Reunion (Hunter's Ridge Book 3) Read online

Page 20

Lucas kept her cheeks spread wide with his fingers. He'd watched as her small pucker had opened with her efforts to offer herself. He'd watched as his cockhead stretched her, and heard her soft cry as she was penetrated, her ring of muscle breached. His movements were slow, though his balls were practically boiling with the need to release his seed. This offering was a gift, and one he would never rush.

  The time had passed when Lucy fought him; when she'd wailed from the moment she saw the pot of lubricant. She'd learned so much, and he was grateful he'd been the one to teach her. Lessons of pleasure had followed those of pain, and he'd often bury himself in her backside while his fingers stroked in and out of her cunny. He loved feeling her writhe beneath him, her body pressing forward and back as if unsure which of the fuckings was giving her the most pleasure. Even as he sank to the hilt and prepared to fuck her long and hard, he vowed that tonight, when she was once again in this bed, she'd be quivering and moaning in pleasure—but for now, it was time to finish her atonement.

  Moving his hands from her cheeks, he allowed them to close as much as they could around his cock. He gripped her hips, his fingers lying across the wheals he'd placed on her bottom with the cane. Pulling back, he moved almost completely free of her before plunging back in. Again and again, faster and harder, he took her, claimed her as he accepted her offering.

  His testicles slapped loudly against her and he could feel the cream that flowed from her coating his skin. The heat of her upturned bottom touched his pelvis every time he buried himself deep, and he heard the moans and soft squeals she was unable to contain or muffle in the bedcoverings. With a final thrust, he erupted inside her, filling her. He thrust a few more times, ensuring he gave her every drop before bending once more across her back.

  "I love you, Lucy. Thank you for your penance."

  "I love you, too, Papa. I'll be a better girl this week."

  He pulled from her, moving off the bed and into the water closet. After washing himself, he dressed and then moved to the bed.

  "Shh," he said, running a warm cloth over her sex to clean her before gently parting her cheeks to wipe away the remnants of lubricant. "Stay still, sweetie." He opened another pot and began to spread soothing ointment over every welt he'd placed on her bottom. She whimpered a little, but remained still until her entire backside was glistening with the arnica cream.

  Lucas washed his hands while the cream dried. When he helped her off the wedge, he instructed her to lie on her back. "I know your bottom hurts, Kitten, but Papa needs to diaper you." He did it as quickly as possible, pulling on the gown he'd brought into his room from the nursery. When he lifted her, she wrapped her body around him, her head resting against his neck.

  Carrying her across the hall, he sat in one of the rockers, having moved the one from Molly's room into the nursery earlier. He'd just picked up one of the bottles they'd left on the table between the rockers when the door was pushed opened and Edward entered; Louisa in his arms.

  No one spoke, as nothing needed to be said. The four had come so far together, and accepted the love and support offered by those bonds. Neither twin finished the entire bottle of milk, and barely stirred as they were placed lovingly into the cribs onto their tummies. Lips were kissed and dummies pressed into mouths as covers were tucked around women who found the greatest fulfillment in offering their complete submission.


  The house was filled with the tantalizing aroma of cinnamon and spices as Lucy and Louisa moved downstairs, hand in hand. Entering the kitchen, they found that Ettie and Franny were at the tall work table, making cones from pretty patterned paper. A huge pile waiting to be filled was testament to the fact they'd been working for a while.

  "I'm so glad you're up," Ettie said, as she glued another cone together. "We sort of stole the idea from Lord Northbridge. Lucas said we could fill them with candy, and hand them out to the children in the pageant tonight."

  "I'm sure Lord Northbridge would be delighted that his gift to us is being extended to others. What can we do help?" Louisa asked.

  "You can start filling them, or help Bea and Mrs. Williams package the cookies."

  Lucy moved to help wrap cookies in brown paper, each packet tied with ribbon, a piece of holly added for a final decoration.

  When Lucas and Edward entered an hour later, they found the girls laughing, and baskets filled with the cones and wrapped cookies. Edith was attempting to sweep the girls from her domain. "Go on now, I've got dinner to make."

  Lucy went to her Papa, lifting onto her toes to kiss his cheek. His arms dropped around her, holding her close. "Shall we go work on the puzzle?"

  "May we go see Samson and Delilah, Papa?"

  While the others scattered to various points of the house, Lucas helped Lucy into her boots and made sure she had her mittens. With the hood of her cloak pulled over her head, he held a basket while she filled it with carrots and apples. This time when she slipped out of the door it was with her hand in his.

  Instead of rushing to Delilah's stall, Lucy stopped at each one, giving each horse a treat and a few minutes of her attention. Lucas watched as she stroked each large face, telling every animal that they were beautiful or handsome, such good horses. She'd been on a facsimile of a horse only hours earlier, having her backside caned, and yet her love for the animals was obvious.

  "You spoil them," Lucas teased as she fed Delilah another apple.

  "I can't help it." She giggled. She'd removed her mitten to have her fingers free to scratch between the horse's ears. "You spoil me, Papa."

  Lucas wrapped his arms around her. "No, Kitten, it is you who spoil me. You give me so much, and do so with all of your heart."


  After dinner, the family once more piled into the carriages, each carrying a basket or wrapped gifts to be distributed to the less fortunate. At the church, the air was festive as carriages discharged people full of the holiday spirit. Voices called out greetings, and the solemn faces usually worn in church were bright with smiles as packages were piled on tables that had been set up in the foyer.

  "It's wonderful to see so many people contributing things for others," Louisa said, as she and Lucy placed some of the family's gifts onto the table. The girls had spent part of the afternoon wrapping dolls, games, wooden cars and spinning tops. Molly, with Joseph's help, added the pile of wrapped scarves, mufflers and gloves she and the girls had been knitting for months.

  "I know, it really makes the meaning of Christmas evident," Lucy agreed. "Besides, we have been blessed with so much."

  Bea and Franny were placing the wrapped cookies onto another table. Lucas and Edward laid the smoked hams and turkeys on another. After the pageant, volunteers would stay to fill boxes with a selection of items to be delivered by the pastor and his family the next day. Families all throughout the countryside would have a Christmas meal, and toys and sweet treats to give to their children. It was a lovely expression of giving from the entire church membership.

  "What are you protecting so fiercely?" The question was asked by Dr. Fielding as he approached Ettie. Lucy smiled as her sister blushed, the basket of candy-filled cones clutched to her chest.

  "Candy for the children," she explained. "Lucas said their parents would not appreciate it if I gave them out now."

  "I can understand that," Dr. Fielding agreed. "Sticky hands and faces, or cheeks full of candy might distract from the pageant. I must say, it is awfully sweet of you to think of the children. I'm sure they will be very happy to receive a treat after their hard work." He gave her a small bow, shook Lucas's hand and then entered the church.

  Lucy noticed that Ettie's eyes did not leave the man until he disappeared from view. She looked up to see that Lucas was smiling, aware of his sister's sudden stillness after she'd been bouncing on her feet only moments before. When the organ began to play, he and Frank gathered their family together.

  Lucas led his family into the sanctuary but instead of walking towards their usual pew, he m
otioned for Frank to lead Bea into a longer pew at the back of the church. Lucy stood at his side as Molly and Joseph, his mother and father, and Mr. and Mrs. Mayes joined the others. Franny was followed by Ettie and then Louisa and Edward. Lucy stepped in front of Lucas into the pew, and smiled when he joined her. Being surrounded by those that meant so much to her filled her heart. The church was full to bursting. When Pastor Hawkins entered, his smile was wide as he welcomed them all. Though they began with a prayer, this evening was not like that morning's services.

  He nodded towards the back of the church, where Grace opened the door. The congregation watched as the children began to enter. Shepherds holding crooked staffs were followed by an entire heaven's worth of angels, their tissue paper wings and ribbon halos shimmering in the light from the sconces on the walls.

  Lucy smiled to see children attempting to be so serious and yet breaking into huge grins and waving when they found their families standing proudly watching. A soft wave of sound wafted over the church as a young boy entered, carrying a big star on a pole. He was followed by the three wise men, dressed in robes of purple and gold, each carrying their gift for the Christ child. Her eyes filled with tears even as she smiled to see Joseph entering, his arm around his wife, his face showing a bit of reluctance to be so close to a girl. They were both dressed in plain robes of biblical times, though these children represented the couple that would raise a child who would change the world.

  As the procession moved towards the raised platform and arranged themselves to face the congregation, the organ's first notes rang out and the members began to sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful, their voices shaking just a bit as the emotional impact of the pageant enveloped them.

  Pastor Hawkins motioned for his flock to sit and as Lucy did, she found that, instead of the hard wood of the pew, she was pulled down onto her Papa's lap. Though a little shocked at the impropriety of the move, she couldn't deny the gift of comfort he was offering. She smiled as she saw Louisa on Edward's lap.

  Looking about the church, she realized that, while the majority of these members did not participate in a lifestyle such as hers, some obviously did, as other laps were filled. Relaxing, she forgot about what anyone might think as she listened to the charismatic voice of the pastor as he read the Christmas story from the Bible. He preached a very short sermon focusing on blessings, sharing, and the love people should have for one another.

  They sang a few more carols, the service ending with voices raised in reverence with the stanzas of Silent Night. It had been the most beautiful service Lucy had ever witnessed.

  Louisa gave her a hug and thanked Lucas for the pleasure of sharing his church.

  Ettie and Franny were soon surrounded by children as they handed out the cones of candy. Lucy saw Mary at the edge and moved towards her. Bending down, she gave the little girl a hug.

  "Did you see me, Miss Lucy? I was an angel, and I didn't even fidget!"

  "You are a beautiful angel, Mary. You did such a good job." The child giggled as Lucas scooped her up and moved towards his sisters. "Such a good angel deserves a treat."

  Mary gave his neck a hug before accepting the cone that Ettie handed her.

  Not a single child left without a treat, and there was still a few cones in the basket.

  "I think girls who worked so hard to ensure such happiness also deserve a treat." Lucas took the basket from his youngest sister and bent to kiss her cheek as he pressed a cone into her hand. He repeated the gesture with Bea, Franny and Louisa, thanking them all. Instead of giving Lucy her cone, he plucked a small piece of candy from it and held it to her lips. She blushed, but opened her lips to accept the treat.

  "You are my angel," he said after bending to whisper against her ear. "And, Kitten, you have several more treats awaiting you at home."

  She looked up into his eyes, her eyes bright as her fingers dipped into the cone he held, lifting a candy to his own lips, smiling when his mouth opened to take the sweet. "Treats should be shared, Papa. Please take me home."


  Note to my Readers:

  Thank you for purchasing the third book in the Hunter's Ridge series. I hope you have found pleasure in returning to the characters that came to life in the Women of Wintercrest series. Without readers who wish to spend a few hours lost in ages past, these people would only exist in my head. Thank you for allowing me to bring them to life for you.

  The next book will continue the story of Louisa and Edward's visit. There will be a ball, and many dance partners for Franny and Ettie, but will they find the men that cause their hearts to stutter and tummies to flutter? I hope you want to discover the answers. Until then, thank you for your support and encouragement and, as always, I wish you the very best.

  Happy Reading –

  Maggie Ryan

  Maggie Ryan

  Author for Blushing Books. I write both contemporary erotica and historical spanking romances. I enjoy writing about characters that enjoy the provocative D/S lifestyle of today’s times as well as taking a step back into the past to write stories that take place in the Victorian era with age-play as a theme.

  I live in the great Lone Star state with my wonderful husband. I have always loved reading. Growing up in a family with four children, it was difficult finding a place to be alone. I was probably one of the squeakiest clean girls on the planet as I would spend hours in the tub so I could read without being bothered. It wasn’t long before I began to make up my own endings to the books I was reading. From there, it just seemed natural to begin writing my own stories.

  I never try to restrict myself to any one genre because there are just too many delicious possibilities out there and inside my head. I admit to being somewhat of a romantic though as my stories always must have a great deal of love, passion, corporal discipline and, of course, great, mind-blowing sex. I want my readers to be able to see, hear, feel and know the characters that I’m creating as well as I do when I bring them to life and transfer their stories to paper. I want my women to be strong of character but also strong enough to know that submission given in love and trust to your partner does not make you weaker, it makes you far stronger. I want my men to be sexy, strong, demanding alpha males who know how to take what they want while acknowledging it is a gift they have been blessed with by the women that have chosen to submit to them. I want there to be no doubt that they truly would die for the other no matter how others might view their relationship.

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Maggie Ryan and Blushing Books!

  Charming Isabella

  Louisa Revealed: Women of Wintercrest Book 1

  Lord Edward’s Law: Women of Wintercrest Book 2

  Claimed: Women of Wintercrest Book 3

  Lucy Surrenders: Women of Wintercrest Book 4

  Summer Solace

  Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

  Lucy’s Journey Home: Hunter’s Ridge Book 1

  Homecoming: Hunter’s Ridge Book 2

  Designed for Submission: Divine Designs Book 1

  A Submissive's Dream: Divine Designs Book 2

  Treasured Submission

  Haven’s Promise: Divine Designs Book 3

  The Christmas Pickle

  A Submissive’s Gift: Divine Designs Book 4

  Rosie’s Resolutions (Masters of the Castle)

  My Charming Valentine (Corbin’s Bend)

  Miss Summers’ School: Lessons in Submission, Book One

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