Designed for Submission (Devine Designs) Read online

Page 13

  ''Oh, Liz, look!'' Nancy said, grabbing her friend's hand and pulling her towards a large booth at the end of the aisle. ''It's leather!''

  Elizabeth heard Jason sigh loudly. She pulled against Nancy's hold. ''I'm thinking we're probably pushing our luck,'' Elizabeth said. ''Maybe you and I can come back tomorrow and look some more.''

  Nancy looked at the two men and grinned sheepishly. ''But it's leather! Even you two can find pleasure in leather goods, right?'' she asked. ''Please, Sir?''

  Jason chuckled, and seeing Logan smile, he shrugged. ''Ok, but this is the last booth. I'm starving and do not want to eat festival fare,'' Jason said, taking his wife's hand and walking towards the booth.

  ''Thank you, Sir,'' she said, leaning into him.

  Elizabeth felt Logan's hand at the small of her back and a thrill coursed through her. ''Shall we?'' he asked, and she nodded.

  By the time they joined the others, Nancy was already holding a beautiful leather frame, the texture seeming to change as she turned it at different angles. ''This artist is truly talented,'' she said, and Elizabeth had to agree.

  Elizabeth saw a box that had different types of leather patches stitched with thin strips of black rawhide. She opened it to find an interior lined with fleece. It was absolutely beautiful. ''Look at this,'' she said, as Nancy joined her. She also thought the box was a beautiful example of the artist's expertise. ''If only this were larger, I could just imagine it holding something special,'' Elizabeth said. ''Can't you see Benjamin opening it and pulling out a small paddle or something? Maybe some beautiful scarves? I can imagine Helen's thoughts, knowing that something so beautiful was holding something so wonderfully wicked.''

  ''That would be perfect,'' Nancy said, with a smile. She leaned down and drew in a deep breath. ''Oh, God, I love the smell of leather.'' The women laughed, and both men smiled at their enjoyment. Elizabeth saw Logan examining something and walked to him. He held up a beautifully tooled hair clip. It looked like a figure eight lying on its side, a small, carved piece of wood threaded through the loops.

  ''That's beautiful,'' she said. ''It reminds me of the Infinity symbol. I bet your mother would love that.''

  Logan smiled but shook his head. ''I was picturing it in your beautiful hair,'' he said, as he reached to take the baseball cap off her head. ''May I?'' he asked, before folding the cap and sticking it in his back pocket. She nodded. Nancy and Jason stood watching as he slowly turned Elizabeth around so that her back was to him. She bowed her head when she felt Logan's hands lifting the weight of her hair. No one spoke as he twisted and arranged her hair until he fastened it all with the hair clip, sliding the wooden stick in the holes as easily as if he'd done the same a hundred times before. She felt the air slide across her neck, as it was now exposed, her hair held firmly high on her head. He bent down and gently pressed his lips to the center of the back of her neck. She shivered deliciously. ''Perfect,'' he said. She reached to remove the clip but he reached up and took her hand. ''My gift to you,'' he said softly.

  ''Thank you, Logan,'' she said, just as softly. ''It's beautiful.'' Nancy walked closer and agreed.

  ''How did you know how to do that?'' Liz asked, before realizing it might be a question he'd rather not answer.

  Logan shrugged and then smiled. ''I had two sisters who liked to play beauty parlor,'' he said, and Elizabeth smiled, imagining him playing with his sisters.

  ''I feel honored to see my work in such a beautiful place,'' a voice said, and Elizabeth turned.

  ''Welcome,'' he said. He was a man who looked a great deal like the medium he worked with. His skin was rough and weathered, tanned nut-brown by the sun. His gray hair was long, held back in a ponytail by a strip of rawhide. He was of average stature; his jeans were dusty, the holes having come from hard wear and not from some sense of fashion. He wore a plaid flannel shirt and dark brown boots with worn heels. He was the type of man you would not truly remember until you looked into his face. His face was craggy, a mass of wrinkles, and yet truly fascinating. His eyes, once they connected, seemed to hold yours without any effort. They were the deepest, clearest blue that either woman had ever seen. When he smiled, his age slipped away, and you simply saw a man that had lived life exactly the way he wanted, and you wanted nothing more than to hear his stories. Both women also knew instantly that his man was a lover of women, and each wondered what it must have felt like to be loved by him. It was a shocking sensation for each.

  His eyes crinkled and he smiled. ''I can see that you both are a lover of leather,'' he said and his eyes settled on Nancy's collar. ''Your collar is beautiful and suits you perfectly,'' he added. He turned to Elizabeth. ''You have not yet chosen,'' he said softly, ''but one day you will also wear leather proudly. I can not imagine a bigger honor than working with the same material that you both embrace so lovingly.''

  Neither woman knew what to say; they were mesmerized by his ability to read them. He was not only an artist; he was a poet as well.

  Jason was about to step forward when Logan laughed loudly. ''Hello, Harry! I thought I recognized your work.''

  The man laughed and slapped Logan on his back. ''Hey, Logan. It's great to see you, but really, I'd much rather meet these beautiful women,'' Harry said.

  ''You'll never change,'' Logan said, and slipped his arm around Elizabeth's waist. "Elizabeth, this is an old friend of mine,'' he said. ''Harry, this is Miss Elizabeth Adams—and don't even think about it.''

  Harry smiled and bowed to Elizabeth. ''I know you have beauty, my dear, but I pray you also have brains,'' he said, and Elizabeth seemed unsure how to react. Harry smiled, ''After all, why would you settle for a simple hair clip when I could offer you all of this?''

  Elizabeth laughed as he spread out his hands, indicating all his wares.

  ''You are hopeless,'' Logan laughed. ''This beautiful woman is Nancy Spellman, and you will notice that she is the happily married bride of her large and very protective husband, Jason.''

  Harry bowed again. ''Ah, gentlemen, it seems I have no chance in winning the hearts of your lovely women,'' he moaned. ''Perhaps I can win your business?''

  Nancy laughed, and Elizabeth joined in. He was definitely an artist and definitely a delight. ''I'm so sorry I can't give you my heart, Harry,'' Elizabeth said. ''I would love to give you my business. Nancy and I work in design and would love to discuss some custom pieces for our latest project. You are an amazing artist. Your eye for putting all these various textures and colors together is divine. We are interested in a larger version of this box and perhaps to discuss some other items at a later date when our project is further along. Do you have a shop in town?''

  ''I don't live in Houston, I'm afraid. I do several festivals a year but do not have a formal store. I prefer working out of my house. I live up near Round Top.''

  ''I know where that is,'' Nancy said. ''It is beautiful country, and we love going to the huge flea market every year.''

  ''I agree,'' he said, with a smile. ''I would be delighted to discuss some original items with you. Perhaps a visit to my home?'' Harry suggested.

  Logan chuckled. ''Perhaps a visit to your studio,'' he clarified. ''With the proper escorts, of course.''

  Harry feigned shock. ''You wound me, Sir,'' he said, grinning. ''Until then, would you like to see some of the more special items I don't display so openly?'' he asked. Nancy and Elizabeth looked to their men, who both nodded.

  Harry led them behind a curtained off area. One table held a variety of small crops, whips, floggers and even a horribly evil-looking bullwhip. Elizabeth cringed when Logan ran his hand over the braided handle. She felt immense relief when he removed his hand, picked up a few of the smaller floggers, and ran his fingers through the supple leather strands. "Very nice, Harry,'' he said.

  ''Thanks, Logan,'' Harry said, all business now. ''I've added a few more strands to some of the longer floggers. I've been told the impact is just that much more intense, used for either pleasure or as punishment.'' Elizabeth remai
ned silent, yet her stomach was tingling, and her panties were definitely getting moist. The scent of the enclosed area was not helping, as the earthy, distinct aroma of all that leather was a like a siren's call to a Submissive. Her attention turned to the other table, where Jason was giving all his attention, as he studied the large variety of paddles offered. Nancy stood slightly behind him, her hand at her throat, looking distinctly nervous.

  Harry had paddles of all sizes. Some were small and supple, while others were much larger and far more rigid. He had leather paddles, as well as wooden paddles with leather handles. Jason held up a paddle that was about four inches wide and ten inches long. It was leather and very flexible. He looked at his wife. ''I owe you three, if I recall correctly,'' he said.

  Elizabeth saw Nancy swallow hard, but she did not attempt to deny his words. ''Yes, Sir,'' she answered softly.

  ''Turn around,'' he said, and Nancy slowly turned, until she was facing away from her husband. ''Hands on your knees,'' he said, and Elizabeth watched as she bent over until she could place her palms on her knees. Everyone knew what was going to happen and remained still and silent. Jason lifted Nancy's skirt and folded it up onto her back. Elizabeth realized that while he was obviously going to spank her in public, he was allowing her to retain her modesty.

  ''You'll count and thank me for each,'' he said, as he stepped back a bit and measured the distance, the paddle rubbing against her bottom. ''Are you ready?'' he asked.

  ''Yes, Sir,'' Nancy said, closing her eyes. Jason placed one hand on the small of her back, his fingers splayed as if to be in contact with as much of her skin as possible. He lifted his arm and swung it down. The leather made a loud slapping sound against her bottom, and Elizabeth felt her own rear end clench.

  ''One, thank you, Sir,'' Nancy said, clearly.

  He swung the paddle again. She gave a soft whimper before speaking. ''Two, thank you, Sir,'' she said, her hands flexing before gripping her knees again.

  As the third stroke connected, she yelped sharply, her hands once more flexing, opening and closing around her knees. ''Ahhh … three, thank you, Sir. I'm so sorry. I won't be flippant about your generosity again, Sir,'' she said. Jason ran his hand over her bottom, the skin only showing a slight blush of color that almost matched the soft pink of her thong. Any evidence of her earlier spanking had disappeared, though he knew her bottom was still quite tender. He made sure she was wearing a thong whenever he felt she might need a reminder in public. It allowed her the feeling of being properly covered and yet left both of her cheeks bare.

  He patted her once and then lowered her skirt. ''You may rise,'' he said, and when she did and immediately turned to him, Jason wrapped her in his arms. Nancy pressed her face into his chest, loving his strength and his absolute sense of integrity and determined patience in leading his wife and Submissive.

  ''Thank you,'' she said again.

  He nodded and lifted her face to his. ''I love you,'' he said, and bent to kiss her. Elizabeth smiled and looked to see Logan's reaction. He wasn't watching the couple; his eyes were on her. She felt a sense of longing and saw he realized it without her speaking.

  Jason grinned, handing the paddle he'd used on her bottom to Nancy.

  ''We'll definitely be taking this one,'' Jason said, and Harry smiled, stepping forward to show him some additional choices. Elizabeth walked to her friend and gave her a quick hug.

  Nancy smiled and shook her head. ''Maybe leather isn't my friend after all,'' she said, and then giggled. Both women knew that, though the leather paddle was capable of causing pain, it was also capable of grounding them, making them feel safe and protected.

  By the time they left Harry's booth, Elizabeth had the hair clip in her hair and a small box, where she planned to store the clip and other special mementos. She also had Harry's business card, with his assurance that he would be more than happy to meet with her to discuss any needs she or Nancy had. Nancy had the picture frame and the paddle that Jason had used on her. Logan was carrying a bag but did not speak of his purchase. When he saw Elizabeth looking at the bag, he simply smiled.

  They walked back to the car and Logan opened the trunk to put away their purchases. As Elizabeth handed him her box, she saw a large black duffle bag. She blushed and wondered if it contained the same sort of toys that Jason carried in his when they went clubbing. Driving back to The Heights, they stopped at a small restaurant and had some of the best pizza Houston had to offer. Nancy was quieter, with a softened look on her face, never letting her hand stray too far from Jason. It was early evening when Logan pulled up in front of Jason's house. Elizabeth was a little disappointed when Logan asked for a rain check when they were invited inside, but she didn't say anything. He told her to wait, as he exited the car to open the trunk. He handed Jason their items and then Elizabeth watched as he took out the bag he'd carried and handed it to Nancy. Nancy looked surprised but smiled and thanked him after he bent down to kiss her cheek. Nancy turned to wave at Elizabeth. Elizabeth waved back, trying to hide her disappointment. She had been so sure that whatever Logan had purchased, it was going to be something for them to share. She barely managed not to beg for an explanation as Logan returned to his seat. As Logan parked at her apartment, she remembered not to let her hand stray anywhere near the seat belt release until he had turned off the ignition and walked around the car to open her door.

  ''Good girl,'' he said with a smile, as he helped her from the car. He handed her the small box from the back seat where he had transferred it after stopping at Jason's. He placed his palm on her back as he led her up the stairs and was happy to see she had her keys in her hand.

  ''Would you like to come in for some coffee?'' she asked, wondering if he had other plans, since he'd turned down the same invitation from Nancy.

  ''I'd like that,'' he said, loving the way her eyes lit with his acceptance. He leaned against the kitchen bar, as she put the K-cup he had chosen into the machine. As it brewed, she took down two mugs from her cabinet and placed creamer and sugar within his reach.

  ''Thank you for today,'' she said, as they took their coffee into the living room. ''I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting your friend, Harry. How long have you known him?''

  ''Probably a good ten years now,'' Logan answered, as he sat on the couch. Elizabeth seemed uncertain where to sit in her own home until he patted the cushion next to him. She sat down, curling her feet under her, turning her body towards his. ''He is definitely a character but his work is some of the best I've ever seen. I have purchased a great many things from him and send my friends to him as well. He might complain about having to haul his wares to various festivals, but it is all just a front. He does quite well with commissions but would feel as if he were missing out on the fun, if he didn't travel several times a year. He will do a great job on whatever you and Nancy have in mind.''

  Elizabeth again wondered what his latest purchase from Harry had been. She was normally not so curious, but the fact that Logan had not shared his purchase gave it a mysterious quality.

  ''I want him to make at least one of his boxes, like the one I bought, only much larger. I think your mom and dad will appreciate his talent. I imagine it holding one of his paddles and perhaps even a small flogger,'' she said, and then blushed. ''I admit it feels strange to discuss something so intimate with you, I mean, being their son and all. I don't think I've ever seen parents so open. Even though Nancy's folks are great about her choices, I just can't imagine them really discussing any of the specific details.''

  Logan smiled and reached over to lay his hand on her knee. She felt an instant rush of desire at his touch. ''My folks have never been ones to pretend to be something they are not. Even growing up as small children, none of us thought it strange or weird to have Mom defer to Dad's authority. I actually believe it made us better-behaved kids. We knew we couldn't play them against each other. Dad made the rules and had no problems enforcing them. I know they disagreed on things, but their discussions were always

  He chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. ''As I grew older, I sometimes wondered why Dad would even let her argue, since he always made the final decision. I learned that he appreciated her input and thoughts and that he had no desire for some milquetoast for his wife. She would even win him to her point of view on some things but never by acting angry, snotty or disrespectful. It was always clear they loved each other. I know that also helped mold us kids,'' Logan said, his easy tone showing exactly how much he respected and loved his parents.

  ''Do you think that's why you became a Dominant?'' she asked, and was a bit shocked at herself for her bluntness.

  ''It didn't hurt,'' he said, after thinking a moment. ''I think that to some degree, I'm simply wired that way. I think having grown up lucky enough to witness how deeply two people can truly love and commit totally to each other helped as well.'' He paused and chuckled. ''Even seeing Mom being sent to her room when Dad thought she needed to be reminded of who ruled the house, had an effect. She might be angry when she stomped up the stairs, but I guarantee, the next time she appeared, it was as if she had a totally different spirit about her. It was amazing to me. We pretended we didn't hear her being paddled or spanked, but always knew Dad was in there with her, and somehow they always worked it out, with both feeling loved and treasured. I can absolutely guarantee that they had very well-behaved kids for several days if we had so much as an inkling that mom was being disciplined.''

  ''I always had high standards when dating,'' he said, and Elizabeth felt he was sharing something he rarely did. ''I was never quick to date. It seemed I needed extra time to determine if the girl I was interested in was truly desiring to get to know me as who I really was or was just wanting to say she caught me.'' He paused and then laughed loud. ''God, that sounded like I was an arrogant little shit, didn't it?'' he asked.

  Elizabeth had to giggle. ''Just a little,'' she said. ''I either pictured you as some iconic high school stud that was only going to date the most beautiful, popular girls, or else picture you as some sort of snotty heir to some huge fortune that all women wanted to grab.''