Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) Read online

Page 18

  "We'll leave your hair up for now," Molly informed them as she hung the dresses in the armoire. "Go ahead now, I've placed another wedge on the bench. You know how to position yourselves."

  The girls nodded rather reluctantly. If the truth be told, they'd rather take additional strokes across their bottoms than to have them filled. The padded table was big enough for them to both climb onto, one at each end, facing one another as they settled over the firm wedges that would keep their bottoms well lifted. Laying their cheeks onto the surface, their hands found each other's as they settled in to wait for the inevitable. They remained silent until Molly had finished putting away all their discarded clothing and disappeared into the connected bath, closing the door behind her.

  "I hate this part," Lucy confessed, her bottom clenching.

  "Is it as bad as Nanny Bremmer's cleansings?"

  Lucy nodded. "It can be, sometimes I think it's worse. Nanny Molly wants to make sure she does everything she was taught. And, of course, she also received advice from Emmie's nanny." Despite her reluctance to admit it, she had to smile. "Just be grateful we aren't getting our bums flushed because we've been naughty. Punishment enemas are far, far worse. I hate those the most. Nanny Molly adds pepper oil as well as soap, and fills me until I swear my eyeballs are floating. Being tawsed or paddled with a full belly is horrid."

  "I know," Louisa whispered. "I had one of those a couple of days before we left home."

  "Then today is nothing to fret, about except for the embarrassment of it all. I never have to worry that I'm not squeaky clean both inside and out. Remember, we still are to be bathed before we go upstairs."

  "I remember," Louisa said, turning her head so she could look at her sister's face. "Do you suppose Ettie would still think your nursery is so wonderful if she saw us now?"

  "You mean seeing us with our bare arses sticking up in the air about to be poked with a nozzle might make her realize being a special little one isn't all about dolls, stuffies and cuddling?" Lucy teased. "I do know that all the whining and complaining about having my bottom filled never kept a single drop from flowing."

  Louisa nodded, her experiences the same. "Perhaps this is why some Papas send their betrothed to Miss Summers' school. By the time they are wed, their little ones know what to expect." At Lucy's thoughtful nod, she continued. "I'm glad our Papas prefer continuing to train us themselves."

  Lucy giggled. "Well, if we were at school, we might be able to change places and avoid trouble."

  "I recall that that didn't work out in our favor the last time. Besides, even though I love you, dear sister, I'm not willing to take your enema as well as my own."

  "True, and yet here we are, naked and about to be spanked together again."

  The point didn't need a response, its validity evident in their position. Lucy looked over her shoulder, as if to assure herself that they were still alone. Her question was still given in a soft whisper. "Louisa, has your Papa used that awful little whip yet?"

  "Yes, he finished the experiment last night," Louisa confessed, her cheeks coloring and her bottom squirming a bit on her pillow. "Have you finished?"

  "Finished? What do you mean, finished?"

  "Well, Papa said there were three stages of the experiment. He used the whip on my breasts, and my—" Her explanation was cut short as the door opened and Molly entered with two bulging red bags.

  "Sorry it took a bit longer," she said, as she hung first one bag and then the other on hooks attached to the sides of the white cabinet on the wall. Lucy and Louisa had to bite their lips to keep from giggling at the nanny's statement. She could have taken several hours more and they would not have cared. Their shared humor ended at her next statement.

  "Okay, little ones, reach back and open your sweet little cheeks really wide for me, if you please."

  Molly's politeness told of her loving spirit, but both girls knew the nanny wouldn't hesitate to apply the tawse in her pocket if they gave her any trouble. Their hands unlinked and moved behind them to obey, pulling apart plump, soft globes to offer reluctant bottom-holes.

  Soft gasps were given as dollops of cold lubricant were applied to each pucker before long, thick glass thermometers were gently inserted. Molly stood at the side of the table, one hand on each thermometer, making sure neither disappeared into a bottom. The sisters no longer looked at each other; their eyes were closed as the ritual began.

  "Wonderful, no fever," Molly declared, after removing and reading the instruments. "I'm going to start with Louisa," she went on, as she reached for the nozzle hanging from the nearest bag. "After she's swallowed a little, I'll begin yours, Lucy. That way I'll be able to escort you both to the potty. Are you ready, Louisa?"

  Lucy heard her sister say she was, and had to smile. Again, it didn't truly matter if they were ready, but cooperating did have its rewards. When Molly moved to her end of the table, she gave the nanny the same response. She bit her bottom lip, relaxing her pucker as the nozzle was gently eased into her, gasping once as it breached her ring of muscle before sliding deeply inside.

  "Good girl," Molly said, giving her bottom a pat. "You may relax while you take all your solution."

  Two beautiful young women, naked as the day they were brought into the world together, once again clasped hands, their soft whimpers and an occasional louder groan shared as they offered each other support through the embarrassing, uncomfortable procedure.

  Molly was gentle as she rubbed distended bellies and praised her two charges. "Shhh, just a bit more, sweetie," she said softly, helping Lucy move a bit further forward over her wedge to allow her tummy more room to expand. "You are both doing beautifully."

  Lucy laid her head back down after her nanny used a cool cloth to wipe her face. Molly had come such a long way in just a few short months. It was hard to remember her as a shy lady's maid who'd helped her dress and listened to a untried girl complain about things that mattered not in the least. Besides her sister and her Papa, this woman, only a few years older than herself, knew more about Lucy than anyone else. What was vital, however, was that even though Lucy would always feel embarrassed about certain things—such as enemas, being shorn, or having her bottom attended to by either Molly after she'd spanked her naughty charge, or receiving aftercare when she'd been punished by her Papa—she knew that Molly truly loved her.

  "Thank you, Nanny," she whispered.

  "You're welcome, little one. I'll get your sister settled on the potty, then come and take you to your Papa's water closet."

  "Yes, Ma'am." Her bowels rumbled as the soapy solution continued to sluice into her. Louisa was helped from the table and disappeared into the water closet. Though it felt like forever, the last of Lucy's enema had just drained into her body when Molly returned. She didn't really care that she was led across the hall still naked. All she wanted was the potty, and whimpered until she was safely seated.

  "Will you be okay alone while I get Louisa's rinse started?"

  Lucy nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

  By the time she was led across the hall again for the fourth time, both girls had received two enemas; one of soapy water to cleanse them, the second of soothing plain water to flush any residual soap away. Louisa was already sitting in the tub, bubbles coming up to her chin.

  "Let's get you shaved before your bath," Molly instructed, as she guided Lucy to sit on the small stool, her legs spread widely. Lucy blushed throughout the procedure, but didn't fear that Molly would even nick her sensitive skin. Once she was as smooth as a babe, Molly helped her into the water.

  They were allowed to soak for a bit; their hair still pinned up as there was no need to wash it today.

  Molly cleaned the enema equipment before taking a seat on the stool to give the girls their baths. "I'm very proud of both of you," she praised as she soaped the cloth. "Your Papas will be pleased to know that neither of you put up a moment of fuss."

  Lucy shared a smile with her sister, knowing that they both hoped that their behavior migh
t ease the upcoming atonement—even if just a bit.

  After being dried, they returned to the nursery proper. "Your Papas have a present for you," Molly informed them as she picked up a white garment that was draped over the end of Lucy's crib. "Isn't this pretty?"

  Once it was held open for Lucy to slip her arms into, and the small white bows tied down the front, she had mixed feelings. While it was an innocent looking gown, the soft fabric brushing against her breasts and tightening nipples, it was also one no child would ever wear. Panels that could be lifted draped across her bottom, making it extremely easy to bare it for atonement.

  Louisa wore the same gown, and with their hair unpinned and brushed until it crackled, the girls could not look any more identical.

  Molly actually looked surprised, then smiled. The girls were treated to a rare giggle from the young woman. "I can see how easy it must have been for you to swap places," she said. The brief interlude of amusement ended as she checked the watch fob pinned to her bodice. "Oh my, it wouldn't do to be late. Come on, it's time."

  The trio stepped into the hall, the twins' bare feet making no noise on the planks of the floor. Molly led them past the guest suite and to a door at the end of the hall. Using a key from a ring she pulled from her pocket, she unlocked it and led them up the narrow stairs to the top of the house. No one spoke as the final door was unlocked and pushed open.

  Lucy saw Louisa look around the room. Sunlight streamed through the two large windows high on the wall. They had no covering, as it would be impossible to peer into the third floor windows. Lucy knew the room well, her eyes instantly finding the item her Papa had added several months earlier. She remembered both her feeling of shock, as well as the way her body had clenched, wondering how it would feel to be placed on it. She wasn't put on it every week, but knew that today would be one that would see her displayed and presenting her bottom for her Papa's cane.

  When she wrenched her eyes away, it was to see her sister looking at her, her own eyes wide. Knowing that she wasn't to speak once she'd stepped across the threshold, Lucy could only give her twin a soft smile, hoping it offered reassurance that all would be well—or would be once they stepped from the room again.

  "You are to kneel and consider your behavior this past week. I know you both are truly repentant. I want you to continue to be my good girls."

  Both girls nodded, and when guided to a prie-dieu, they knelt side by side. Molly left them, their heads bowed and hands steepled, their white gowns and long golden hair that brushed their bottoms making them appear more like angels than young women waiting to have their backsides blistered.

  Lucy heard the door close, knowing the next time it opened, it would be to allow two men to enter. Two men who would make sure she and her sister understood that they had vowed to submit, to obey, and to give everything they could offer to the very men who would ensure that sitting for the next few days would remind them of those very promises.


  Lucas and Edward were in his study, both reading the journals that listed the infractions that each of their girls had made. Lucas noted that Lucy's book had a few more entries this week; her excitement over Louisa's visit having made her act out a bit. Noting the double lines at the bottom of the final page, he knew it represented the canings she was to receive. The last several times she'd been in the punishment parlor, she'd not left the room until her bottom was hot and reddened, but it had become rare that she left with marks that would not fade for several days, and might even still be faintly visible the next time she made her atonement.

  "It continues to amaze me how deeply Louisa goes into her confession," Edward noted as he closed the book.

  "I believe writing about their naughtiness makes them think about the reasons why they made those choices. Lucy's first entries began with her scrawling something like, 'I was sassy and Papa spanked me,' or, 'Nanny Molly didn't like my attitude and used that horrid tawse.'" Lucas chuckled at the memory of sitting down and discussing the reasoning for using the journal with his wife. "Now, though, it's like she includes every feeling, every thought. I'm a bit surprised she doesn't mention the weather or what dress she was wearing."

  Edward nodded, though he, too, was smiling. "God, they are incredible, aren't they? They know they are to be punished and yet patiently wait, bottoms quivering but not in fear. You do know how blessed we are?"

  "Every single hour of every day," Lucas agreed as he stood. "Let's not make them wait any longer."

  The two men walked up the stairs, both thinking about the women who trusted them to both coddle, love, and punish them. True submission was rare, and something never to be taken for granted or denied.

  Lucas knew that though Lucy was naturally fearful of feeling the pain of the cane, she also needed him to follow through. The physical pain would be temporary, whereas the emotional pain of never being entirely positive that her Papa, her husband, would always be consistent, always give her everything her body both detested and craved, would be disastrous. He'd wheal her rump but then he'd hold her; soothe her as he fed her a bottle before tucking her into her crib. She'd be uncomfortable physically, and yet her heart would be free of any guilt and her slate wiped clean. Tonight he'd make sure she understood that he'd rather give her pleasure, rather hear her cries as she exploded around his fingers or his cock. Until then, it was time to accept her atonement.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lucas allowed Edward to step into the room before him. Turning, he closed the door before looking towards the center of the room. It was hard not to gasp—a ray of sunlight streamed through the window and fell directly upon the girls. Their golden hair seemed to glow even brighter, soft wavy curls flowing down their backs. They presented the perfect picture of two angels, kneeling in penance. Neither girl moved; each accustomed by now to the requirements of every atonement week.

  Edward stood beside his friend, his own gaze on the two kneeling women. Lucas remained still and silent as Edward's head turned from the women to study the room. Lucas had spent time and much thought installing the pieces he'd chosen. Nothing was up against a wall; every place where a naughty girl could be positioned was given enough space to allow for any strap, whip, birch rod, switch or cane to be swung freely, nothing allowed to obstruct a Papa's swing before the implement connected with an offered bare bottom.

  A set of actual stocks, custom built for Lucy's small stature, stood to his left. Indentations where a girl's neck or hands would be placed into smooth half-moons were lined with fur. When the top was lowered to trap the miscreant, a wedge would be inserted to ensure that no amount of struggling would allow release. There were bolts in the floor, leather straps and fur-lined cuffs available to restrain legs from kicking.

  Another wall showcased a spanking bench. The slope of the padded top guaranteed a head would be lower than a bottom, straps on each corner again protected hands and feet from being damaged. It wasn't necessary to punish such areas. God had provided well-padded backsides and tender thighs to accept the chastisement offered by items such as a paddle, hairbrush or other implement. Across the way, an oaken barrel stood. It sat on a frame that would allow it to roll forward a bit as a stroke was given, and yet would not be able to topple a naughty girl forward onto the floor.

  The last area held what Lucas considered his masterpiece. Edward had told him of his plans for Louisa to discover a punishment pony of her own once they returned to Wintercrest, but Lucas knew the one Edward was even now studying was a truly magnificent example of what he'd envisioned for his own little lady. It wasn't simply a wooden structure with thick pillows strapped to one end. He grinned when Edward turned to look directly at him, his eyebrow raised even as he nodded his approval. Lucas bowed his head, accepting the silently given praise. Of course, being an excellent horseman, and expanding Hunter's Ridge to include breeding thoroughbreds, it had not required much thought to know he wanted his own child/bride to have another pony to ride.

  The piece was made out of wood
, but covered in black leather. Thick reins hung from the head, which actually held a bit between white teeth. A saddle, polished to a high sheen, was on the back. It wasn't a saddle in which one would sit upright for the ride. It had no pommel to cling to, nor was it exactly level. The front sloped down a bit so that a seated bottom was presented more prominently. Stirrups hung down the sides and buckles showed where they could be lengthened or shortened to be the perfect size for a little one's feet. The horse had no real rear; the saddle sat only a few inches from the end of the piece.

  Racks above each piece held anything a Papa could want to make sure his naughty girl would feel properly punished before she was released. The only items that would not garner another glance were the two leather chairs and the two ottomans that sat in one corner, a small table between the two.

  The men had discussed what was to happen, and when Lucas removed his coat and hung it on a hook by the door, Edward did the same. They moved across the room to each sit in one of the leather chairs.

  "Come here, girls," Lucas said.

  Both girls pushed gracefully to their feet, small hands smoothing down the fronts of their gowns in identical movements before they took the steps necessary to carry them across the room to stand before the men. No matter what Molly or anyone else might think, Lucas knew instantly which one was his Kitten. Her eyes might be the identical, violet blue hue of her twin's, but the look in them as she lifted her head and gazed at him—the look that stated she was feeling guilt, a bit of fear, as well as desire—marked her as his.

  "Are you ready to make your confession?"

  "Yes, Sir," they chorused.

  Lucas had to smile. They might be sharing the room, but needed to make their individual confessions. "Louisa, since you are a guest, you may go first if you wish."