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Louisa Revealed Page 4

  “Certainly, Sir. Come along Louisa; your nursery is exactly where a naughty little lady should be!” Louisa’s face flamed at the endearment. Her lip began to tremble as she felt a hand take her arm and pull her towards the door. She wanted to beg her husband to reconsider, but found herself being tugged down the hallway towards the narrow stairs at the end of the corridor. She almost stumbled, trying to keep up with the forced march. “Stop dragging your feet, Louisa. You brought his Lordship great disgrace with your horrid behavior today. You have been naughty – yes, very, very naughty, and I believe his Lordship has plans to teach you a much-needed lesson. If you ask me, it has taken far too long for you to learn your place. His Lordship has been lenient with you, and this is how you repay his kindness. What you need, Miss, is a good hard thrashing! Believe me, the quicker you learn to obey, the safer your bottom will be.” Louisa was stunned to hear the housekeeper speak so boldly and so openly.

  Before her marriage, she had learned almost immediately that her husband-to-be would demand strict obedience, and had taken her across his knee to prove his seriousness on a half-dozen occasions. Louisa had been highly embarrassed the first time he had lifted her skirts and lowered her bloomers. Her reaction had been to sob with shame while he spanked her bare-bottomed for the first time. Spankings weren’t new to her; their father spanked his daughters while they were young and she also knew he spanked their mother. Being across Edward’s knees had taught her that, while he would be stricter even than her father, he was also the only man she desired. He always held her after he spanked her, always made sure she understood why she had gotten spanked and reassured her that she was precious to him. It wasn’t until after they had wed that his more specific requirements came into being.

  The very night of their wedding, she learned that she was not to be the true Lady of Wintercrest. To her confusion, she learned that he chose to consider her more as a child than a fully-grown woman. He repeatedly called her his ‘little lady.’ Her husband knew it embarrassed her for her title, something that should demand respect with her station, had been reduced to reminding her that she was nothing more than his child bride and not an adult, titled woman of society. Her rebellion at the idea had started immediately, when she flatly told him he was a fool and that she had no intention of being his child. She had learned instantly that she had bound herself to a man that meant what he said, and had the means to prove it. She was soon stripped naked, turned across his knees and spanked long and hard as he lectured her on the roles of those in his household. By the time she had been let up, she was a sobbing mess, her bottom burning hotter than it ever had before. When he turned her to sit on his lap, she had buried her face in his chest and sobbed out her contrition. His arms had wrapped around her and the feeling of love and security she felt set her correctly onto the path he had chosen for her. Her training had begun, though she hadn’t realized it at the time.

  Edward had continued to train her slowly, but made sure he was always consistent. She had learned to call him Papa instead of by his name when they were in their home. She had learned that while Mrs. Bremmer might ask her opinion occasionally, any true decisions were made by either Edward or the housekeeper. Edward had chosen his mate very well; he watched his bride easily slip into her role. Everything had been going exceptionally well, until the day the news came that there had been a horrid accident. Louisa’s family carriage had overturned on a sharp curve and rolled over several times. Lucy, who had miraculously been thrown from the wreckage, had been the only survivor. She was now orphaned, with no close, living relatives. Edward had no choice but to take the young, bereaved girl into his home. Truth be told, he hadn’t considered the implications her arrival would have on his personal life. However, Louisa had begged him to allow Lucille to be welcomed without having to live as a small child. The girls were identical in so many ways, and Louisa had made her choice, but Lucille was still an innocent young woman; Louisa believed she would be scarred by living in a household such as theirs.

  Edward had eventually agreed, but had assured his wife that, while he would allow her to be more appropriately dressed when her sister was in their presence, he would continue to treat her as his child-wife in their bedchamber. The discipline, of course, would continue regardless of who might live with them. He would simply not tolerate disobedience, and he expected his wife to respect that fact. Louisa had eagerly agreed, and for several weeks now she had been allowed to be the woman of the house, had not been forced to take naps and had not had a bedtime that she thought ridiculously early. Most importantly, she had not had to spend a single moment in that horrid room at the very top of the house. Being marched there now made Louisa’s heart pound and her blood race through her veins. She found she was far more terrified of what was going to happen in her own home than of the caning she had just received. Hearing Mrs. Bremmer speak so frankly caused her great fear, as well as intense shame, and she knew the staff would soon be told that Lady Wintercrest was again to be simply, “Miss Louisa.”

  She watched as Mrs. Bremmer pulled a set of keys from her pocket. Keeping one hand firmly around Louisa’s arm, she used the other to unlock the door before them. She stepped inside, and pulled Louisa in behind her. Louisa wasn’t released until Mrs. Bremmer had closed the door and dragged her charge into the center of the room. Louisa stood trembling, her hand absently rubbing at her arm. “I’m… I’m sorry for deceiving you Mrs. Bremmer,” Louisa said softy, “I didn’t… didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “Of course you did, Missy. You and that naughty sister of yours have been turning this household around for weeks now. It is high time for this foolery to come to an end. Now, what are you waiting for? Didn’t his Lordship give you instructions about what you were to do?”

  Louisa blushed again but her voice seemed to have deserted her, and she simply nodded. Her eyes were huge as they roamed around the room. The last time she had been in the room it had looked nothing like it did now. Instead of a room holding only a few pieces of furniture, it now looked exactly like a small child’s nursery. The walls were a soft yellow with white trim. White lace curtains covered the small window, and several additional pieces of furniture had been added. There was a large rocking chair, an ottoman, a rather large and high table and, not believing her eyes, a crib was pushed against one wall. It was the largest crib Louisa had ever seen, and her face flamed at the possibilities it presented. Mrs. Bremmer watched as the young woman took in her surroundings. A large armoire stood against one wall and Louisa’s eyes widened at the sight of it. Mrs. Bremmer watched the color heighten on the young woman’s face and knew she must be considering what was concealed behind the closed doors.

  As if unable to think of the hidden contents another moment, Louisa’s gaze turned to a low bookcase that ran underneath the window. Her small mouth opened and her hand unconsciously reached out to the bookcase. “When… when did he do this? Why… how… what… that’s my doll!” Confusion was obvious in words spoken so quietly that they barely registered.

  Mrs. Bremmer shook her head in disgust, as it was quite obvious that the naughty little thing had no earthly idea of what her husband intended, despite her very short period of training when she had first come to Wintercrest. “Never you mind, Missy. I don’t believe you have been sent to your nursery to play, Louisa. What did your Papa tell you to do?” Louisa wasn’t paying attention to the woman. Her eyes continued to roam about the room. She saw her childhood toys lining the shelves. She saw clothing hanging in the closet. Her eyes took in a chamber pot sitting next to the tall table and then she moaned as she recognized a stack of what appeared to be but couldn’t possibly be nappies.

  “Nooo,” she moaned, and unconsciously took several steps away from the table, her hands reaching back to cup her bottom. The housekeeper shook her head, and stepped to take Louisa’s upper arm again. Louisa wailed louder, pulling away from the woman that, in the proper scheme of things, should have been deferring to the mistress of the house, but was
instead pulling that same mistress towards her, turning her slightly and reaching down to swat Lady Wintercrest’s bottom. Louisa was jolted back to reality when she felt the several sharp slaps against her already tender bottom. She raised her face to see the housekeeper glaring down at her with obvious disapproval. Louisa rubbed her bottom where it had just been spanked, her eyes tearing from shame. She had not considered that anyone other than her husband would dare to lay such a hand upon the mistress of the house. She opened her mouth to demand an explanation, but wasn’t quick enough.

  “Louisa!” Mrs. Bremmer thundered, “Pay attention. What were you told to do when your Papa sent you to your nursery? If you don’t answer me right this moment, I promise I’ll take you over my own lap and spank the answer out of you!”

  Louisa jumped at the threat, and instinctively knew it would be carried out without hesitation. She closed her eyes tightly, and stammered, “To… to wa…wait for him.”

  Mrs. Bremmer sighed and said, “And how are you to wait, young lady? Standing here gaping at your toys, or perhaps standing elsewhere?”

  Again Louisa’s face flamed as she answered, “In… in the cor… corner.”

  “Then I suggest you get yourself in your naughty corner immediately, unless you wish to be found being disobedient yet again.” Louisa shook her head and practically knocked the woman over as she pushed passed her. She felt so incredibly embarrassed and confused. Mrs. Bremmer smiled as she watched the girl launch herself toward the corner and press her nose hard into the wall. She watched as Louisa raised her arms and linked her fingers before placing her hands on the top of her head. The girl might not have immediately done as instructed, but it was obvious she had at least received the rudimentary training necessary to place herself for punishment. Mrs. Bremmer heard footsteps approach, and wasn’t surprised when the door opened and Edward entered. His eyes immediately found his wife standing as required and he smiled.

  “Thank you Mrs. Bremmer, I see you managed to get our little one in position,” Edward said, as he nodded to the woman who had served him so faithfully for so many years. Both she and Henri not only worked in his employ, they both agreed that his word was law and thoroughly approved of his way of life.

  “I must confess, it was only after having a swat applied to her backside, your Lord, as well as the promise of a more thorough spanking if she didn’t remember her duties.” Edward heard his wife’s soft gasp from the corner.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Mrs. Bremmer, and I certainly appreciate your help. As I told Louisa, I must accept part of the blame for the discord of our household. Everything shall be explained and problems remedied quickly. Until then, know that I shall turn to you when necessary to help with our little lady.”

  Louisa’s face burned and her heart pounded. She was mortified that her husband stood discussing her as if she weren’t in the room, and especially with a paid servant. Never in her life had she felt such embarrassment – not even being bent over, receiving a caning from the headmaster. She had intended to complain to her husband about the liberties Mrs. Bremmer had taken, but hearing his words, wondered if he truly intended to allow the woman to not only touch, but to spank, his wife. Suddenly terrified that she already knew the answer, she pushed herself further into the wall wishing she had the power to step through the plaster and remove herself from this awful room. Edward saw his wife tremble and her hands now hanging at her sides, twisting into the fabric of her skirts. She had broken position, which he would soon address as well.

  Mrs. Bremmer surprised him by immediately stepping past to the corner, and without a word, slapped her hand down hard on the twisting fingers of Louisa’s right hand. Louisa yelped loudly and flapped her hand, even as Mrs. Bremmer scolded.

  “You know better than that, Missy. Get your hands where they belong, unless you want me to take a tawse to them?”

  Louisa sobbed, but immediately put her hands back on the top of her head; both Edward and Anna heard her small voice, “I’m sorry, ummm, Mrs. Bremmer.”

  “You may address me as ma’am when you are being tended to, and I daresay, it appears you will be requiring a great deal of attention in your training. Do you understand me, Louisa?” Louisa didn’t understand at all, but did know the woman seemed to have no problem in slapping at her. Mrs. Bremmer was speaking as if she had no doubt or hesitancy in ordering Louisa about and, to Louisa’s shame, her own husband was not rushing to chastise the woman for her liberties. Louisa felt her eyes well up, even as she forced herself to answer, “Yes… yes ma’am.”

  “That’s a good girl. Yes, that’s much better.” Mrs. Bremmer turned back to face her employer. “Is there anything else, Sir? I would be happy to stay and assist you with your young lady.” Edward knew the woman was sincere. He also knew that while she would certainly be called to assist him in the future, today he needed to speak with his wife about that very future. He knew Louisa would feel more receptive if she didn’t have to worry about the stern older woman listening to the intimate conversation.

  “I will take it from here Mrs. Bremmer. I will definitely need your help this evening as both the girls will be attending to me in the study after dinner. Perhaps you could make sure that there are two strong and sturdy birches, well-brined, ready for this evening?”

  Mrs. Bremmer gave him a curt nod, and with a glance towards the corner said, “Certainly my Lord. I shall cut and bind them myself. There is plenty of time for them to have a good soaking before you have need of them.” Edward nodded, and without another word she left the nursery, pulling the door closed behind her. Edward looked around the room and was pleased with the sight. His wishes had been carried out and the nursery was bright, airy and full of pieces of his wife’s childhood. He grinned as his glance again fell on Louisa. She was crying softly, and he knew she was aware of what would transpire later that day. However, the promised punishment was still hours away, and he had several things to attend to before then. Knowing he had but a few hours before Lucille returned home, he called to his wife, “Come here Louisa.”

  This time, when she turned from the corner it was to find her husband standing before her but no longer with his arms open. She shuffled forward until she stood only a foot from him. Edward nodded and then turned to walk around her. Louisa stood still as a statue, knowing her discipline had begun. Tears continued to slide down her cheeks but she knew better than to brush them away. She tried not to shake as he paused behind her, and she blushed, knowing where his gaze was falling. Her bottom clenched under her skirt as if it knew it was being scrutinized. Edward continued his circle until he stood before her again.

  “You’ve been a very naughty little girl haven’t you Louisa?”

  She gulped but managed to whisper, “Ye… yes, sir.”

  Edward nodded and said, “Remove your clothing.”

  Louisa’s face burned at the order. She desperately wanted to talk to her husband, to ask questions, to beg him to fire the horrid housekeeper. Her eyes again roamed the room – the nursery. She had so many questions, and her mind was racing with what all this could possibly mean. “Please Edward… what… ” She cried out loudly as his hand connected with her bottom. Even through her clothing, she felt the burn as he landed several swats. He had one hand on her arm and even as she began to twist and turn, trying to avoid the horrible hand, he continued to spank her until her feet were dancing in place.

  After he felt he’d gotten her attention, Edward used his free hand to raise her chin, forcing her tearstained face to his. “I will not tolerate your disobedience any longer. You are mine and you will do as you are told – immediately when you are told. Now, remove your clothing!” Louisa was sobbing as he released both her chin and her arm. She continued to cry as he stood still, watching as she lifted her hands and slowly tugged the hem of her blouse from the waistband of her heavy uniform skirt. He could see her fingers tremble as she worked on the tiny buttons on the cuffs of her blouse. She unbuttoned her skirt and pushed it down to the floor a
nd stepped out of it. He watched as she untied her petticoat and watched as it joined the skirt on the floor. He twirled his finger in the air, indicating that she was to turn around. She did, and felt his fingers working on the row of tiny buttons at the back of her blouse. When the last had been unfastened, he pushed it open. She shivered as she pulled it down her arms and then worked her wrists out of the cuffs. The blouse joined the other discarded clothing. She stood; her arms aching to wrap themselves around her waist as she shivered dressed in only her corset, chemise, stockings, boots and bloomers.

  Edward chuckled and said, “Everything Louisa. You won’t be needing clothing for a while, and certainly shall never wear this uniform again.” Louisa’s eyes clenched tight as she felt his hands began to work on the laces of her corset. She could feel the warmth of his skin as he ran his hand over the mound of her bottom, and couldn’t contain a wince as he traced a wheal placed there by the cane. “Tell me young lady, were you wet when you were caned?”

  Louisa was shocked by the question, and her mind whirled, trying to wrap itself around the unexpectedness of it. She felt her face burn hotly. She heard him chuckle even as his hand slipped between her legs to cup her sex through her bloomers. She struggled internally, but as his hand continued to make its presence known, she couldn’t contain a small moan as he pressed harder up against her.

  “Were you wet, Louisa?”

  She shook her head, her shame at the question belying her body’s response. He chuckled again and removed his hand. She shook as he finished unlacing her corset and removed it. He was quick to remove her chemise, until she was almost nude.

  He saw her hands lift to flutter over her breasts and he warned, “No! Keep your hands down Louisa. You know better now don’t you?”