Designed for Submission (Devine Designs) Read online

Page 10

  The others watched as Nancy and Elizabeth forgot they even existed, immediately stepping into the room, walking around piles of furniture, pushing boxes out of the way and talking quietly together. It was several minutes before the two stopped in the middle of the room after tapping on walls and using their hands to indicate beams. Elizabeth looked up and could imagine a large skylight that would allow the stars to shine down into the room. It would be well insulated so that the sun would not make the room unbearable if the couple wished to play in the middle of a hot Houston day.

  ''I know you'll need to take measurements and such, but could you tell me if you are even interested in …''

  ''Yes!'' they both shouted, and then began to laugh, realizing they had not only interrupted a client, they acted as if they were ready to start tearing out walls this very moment!

  Benjamin laughed and clapped Garrett on his back. ''Wonderful, I can't tell you how excited Helen and I will be to see what you can do with the place. Let's go back downstairs and discuss it further,'' Benjamin suggested.

  As the evening continued, Jason, Logan and Garrett found themselves pushed aside. It was a rather strange feeling for the three dominant men, but Jason simply laughed.

  ''As a man who is very experienced with these two great women,'' Jason said, as the three moved to the game room where there was a large pool table, ''I can promise you this. Once those two get their heads into a project, their hearts follow. It makes my life a little less orderly, but I've learned to adjust. If I didn't make them take breaks, they'd both work twenty-four hours a day until the project was finished perfectly.''

  Garrett laughed, having had the opportunity to watch the women at work, as well as see several of their projects. It was just that level of commitment that had led him to ask their firm to bid on the Dietrich project. He had not been surprised when Ben asked him to facilitate this meeting, as well.

  Logan picked up a pool cue, chalking it as he listened. ''Tell me if I'm out of line here,'' he said, as the other two prepped their own sticks. ''You speak as if both of them are under your authority. Besides being Nancy's husband, and obviously her Master, is Miss Adams answerable to you as well?''

  Garrett hid his smile by racking the balls on the table. Jason turned to Logan, his face serious. ''Elizabeth is not answerable to anyone, Logan,'' Jason said. ''The choice remains hers. I offer her my support, as her friend of many years. She is like a sister to me. I offer her my protection as well.''

  Logan nodded. He was well aware of sisters and the protection they needed. ''I assure you, Jason,'' Logan said, putting down the chalk. ''I just want to have clarity.''

  ''Then let's be clear,'' Jason said. ''I was at Tastsinn the other night with Nancy. We both saw not only Garrett giving a demo, we attended your demo as well. Now, since Elizabeth was not upset about Garrett, I don't feel I need to speak to him.'' Jason turned and gave Garrett a nod. Garrett nodded back. ''You, however, seem to have affected Liz in some way,'' Jason continued. Logan started to speak but Jason held up his hand. ''If you'll excuse me and let me finish?'' Logan clenched his jaw but nodded.

  ''Thank you,'' Jason said. ''We are all adults and Liz is an intelligent woman. I will not assume to make her choices for her. I will tell you this though. I love her, will support her, will protect her, but I truly wish for her to find her own soulmate, for she deserves nothing less. I would not hesitate to rip apart anyone I thought was simply using her. Is that clear enough for you?''

  Logan nodded. ''Crystal clear. Would you care to break?'' Jason knew he had made his point and knew Logan understood. He nodded, and the balls rocketed about the table after he cracked the cue ball into them.

  Hours later, Benjamin and Helen were even more pleased with their decision to hire Divine Designs. The women had not immediately begun to suggest things, to force their ideas onto the couple; rather, they asked a great deal of questions, which Benjamin and Helen truly appreciated and answered honestly. Both took copious notes. Any sense of embarrassment had dissipated by the time they gathered around the dining room table again. None were aware when the three younger men had left. By the time they sat down, they were not only excited, all four knew it would be fabulous. Though the couple had told them some things they definitely desired, both Benjamin and Helen had asked the young women to include some of their own designs, elements they believed would bring the room the same warmth and charm they felt in their master suite.

  ''I know it might be difficult,'' Benjamin had said with a grin, ''But try to imagine what you might desire the room to offer if you were both thirty years older. I want my Helen to be comfortable and relaxed, but …'' he paused, as he bent to kiss his wife's cheek, ''not too comfy, if you know what I mean.'' Helen blushed; both Elizabeth and Nancy giggled, understanding perfectly.

  ''Put some surprises in. Feel free to add a few things you aren't even quite sure about,'' Benjamin had continued. ''We may be old, but we are far from dead.''

  ''You are both certainly not old, Mr. Dietrich,'' Elizabeth said. ''Your love for each other is evident to anyone who sees you. I pray you both enjoy the room for another fifty years.''

  As they began to gather their things in preparation to leave, Elizabeth thanked Helen for a lovely evening, while Nancy went to find Jason. After the older woman hugged her, Benjamin quietly pulled Elizabeth aside.

  ''I pray I wasn't wrong?'' he asked, and she knew immediately what he meant. He watched as she bowed her head.

  ''No, Sir,'' she said, softly. ''Can you … will you tell me why you thought I would not be shocked, or …''

  ''Run screaming from the room?'' he suggested, and was pleased to hear a soft giggle.

  She nodded but did not lift her eyes. Benjamin reached out and lifted her chin with his fingers until she looked directly at him.

  ''You said that my love for Helen and hers for me is evident to anyone who sees us. You, my dear, are just as easily read. Your entire being screams submission,'' he said, and saw her cheeks flush and her eyes widen. She opened her mouth to protest, but he continued. ''It is a beautiful thing, Miss Adams. You remind me of my Helen when I first met her. You both are extremely beautiful women whose very souls ache until they find the perfect man to serve. You are a very talented young lady and could no doubt live a fulfilling life surrounded by awards and praise for your gift of design. However, I pray you don't settle for such a life, no matter how successful it might be. I am very fond of you, and will always remember the incredible gift you've given Helen and me. I'd like to give you a gift as well, if you will permit.''

  He paused again, and she slowly nodded. ''Find your freedom, little one. Do not settle for less than you deserve. Trust your heart, no matter what anyone else says. Follow it until you have found the one man that will set you free, even as he keeps you safe in his arms, for only then shall you have joy you can't even fathom.''

  Elizabeth had never heard words that affected her so deeply. Tears filled her eyes—not tears of sadness—tears accompanying an ache, hoping that one day she could open the gift he offered. Benjamin bent forward and kissed her cheek before releasing her.

  She stepped outside to see Jason waiting for her, his arm around Nancy. ''Sorry,'' she said. ''Mr. Dietrich just wanted to speak to me. I'm ready to go.'' A shadow separated from the wall and spoke quietly.

  ''I've asked Jason to allow me to escort you home, Miss Adams,'' Logan said. ''He assures me he will not agree until he knows you feel comfortable with my offer.'' Elizabeth looked between the man and Jason. Logan stepped a bit closer. ''Please, Miss Adams. I feel you are extremely uncomfortable. At first I thought it might be at my father's revelation, but I have since realized that you have acted uneasy since my arrival, and, unfortunately, only around me. If you are truly going to work in this home on a project that is both important and very personal to my parents, I'd like to know why you seem so uneasy.''

  Elizabeth wanted to run, but realized his concerns were valid. She saw that both Nancy and Jason seemed to agree.
''It's fine, Jason. I'll go with Mr. Dietrich,'' she said. Jason nodded and bent to kiss her cheek.

  ''I think that would be for the best,'' he agreed, as he straightened. He began to lead Nancy down the stairs, but turned. ''Call the moment you get home, Elizabeth. Don't forget,'' he said.

  ''Yes, Sir,'' she answered, and watched as he settled his wife into the car and drove away.

  Garrett joined the two on the porch steps. ''Everything okay, Miss Adams?'' he asked.

  ''Yes, Sir,'' she said again, and didn't see Logan smile as she respectfully answered the two men.

  ''Good, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the project. I truly look forward to seeing what you and Nancy will deliver,'' Garrett said. ''I'm sure it will be truly wonderful and suit Ben and Helen perfectly.''

  He seemed to be ready to speak again, when Logan spoke. ''Shall we?'' he asked, and when Elizabeth nodded, he turned to Garrett. ''I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for helping the folks with all this,'' he said, waving his hand towards the house. ''It should be interesting.''

  Garrett grinned and nodded. ''To say the least,'' he agreed. As Logan placed his hand on Elizabeth's lower back to signal he was ready to leave, Garrett's eyes narrowed slightly. ''Be careful,'' he warned. ''Miss Adams is a very special young woman.'' Elizabeth blushed, realizing she felt exactly as she would if the three had been standing in a club instead of in front of an old, elegant house in a very prestigious neighborhood.

  ''I agree,'' was all Logan said, as he led Elizabeth down the final steps and across the drive to his car. It was a sleek, black Audi convertible and not the limo she had almost convinced herself it would be. Her face flushed, and she felt her body quiver. He opened the door and when she was seated, reached across her to fasten her seatbelt. He pulled back and saw the look of embarrassment, thinking it must be because of being belted in like a child.

  ''Forgive me,'' he said, with a grin. ''Granny always told me to remember I'm driving with precious cargo. I guess it really took, as I insist on safety.'' She simply nodded and watched as he climbed into the car. ''Would you like the top up or down?'' he asked.

  She was pleased he'd given her the choice. It was a pleasant evening. ''Down please,'' she said, and as soon as the top folded into its place, he started the car. After asking her address, he drove carefully, and she relaxed as the wind played with her hair and helped cool her heated skin. The stereo was excellent and filled the car with soft classical music. Her apartment, in an area known as The Heights, was only about twenty minutes away. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, trying to convince herself that she could handle whatever came next.

  Chapter 10

  Logan turned down her street. ''I've always loved this neighborhood,'' he said, and she smiled in agreement. ''It is very eclectic and full of talented people. I completely understand why you live here.''

  ''Nancy and I moved here from Austin after grad school. We instantly felt like it was home,'' she admitted. ''She and Jason bought the cutest house not far from here. She and I had a lot of fun remodeling it. Jason was great and basically just stayed out of our way.''

  ''Smart man,'' Logan said, with a chuckle.

  He pulled to the curb and as Elizabeth unclipped her seat belt and began to bend forward to grab her purse off the floor, his arm shot out and pressed her back against her seat. She gasped loudly, in both surprise as well as from the weight of his arm.

  Logan didn't speak or move his arm until the car came to a complete stop. He lowered his arm to turn off the ignition before turning to her. She had a hand on her chest rubbing it slightly.

  ''Don't ever do that again,'' he said, as he removed the keys and stepped from the car. She stared in amazement as he walked around the car and opened her door. ''If some car slammed into us from behind, you would have broken your neck bent over like that and unrestrained. Keep your belt secured until the car is turned off.'' She was embarrassed, but as his look softened and he held out his hand to help her from the car, she nodded.

  ''For Granny?'' she asked, attempting to lighten the moment.

  Logan's mouth quirked. ''For anyone who cares for you and for your safety,'' he said. He smiled and then added, ''Okay, for Granny as well. She might look like a sweet old lady, but trust me, you do not want to get on her bad side. She'd skin me alive if something happened to a passenger in my car.'' She relaxed, feeling properly chastised, and yet no longer embarrassed. She had to bite back a giggle, as her vivid imagination pictured some white-haired, tiny little old lady straining her neck to look up at the tall man, her finger shaking in indignation as she berated his driving abilities. Logan saw the look on her face and shrugged.

  ''What can I say, I love her dearly but she's scared me ever since I was a tiny tot,'' he said, and Elizabeth lost the battle, the sound of her laughter removing any further tension.

  He moved to close the door behind her, when she reached out and put her hand over his. She felt the same jolt she had when she touched him in the dining room but didn't jerk her hand away. ''My purse,'' she explained, and when he opened the door again, she turned and bent over to get her purse from where it had fallen to the floor. He unabashedly admired the lovely curve of her bottom as her dress tightened across its rounded surface. When she turned back and saw his smile, she only prayed it was too dark to see her face flush even more.

  ''It's upstairs,'' she said, and he allowed her to step in front of him to lead the way. Elizabeth knew he was probably watching her ass as she climbed the steps. She became intensely aware that not only was he a man, he was the man she couldn't seem to stop fantasizing about. She stumbled as her heel caught on something, her ankle rolling. He reached up and steadied her, his hand remaining on her waist. She was limping slightly when they finally reached her door, and she fumbled in her purse for her keys. Logan watched as she dug through the bag, thinking it was incredible all the crap women carried everywhere they went.

  When she actually shook the bag, trying to discern the location of the keys by the sound of them jangling, he sighed. ''You do realize that you really should have your keys in your hand before you reach your door,'' he said. ''In the time it takes you to dig through that suitcase, anyone could have sauntered up the stairs and attacked you.'' She stopped digging and turned to him, her eyes wide.

  ''Geez, thanks for that visual,'' she snapped. ''Now every time I come home, I'll be so scared looking for attackers that I won't be able to put the key in the door. And for your info, this is a satchel, not a suitcase.''

  ''You should always be aware of your surroundings, as well as looking around for strangers,'' Logan said, as his own eyes narrowed. ''I apologize for disparaging your choice of accessories. However, I do expect you to have your keys ready before you get out of your locked car. Understand?'' She stared at him for another moment before nodding. She was extremely grateful when her hands finally closed around her keys. She pulled them from her bag only to have him pluck them from her hand. She looked up at him ready to give him a piece of her mind.

  ''Nodding or shaking your head is not a respectful answer, Miss Adams,'' he said, firmly. ''Misunderstanding often occurs with ambiguity.'' She stared at him as if he were speaking Latin.

  He shook his head, wondering exactly how much submissive experience she really had. ''It's really not that difficult,'' he said. ''A simple yes or no will suffice. So, do you understand?'' She felt her head whirling, as she stood with her head tilted back in order to look up at him, her ankle beginning to ache where it had twisted and her mind totally blank as to the original question she was required to answer.

  ''Um, yes?'' she said, as if not truly sure.

  Logan sighed and shook his head. ''So, you do think it is perfectly okay to simply assume you are the one person in the world who doesn't need to worry about her own safety?'' he asked, his eyebrow lifting.

  ''Um, well no … I didn't mean that … I …'' she paused and sighed. ''Okay, I admit it; I forgot the question. I'm sorry.'' She looked away for a moment and then met h
is eyes again. ''You asked for clarity, so let me be totally honest,'' she said, and though he seemed surprised, he nodded.

  ''Please,'' he said, simply.

  ''I'm tired, my ankle is hurting, I feel embarrassed that I couldn't find my keys, and frankly,'' she said, pausing and taking a deep breath, ''I have no idea what you want from me.''

  Logan was impressed and nodded. ''Thank you for your honesty,'' he said, as he handed her back her keys. ''I also hope to clarify any issues you might have.'' She gave him a quick look before unlocking the door and opening it. She went in and limped across the room to turn on a lamp. Logan again shook his head, closing the door behind him and flipping the lock. He knew he would have a talk with her about the seriousness of safety, but clearly this was not the time. She winced as she turned to him and he immediately stepped to her.

  ''Sit,'' he said firmly. Elizabeth thought about resisting but sighed and sank onto the couch. She found she wasn't surprised when he knelt and quickly unfastened her heels, slipping them off. He took a small pillow from the couch, put it on the coffee table and then lifted her foot onto it. He stood, walked to her kitchen and opened her freezer. As she watched him rooting around, she smiled and then giggled as he began hauling out cans of frozen juice, packages of Lean Cuisine and cartons of ice cream. It definitely reminded her of the search for her keys. When he finally found a bag of frozen peas, he replaced the other items and brought it to her. He placed it on her ankle, ignoring her hiss at the cold.

  ''That's what you get for laughing,'' he said, and she saw him grinning. ''And, no, it is not expected that you always have a bag of frozen veggies in your hand when returning home.''

  His words caused her to suddenly remember his earlier instruction. ''Oh, yes, I understand,'' she said, as he rearranged the bag until it covered perfectly the injured area. ''I will have my keys in my hand before I get out of my car.''