and when he left the room, she leaned her head back against the mirror. She was incredibly sated, but realized that both her throat and her sex were a little sore. She embraced the slight discomfort, knowing it had come from the best sex and the most erotic scene she'd ever had. When she heard him return, she lifted her head to see he had the champagne and glasses in one hand, the container of strawberries in the other.
He saw her looking and chuckled. ''Thought the cream might melt in the tub,'' he said, and she flushed beautifully. He poured wine into the glasses and handed her one. They sipped in silence as the tub filled. Logan fed her strawberries one at a time, and when the juice ran down her chin, he leaned forward and licked it off. When she had her fill, he dropped the last berry into his mouth and then kissed her. She moaned, tasting the fruit with him and fell in love with strawberries all over again.
Logan gathered soap and a sponge, laying them on the edge of the tub. She watched as he moved about the small bathroom as if were his. He brought a bottle of shampoo and three thick towels to the tub; satisfied at the level of the water, he returned to her and once more picked her up. She found she truly adored the feeling of being in his arms. He set her onto her feet in the tub and then surprised her by stepping in behind her. Logan sat down in the hot water, hissing a bit but quickly adjusting to its heat. He reached up and guided Elizabeth down to sit between his legs. She didn't hiss, she moaned deeply as the water rose to lap at the top of her breasts. She laid her head back against him, her eyes drifting closed. Logan smiled, and seeing her grip loosen on her glass, he took it from her and set it on the floor by the tub. He settled back as best he could in the small tub and wrapped his arms around her.
They were silent for a long time. There was no need for conversation; they simply enjoyed being together, one holding and offering protection, the other being held and accepting the security of his arms. After a time, Logan reached for the plastic cup he had grabbed from the sink and began to pour warm water over her head, one cupful at a time. Elizabeth sighed in deep pleasure when he began to lather her hair and gently wash it.
''God, you've got incredible hair. It is beautiful,'' he said, as he worked the suds into its strands. ''Please, don't ever cut it; that would be a crime against all mankind.''
Elizabeth giggled. ''What is it about men and long hair?'' she asked, allowing him to move her a bit forward, so he could gather every strand and work it with the lather.
Logan grinned, remembering how sexy she had looked as he released the clasp from her hair. When it flowed over her, his cock had jumped, the picture she made, beautiful.
''Did you enjoy it when I had my hands in your hair, pulling your head back?'' he asked, instead of answering her question. She moaned softly, remembering the delicious feel of his dominance as he fisted her hair.
''Yes,'' she said, the one word barely audible.
''There's your answer,'' he said. ''I don't know about all men, but Schatzlein, seeing your sweet nipples peeking through your hair, seeing it flow down your back to brush against the most gorgeous ass I've ever seen, and being able to use your hair to guide you down on my cock—well, that is the most incredible feeling for this man.''
Elizabeth swallowed hard, his words bringing those exact actions back into her mind. ''Hmmm,'' she purred, as he began to pour water over her head again to rinse her hair. ''I like that answer, Sir.''
Hearing her address him as Sir, naked in the tub, sitting between his legs, caused his cock to pulse as it pressed against her slick back. He kept her against him with one arm while reaching forward to pull the plug to release the water. He replaced the stopper and once more turned on the taps to replace the soapy water from her shampooing with clear water. He rinsed her hair more thoroughly, draining and refilling the tub once more. He knew it would have gone far faster if he had simply stood and put her under the shower. However, he wanted her exactly where she was: sitting between his legs, and there was no reason to hurry their bath.
He soaped the bath sponge and slowly washed her. She felt her arousal return full force as he gently washed her breasts, the sponge rubbing and sliding across her sensitive nipples. When his hand holding the sponge began to drift lower, she unconsciously slid her legs tighter together, her clit still feeling so sensitive from his mouth.
''Naughty,'' he whispered, his breath against her neck. ''Open your legs, Elizabeth.'' She hesitated, the feel of his breath on her neck arousing her even further. ''I will not repeat myself,'' he said. She moaned but did as he commanded, his hand immediately covering her sex with the sponge. He took a long time washing between her legs, his fingers and the soft sponge both caressing her sensitive skin, both sliding over her sensitive clitoris. He used the fingers of one hand to open the pouty lips as the other washed her pussy. She almost giggled, thinking that if he didn't stop, she would be constantly wet between her legs.
Logan grinned behind her, knowing exactly what she was thinking. He moved the sponge away slowly as he spoke into her ear. ''That's twice you've been naughty, Schatzlein,'' he whispered. ''I see a spanking in your future.'' She shivered, her nipples puckering and he knew she wouldn't protest too much.
''Hmmm, if you say so, Sir,'' she said, remembering the erotic spanking from the limo.
Logan chuckled and shook his head as he washed her back. ''Elizabeth, my dear, you have absolutely no idea how much a spanking can make a naughty girl regret she has been naughty,'' he said, with just the right tone to shift her thoughts from the previous spanking's ecstasy to perhaps worrying a bit about the next.
''Oh,'' she said softly, feeling his hand drop the sponge and move to cup one cheek of her bottom.
''Oh, indeed,'' he said, and then bent to kiss her neck, right behind her ear. She shivered at the sensation, her mind now divided between his touch and his last two words.
Logan finished bathing himself and then stood, helping her to stand as well. He wrapped one of the towels around her and quickly dried himself before drying her much more slowly. He used the third towel to rub her hair, trying to absorb as much moisture as possible. She smiled, knowing that, though men seemed to adore long hair, they truly had no idea how much time was involved in simply washing and drying it. She reached up to take the towel from him, but he shook his head. She was again surprised as he finished rubbing the strands gently before dropping the towel. He grabbed her comb from the sink and settled himself on the edge of the tub, pulling her to stand between his legs. He was extremely gentle as he worked the comb through the wet strands. Once free of any tangles, he reached and picked up the hairdryer and brush. It took almost fifteen minutes to dry her hair, his hand drawing the brush through one section at a time until it was once more a silky black curtain around her, the heat from the dryer transferring to her skin. She had he
r eyes closed and would have slipped to the floor except for his support as he kept her in place by the pressure of his thighs.
Satisfied that she wouldn't sleep with wet hair, Logan turned off the dryer and guided her to step away far enough for him to stand. She squealed a little as he picked her up again. She had been so relaxed that it startled her. She laid her head against him and closed her eyes. He carried her down the hall and pushed into the room on his right. He used his elbow to flip on the light and knew instantly it wasn't her bedroom. The room was definitely an office with baskets full of fabric swatches, boxes with flooring samples spilling out, and a desk covered with papers. He was about to flip off the light when he turned and saw drawings pinned across the wall next to the light switch. He adjusted Elizabeth a bit in his arms as he walked closer. Room after room was displayed, each beautifully furnished, as if truly welcoming you to come in and stay a while. He saw what appeared to be a lobby as well as a dining room. He looked down at the woman in his arms, her eyes closed. He was about to turn to leave with another drawing captured his eye. It was a drawing of a large room, a raised stage-like platform on one end. Something about it stirred his memory. ''What's this?'' he asked softly, his eyes looking to her again.
''Hmmm?'' she asked, sleepily. He jiggled her slightly.
''Elizabeth, what are these drawings for?'' he asked. She slowly opened her eyes and realized what he was looking at. She stiffened for an instant and then relaxed again. She closed her eyes, not wanting to let him know how much his reaction would mean to her. He was the first outside of Nancy and Jason that had ever seen these drawings.
''My dream,'' she whispered.
Logan looked down again, seeing her eyes had closed. ''Schatzlein, are you talking in your sleep? Are you dreaming?'' he asked softly, realizing she must be more exhausted than he thought. He was surprised to hear her giggle softly.
''No … it's my dream project,'' she answered, ''The dream to set me free.''
Logan was instantly interested. He wanted to examine the drawings closer, to talk to her, to discover this dream. ''Will you share it with me?'' he asked, understanding that no matter his desire to learn more about her and her dreams, they were exactly that … her dreams.
Elizabeth felt something shift inside her. He wasn't pushing or demanding she explain. He was a Dom and yet he was asking if she would share, not ordering she do so. She felt as if a wall had begun to crumble. ''Yes…tomorrow,'' she said, knowing she would need time to adjust to the discovery that she did truly wish to share it with him.
Her answer pleased him enormously. He flipped off the light and then found the correct room. He set her on her feet by the bed and chuckled when she attempted to crawl onto it. ''Not yet, Schatzlein,'' he said, as he reached around her to pull back the quilt and sheet. Elizabeth smiled sleepily; it was wonderful having him here, having him put her to bed. He helped her into the bed and then slid in the other side. She snuggled up against him seeking his warmth.
Logan thought she had already slipped into sleep when she spoke quietly, ''Sir, are you really going to sp … spank me?''
He looked down to see her looking back at him. ''Yes,'' he answered simply and watched her eyes widen and then acceptance flow into them. ''Not tonight, Elizabeth. When you are really naughty by not following my order, I don't give gentle spankings. If I spanked you now, you would definitely not have a comfortable night's sleep.''
Her eyes widened, as if she were only now coming awake enough to truly listen to his words. ''Oh, umm, thank you,'' she said. ''Thank you for not punishing me. I won't do it again,'' she promised.
Logan shook his head, a gentle smile on his lips. ''No, little girl, you will not get out of any punishment … ever,'' he promised. He watched as she swallowed hard. ''I guarantee you will not get out of this bed until this beautiful bottom has been quite properly reddened. You have my permission to anticipate exactly how hot your ass will be after you receive your first lesson in discipline.''
She swallowed hard again, unable to speak. She simply nodded and closed her eyes. Logan wondered if she would pull away from him. He smiled when she snuggled closer, her arm going over his chest, her hand pressed against his heart.
Chapter 16
Elizabeth slowly became aware of the noise as it pulled her from sleep. She opened her eyes and smiled, seeing Logan's arm around her waist. Not wanting to wake him, she slowly lifted his arm and scooted out from under it. She prayed the sound wouldn't awaken him as she hurried from the bedroom.
She rushed into the living room, finding her purse and instantly hitting the button to silence the ring of her phone. She slid the bar to accept the call and as she put it to her ear, she scooped Logan's discarded shirt off the floor.
''What took you so long to answer?'' Nancy said, without saying hello. ''God, I've been on pins and needles, waiting for you to call me. What happened? How was the play? Did he do anything wicked?''
Elizabeth smiled as she listened to her friend's excited voice. ''Hang on just a moment,'' Elizabeth whispered, and despite Nancy's shouted order to 'wait', Elizabeth put the phone on the counter just long enough to shrug into the shirt. She buttoned the first three buttons, enough to ensure it would stay closed. The tail of the shirt hung almost to her knees, and she immediately felt memories of the previous evening flood through her. She shivered as she picked up the phone and settled it between her ear and her shoulder to allow her hands to be free.
''I'm back,'' she said softly, as she began to pour water into her coffee machine.
''Spill everything,'' Nancy demanded. ''Don't you dare leave out a single solitary detail! I will know, so don't even try. Tell me, was it great?''
Elizabeth giggled, the memories making her stomach tingle as she pulled open the refrigerator and saw the can of whipped cream on the shelf. Her nipples instantly hardened. ''Oh, God,'' she whispered.
Nancy immediately spoke. ''Oh, God as in Oh My God it was the most fantastic night of your life or Oh, God it was horrible? Please don't tell me it was horrible,'' Nancy said, her curiosity spilling out over the phone.
''Geeze, Nance,'' Elizabeth said, closing the refrigerator and putting a cup in the machine. ''If you'd let me get a word in edgewise,'' she whispered, and after another giggle, Nancy quieted. Satisfied, Elizabeth leaned her hip against the same counter where she had been displayed the night before. Again the memory flooded through her. She realized she would never be able to look at her kitchen the same way again. She giggled as she waited for her coffee to finish brewing. ''It was absolutely the most incredible night of my entire life,'' Elizabeth said.
''What? I can't hear you. Hey, why are you whispering ...'' were the last words Elizabeth heard. She squealed loudly as a hand plucked the phone from her. She twisted to see Logan standing behind her, the phone to his ear.
''What's wrong, are you…'' Nancy was asking, when Logan interrupted her.
''Elizabeth will have to call you later, Nancy,'' he said, looking down at Elizabeth. ''Make that much, much later.''
''Logan?'' he heard Nancy call out, as he disconnected the call and pushed the button to turn the phone off. Elizabeth smiled up at him, thinking it was so sweet that he wished to have her all to himself, for at least a little longer. She was about to offer him the finished mug of coffee when she squealed again as he picked her up and set her once more on the counter. She flushed as his fingers went to the buttons of his shirt.
''Um, I'm sorry,'' she said, as he began to unbutton the shirt. ''I should have asked if it was okay before I just took your shirt,'' she said, wondering if he was perhaps anxious to dress and leave. Logan watched her face go from happiness at seeing him to fear he was mad she had put on his shirt.
''You look beautiful in the shirt, Schatzlein,'' he said with a smile, as he finished with the buttons. She smiled, relieved he wasn't upset. Her relief was short-lived with his next words: ''However, you have just lengthened and increased the severity of the spanking you earned last night,'' he informed h
er, seeing her mouth drop open as he pushed the shirt from her shoulders and then off her arms. She shivered and her nipples tightened—and not just from the chill.
''Let's discover how well my naughty Sub can document all of her infractions, shall we?'' he asked, casually. ''Perhaps if you document each correctly, I might be a little lenient … but, just a little.'' Elizabeth could barely wrap her mind around what was happening to even begin to think clearly.
Logan took pity and spoke once again as he leaned close and trapped her by placing an arm on each side of her small body, his hands planted firmly on the countertop. ''I'll give you a clue, Elizabeth,'' he said, as if offering her hope. ''Four.'' She cocked her head as if unable to decipher his supposed clue. Logan shook his head. ''Four infractions so far this morning. If you can clarify them for me, I will only add additional punishment for three,'' he said, and saw the hope bloom in her eyes. ''Of course, you'll still pay for the fourth but in a different way.'' She swallowed hard, her eyes lowering as her brain struggled to think.
Logan straightened. ''You have until I've had my coffee,'' he said, picking up the mug. ''Since my naughty girl saw fit to fix it, I don't see a reason to let it grow cold.''
She looked up to see him stir some cream into his mug and bring it to his lips. She watched as he swallowed and her mind saw him swallowing the whipped cream he'd licked from her body. She must have made some sound because he lifted his head to look directly at her. She blushed hotly, embarrassed to have been caught in the memory, and forced herself to think about what she had done that he considered naughty.
''Are you ready to confess so soon?'' he asked, and she shook her head vigorously. ''Make that five,'' he said, making her head spin.
By the time he set the mug into the sink, she was pretty sure she had two infractions ready to confess but was totally in the dark about the other three. Logan again pinned her in place. He nodded.