Her Lord's Law (The Forbidden Saga Book 2) Page 7
“I believe she will as well. Thank you, Anna,” Edward said with a soft smile as he finished the last of his drink. As she left, he began to run a list of names through his head. Whom should he even offer a chance to wed his charge? If Lucy turned out to be as passionate and as sexually responsive as her sister, she deserved to live her life with someone who not only gave her the intense discipline she would always need, but also able to teach her to scream with pleasures she had no idea existed. The list grew shorter and shorter until only a few names remained. He knew he’d be careful in the final selection, and knowing his thoughts of passion had increased his own, he stood, extinguished the lamps and climbed the stairs. He would bury himself in his own little child-bride and take his pleasure. As he walked down the hall the memory of how she had responded with such zeal earlier had him grinning and his cock hardening. If she was a very good girl, he might even allow her to find her own bliss, though it certainly wouldn’t do to spoil his little lady.
Chapter 7
Edward had indeed joined her in their bed, awakening her to take possession of her body. She had been allowed to seek her own culmination after he had buried himself deep inside her body and taken her hard and fast. After his first release, he teased her for several long minutes by slipping down to put his face between her legs and beginning to lick and nip at her bare pussy. The feel of his lips, teeth and tongue was incredible, the shame of enjoying such an act had her squirming. Edward forced her to spend in his mouth and lapped at her cream until she shouted as she climaxed for the second time. She had been languid and relaxed until his tongue had once more moved down her body to lick at the small pucker of her bottom-hole. She had foolishly attempted to push his head away when he simply reached up to take a taut nipple between his fingers and squeezed hard. She yelped and cried out with the pain.
“Be still, Louisa. I want to taste your bottom-hole and I will.” She flushed and shuddered as he continued to lick at her tiny hole until she felt herself responding. She was horrified at that knowledge and whimpered, but Edward was extremely pleased. He removed his tongue only to put his finger into her sopping pussy to lubricate it well. She moaned as he slid his finger in and out of her pussy, her body instantly beginning the climb up the cliff she’d already been allowed to fly off of twice. She felt the tightening in her stomach as he added another, her blood rushing to fill her sex, to pulse hotly in her veins. Arching her back, she pressed her hips down onto his fingers. When he chuckled and withdrew the soaking wet digits, she whined and when she felt one pressing against her slickened pucker, she whimpered and attempted to shift away.
“I told you to be still. I won’t hesitate to give you a sound spanking if you try to get away again. I suggest you remember your sister’s cries during her thrashing. Would you like one as well?” She immediately shook her head violently, the memory of Lucy’s cries still fresh.
She felt another pinch on her nipple and yelped, “I… I mean no, sir. Please, I don’t want a strapping, Papa.”
Edward released her nipple and smiled up at her from his place between her legs. “Then relax and open your pucker for my finger, young lady.”
A bit horrified that not only did he expect her to remain still for the naughty act, he expected her to participate in her own defilement, she nodded. When he pressed the tip of his finger against her hole again, this time using a bit more force, she drew her bottom lip between her teeth and didn’t pull away.
“Papa!” she cried at the sharp nip of pain when his finger actually breeched her most intimate place.
“Shhh, you’re fine. Press down and open for Papa. My finger is smaller than the nozzle you held in your bottom today.”
Louisa blushed hotly at the reminder, not knowing how to convey that though what he said was true, this felt so much more invasive. His finger was not an object, it was flesh and blood. What he was doing was not for cleansing… this was something far more intimate, something for his pleasure, something that made her feel quite wicked indeed. She tried to remain still, but couldn’t stifle a whimper as he continued to press his finger into her, stretching her in a way she never imagined. She could feel her bottom-hole surrendering to the invasion, the sensation both painful and shameful. Certainly proper ladies did not lie still, compliantly allowing their husbands to not only lick and kiss such a place, but remained quiet as they stuck their huge fingers up their wife’s bum! It seemed an eternity passed as his finger sunk deeper and deeper, burying itself in her bottom as far as it could go.
She’d known her face was crimson when she lifted her gaze to discover he’d caught her staring down at the place where his hand was pressed tightly against her body, a single finger hiding deep within her back passage. His lips curled into a slow smile.
“Where’s Papa’s finger?”
“Wh… what?” she’d stuttered, feeling another wave of heat flooding through her.
“You heard me, little one. Where did your papa put his finger?” he repeated, this time moving his finger within her to stroke along her walls.
Louisa had jerked and whimpered, understanding that not only did he expect her to participate by relaxing her muscles to ease his entry, he expected her to vocalize exactly which part of her that finger had invaded. Her muscles clutched again as if to help her with the answer she knew she must give. “In my… my bottom.”
“That’s my good girl. I’ve claimed your mouth and your pussy, Louisa. One day soon, I will be burying my cock deep inside your bottom-hole to claim you there as well.”
Her mouth had dropped open as she shook her head. “Papa, no. You-you can’t—”
The sound of his deep chuckle seemed to roll through her very blood as he shook his head, cutting her off. “Oh, Louisa, I promise not only can I, I will enjoy each second as I watch your pucker open when I push every inch of my cock into your tight little hole and fuck your bottom.”
He’d spoken the words in a tone that brooked no nonsense and she knew they were a promise. Her blood heated and her bottom clenched around his finger, even as she felt a gush of moisture flood her shorn pussy. Edward smiled again and leaned forward. He was soon lapping at her center as he began to frig her bottom-hole. She forgot her shame as her body responded to his attention, her hands moving to his head, holding him to her as he licked, nipped and continued to drive his finger in and out of her. Her entire body arched as she screamed, coming so hard that her contractions almost managed to push his finger from her naughty little hole. When he finally pulled it free, Louisa keened not willing to answer the question as to why she suddenly felt empty even as he’d plunged his hard cock deep into her pussy.
Sunday morning dawned far too soon. Though both girls had been put to bed early, Louisa felt as if she’d only just closed her eyes when they opened to discover sunlight pouring through the window. She yawned and attempted to snuggle back beneath the covers but with a flip of his wrist, they were tossed to the foot of the bed and a quick slap against her bottom gave her the impetus needed. Climbing out of the bed, she followed him into the water closet, very grateful when he allowed her to relieve herself on the chamber pot instead of wrapping her in a nappy. She watched sleepily as he tested the water in the tub. She had obviously been asleep when the servants had filled the bath. Obviously satisfied that the water wouldn’t burn her, he turned and swept her up before setting her onto her feet in the tub.
“Thank you, Papa,” she said, sighing with the bliss of the warm water as she sank down to her chin.
“You’re very welcome, little one,” he said as he took a seat on the low stool he’d placed next to the high tub. “Hand me the cloth.”
With a soft smile, still a bit embarrassed that she wasn’t allowed to bathe herself, she passed him the cloth draped over the tub’s edge. He lathered it well and was soon bathing her, making sure he cleaned every inch of her in the most thorough way. She bit her lips as his fingers slid through her sex. She felt her face heat with the knowledge that he’d find it slick with both
the soapy water and her cream. The lack of her pubic hair seemed to heighten every sensation as he made sure every crevice had been scrubbed.
“Kneel up, sweetie. Turn to the wall and hold onto the edge of the tub. Papa needs to wash your bottom.”
She was glad to face the wall, her blush hidden as she obeyed the order. He rubbed the cloth over both her cheeks which were still a bit tender from her punishments. She managed to remain quiet until a moan escaped when she felt his finger slide down the crease of her buttocks to tap against the opening in her bottom. As he pressed his cloth covered finger harder against her opening, she whimpered and tried to pull away.
“Be still, Louisa, Papa is going to wash every single bit of his little girl.”
She continued to quiver as he did just that, trying not to think about the mixed sensations he was causing in her body. He pressed harder, forcing her bottom to open the slightest bit and holding it there as she struggled not to move.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised, pulling his fingertip free, running the washcloth once more quickly up between the lips of her quim. She heard him chuckle and her face heated, knowing exactly what he had found and what he must be thinking. Edward said nothing and simply lifted her from the tub and wrapped her in a thick towel. Louisa was led back into the bedchamber her steps faltering when she saw the clothes laid out on the bed. Her husband gave her a look of warning and stripped the towel from her body. As he picked up the pair of white bloomers with tiny rows of ruffles completely covering the seat, she hesitated, her feet remaining on the ground.
“Would you prefer a nappy, Louisa?”
She violently shook her head, the thought of being diapered again too humiliating to consider. “No… no, Papa, but… but can’t I wear—”
“Hush. You will wear what I provide for you and, young lady, if I hear another protest or if you continue to whine, I will diaper you and that will be the only clothing you are allowed today. I told you that the days you dress in adult clothing will be few and far between. I much prefer my little lady in the appropriate clothing for her station, and, Louisa, the sooner you accept that fact, the easier it shall be for your bottom.”
She knew he was serious, and though she continued to sniffle a bit as he dressed her, she was soon standing before him in her new Sunday best. She sat quietly on the side of the bed as he finished his own wardrobe and placed her hand in his as he led her from the room.
Edward had barely gotten her into her chair, a bowl of oatmeal before her, when she heard her sister enter the room. She didn’t speak, too terrified of what her sister must think of her. She saw Lucy glance at her from across the table and saw her eyes widen. Louisa blushed hotly seeing the marked contrast in their clothing. No longer did the two look identical. Whereas she was dressed as a child, her long hair secured back from her face with a velvet blue ribbon, Lucy was dressed in a green gown with a print of small yellow flowers, her hair piled atop her head, a few tendrils left free to frame her face.
Lucy looked at Edward and Louisa saw that he was calmly looking at her sister, almost as if daring her to speak out of turn. Lucy turned her eyes back to her sister and gave her a soft smile.
“Good morning, Louisa. Good morning, sir,” she said quietly and then very carefully took her own seat. Louisa knew how it felt to sit on a well-strapped bottom and couldn’t fault her twin the soft wince of discomfort she made as her poor posterior was forced to take her full weight. A bowl of oatmeal was also placed in front of Lucy, along with a large glass of milk. Louisa saw her glance flick to her, and Louisa knew she was looking for the bottle she’d seen Louisa drinking from the day before. All she could do was offer a small smile as she reached out to pick up the glass she’d been allowed this morning. She knew that bottles were normally given only for punishment or, very rarely, for comforting when Louisa wasn’t feeling well enough to eat. Taking a sip of the milk, she saw Lucy return the smile as she settled, picking up her glass and taking a small sip as well.
“Good morning, Lucy. I trust you slept well?”
Lucy nodded, setting her glass down. “Yes, sir.”
Edward opened his paper and reached for his cup of tea. After a few moments he spoke from around the paper, “Eat your porridge girls. Henri will bring the carriage around soon. It wouldn’t do to be late for church.”
Lucy was shocked, her eyes flying across the table to find her sister’s again, but Louisa’s head was lowered, obediently spooning the oatmeal into her mouth. Though they regularly attended services, Lucy couldn’t imagine riding in a carriage, much less walking into the church with her sister dressed the way she was. Louisa looked no older than ten or so—her hair long and loose held back from her face with a navy blue ribbon. Another large bow decorated the neckline of her dress and Lucy was pretty sure there was yet another tied behind her back. Surely Edward was going to allow her to change before taking his wife, the Lady of Wintercrest, out in public? She found she didn’t have the courage to speak as every move served to remind her of exactly what happened the last time she’d objected to the rules of Edward’s household. She dropped her glance and didn’t look up again until she’d forced the last bite of oatmeal and the last sip of milk down her throat. She wiped her lips with her napkin and then asked if she might be excused.
“You may, and, Lucy, please make sure you have your cloak and gloves. We shall be leaving in just a bit as our trip will be longer this morning.” She wondered at his words but simply nodded and hurried out of the room. She went upstairs and was ready to be kept waiting as Louisa changed. Instead, Molly appeared to state that she needed to hurry. Gathering her belongings, she entered the hall to see Edward helping her sister into a plain wool cape. He took her hand into his and gestured for Lucy to go ahead of them.
Lucy entered the carriage first to see Mrs. Bremmer already seated, but managed to return the woman’s small smile though she felt her face flush remembering the last time she’d seen the housekeeper.
“Sit next to me, Lucille,” Anna said, patting the cushion beside her when Lucy hesitated. Lucy obeyed, sitting so that Louisa could enter as Edward handed her into the carriage. Once Edward was seated beside his wife, Henri closed the door. The carriage pulled away from the house with a lurch. Lucy and Louisa both gasped, their hands reaching for each other’s and Lucy instantly felt comforted, giving her twin’s fingers a squeeze. Looking across the aisle, she saw Edward smiling at them.
“You both look very pretty this morning,” he said softly. He waited until both of them uttered their thanks before he continued. “Lucille, I am aware that your mind is churning, and I am very pleased to find you’ve managed to restrain yourself from asking questions this morning. Your behavior so far has been exemplary and I’m hoping it will remain so.”
All Lucy could do was nod as he was correct. She hadn’t truly been restraining herself, it was just that she had so many questions to ask, she didn’t know exactly where to begin. Edward began to speak again and she gave him all of her attention.
“Lucy, the church we have been attending since your arrival is not our usual place of worship. Our church is a special one. You won’t find much difference except that the congregation includes many special families. I know you are worried about Louisa, but needn’t be. I love your sister and though you’ve now witnessed her being punished, I assure you that I would never harm her just as I’ll never harm you, and—”
“But you did,” Lucy broke in, the ache in her bottom announcing itself with every bounce of the carriage. A pressure on her leg had her pause. Looking up, she saw Mrs. Bremmer shaking her head before removing her hand from where she’d place it on Lucy’s thigh. Lucy had totally forgotten her presence, but took her unspoken advice. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to interrupt it’s just that I don’t understand how you can even say that when you’ve spanked us both and…” she hesitated for a moment but another jolting bounce of the carriage had her emphatically adding, “my bottom hurts!”
gave a fleeting grin and nodded. “I’ll allow the interruption this once, Lucille, but I suggest you not only hold your tongue when another is speaking, but you watch your tone.” At her nod, he continued, “I know your bottom hurts, but that is because you’ve been punished for your misbehavior. Spankings, paddlings, strappings or anything used against a naughty bottom, are all supposed to hurt. Having a painful bottom is the very reason why one is punished. The pain is to encourage you to change your behavior. And, Lucy, hurt is different from harm. As your sister has been told, hurt will pass and can be avoided by your obedience. Harm is lasting and something neither of you ever need fear. I will give my protection to you and your sister for as long as I live.” He paused until she glanced at Louisa and saw her giving a slight nod, confirming what her husband was stating.
“As I was explaining, in our church, Louisa and every other member of the congregation who is a special little one is accepted and loved exactly as she is in our home. There is no judgment of her clothing or her need for a life of submission nor any censure for those of us who desire to provide that guidance, punishment, and love that such a life requires.”
Lucy breathed a sigh of relief even as she felt trepidation at the validity of his words. Didn’t Edward understand that in order to be accepted in society, there were certain beliefs, certain behaviors that one was expected to embrace… especially females? They weren’t allowed to own property or to hold stations outside their own homes. They were expected to obey the males in their lives from their fathers to their…