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Louisa Revealed Page 6

  She didn’t realize she was whimpering until Edward said, “Don’t fret honey. I’m not going to diaper you – well, not today. No, I want you to use the chamber pot while I get your crib ready.” Relieved that she wasn’t to be diapered, Louisa nodded, and though highly embarrassed, forced herself to squat over the chamber pot. She desperately wished it were hidden behind a door or at least a screen, but realized she would not be allowed such privacy. She became more aware of her complete nudity as she saw her husband standing, fully clothed, watching her to see if she would be naughty again. She found she couldn’t look anywhere but at the floor and breathed a small sigh of relief as she saw her husband move away from her. Edward had waited until he saw her obey his order, and then turned to her closet. He chose an item and then opened a large armoire standing against the wall. Louisa watched as he withdrew something and placed it in the large crib. He didn’t explain his actions, simply adjusted the item and then returned to her.

  “Are you finished going potty, Louisa?” he asked, and she blushed hotly at his words, but nodded. God, she hated it so when he used such words in her presence. Edward loved her flushed face as he helped her to stand and she walked to the washstand to wash her hands. She turned to look up at her husband and opened her mouth to speak.

  “No, Louisa. The taste of your deceit, as well as your penance, shall remain in your mouth while you nap.” She blushed hotly, his words flowing through her, causing her to shiver as she washed and dried her hands. When done, she turned back to him and raised her arms as he instructed. Edward pulled a nightgown over her head; she realized it barely reached the top of her hips. She wanted to ask where the rest of her gown was, but didn’t want another spanking. Edward bent, and she squealed as he easily lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder. She felt safe and far better now that she had been punished, knowing his forgiveness came just as easily as did his discipline. She was exhausted and found herself looking forward to resting. She had so much to think about, but couldn’t bear to face another thing right now. Edward bent to kiss the top of her head, loving the weight of her snuggled in his arms. He knew she believed she was done with his discipline, at least until this evening, but he knew better. This young lady had been seriously naughty and needed serious reminding of what such naughtiness meant. He carried her to the crib and she sleepily looked down.

  As she saw what he had placed in the crib, she clung to him as he bent over to lay her down and begged, “No… please Sir… I’ll be a good girl. Please don’t ask me to sleep on th… that.” Edward shook his head even as he lowered her into the crib.

  “I’m not asking you a thing Louisa. You were a very naughty little girl, and you are going to take your nap on your naughty-girl mat. Perhaps a couple of hours sleeping on it will help you to be my good girl again.” Louisa started to cry even as her bottom connected with the mat Edward had placed in the crib. Hundreds of sharp bristles poked her aching bottom, and dozens of hard knots pushed into her welted skin. Edward removed her clinging hands from around his neck and forced her onto her back. She began to wiggle and squirm, trying to remove her tender skin from the horrid mat. Edward ignored her cries as he reached under the mattress of the crib, pulling restraints into view that had been hidden from sight. He smiled upon seeing that his little one had rolled onto her side; her little bottom already showing pricks from the unforgiving fibers of the mat. He easily rolled her onto her back and reached to take hold of her ankle. She foolishly kicked out at him and, his smile fading, Edward reached down, swatted the front of her thigh harshly and gave her a stern look. “Settle down, Louisa! Give me your leg or I will take you out of your crib, blister your bottom yet again, and you will still take your nap on your naughty-mat. Now, what will it be?”

  Louisa sobbed but lifted her leg and allowed him to take hold of it. She continued to cry as he restrained her other leg, spraddling her widely in the crib. She didn’t protest as he took her hands, pulled them over her head and placed them in restraints as well. She tried to lift her hips to remove her bottom from the needle sharp bristles, but Edward quickly placed a wide strap around her waist and buckled it tight. Her movements were severely restricted and she wailed as the mat bit into her bottom and the backs of her thighs. She sobbed as her husband reached to cup her sex again. She knew exactly what he would find, and the shame of it engulfed her. Edward slid his fingers through her outer lips, spreading them open. She felt more cream drip from her as he pushed a finger deep inside. Her hips jerked, as much as she was able within her restraints, as if begging for release.

  Edward chuckled and removed his finger only to lightly flick her engorged clitoris. She moaned deeply and despite the bite of her mat, her hips twisted as she attempted to both pull away from his finger and then press up as if trying to find the source of her newest torment. Her breath hissed out as the mat raked against her sensitive, punished bottom and though she immediately tried to remain still, his finger’s movements assured she was unable to do so. Soon she was moaning and pushing her hips up against his finger despite the rasp and jabs of her punishment mat. Her need to seek release consumed her; the pain in her bottom was momentarily forgotten. Edward took her to the very edge, loving her moans and groans both from her growing arousal and the bite of her punishment mat.

  When he felt her begin to tense, he removed his finger, and she sobbed, “Pl… please Sir… oh, please, I’ll… I’ll be a goo… good girl, ohhh, please?”

  “No, little one. Naughty girls don’t get to have their Papas give them pleasure. Naughty little girls get to sleep on their naughty-girl mats with well-spanked hot little bottoms. Naughty little girls need to think about why they were so naughty that their Papas had to blister them and leave them all alone with a very wet pussey and a throbbing little clittie. Naughty, deceitful little girls lie on mats and think about having their lies washed right out of them. Now, sleep well and dream of how to be a good girl.” Edward looked once more at his wife, restrained in the crib he had custom made for her, spread wide for his use, her chest heaving with her need for release. He had dreamed of exactly this for years, and though he had begun training his little wife from the moment he had wed her, it was only now that he determined her training would continue, despite her sister’s presence in their home. He bent to place a kiss on her forehead and then stood and walked to the door. “Oh, how I love you in your crib, Louisa. You are finally exactly where you belong, and where you will be spending a great deal of your time in the future. You, sweetheart, have only just begun learning that you need to be a very, very good girl for your Papa, or your sweet little bottom will be blistered and painful and your sweet little pussey will be dripping wet and aching for release. Sleep well my love.” He heard a soft sob and her even softer response,

  “I… I lo… love you Pa… Papa.” His grin was wide, as he closed the door. He might have made a vital mistake in postponing the training decided upon when Lucille had unexpectedly become his ward. However, that mistake was about to be corrected. While he understood Louisa’s fear of how her twin would feel upon the discovery of how Louisa was expected to behave and now would live her life, he had no intention of allowing his desires to be undermined or hidden another moment.

  Chapter 3

  While Louisa cried herself to sleep in her crib, Lucille felt like crying in the classroom. Her head was whirling with mathematical formulas, while her bottom was throbbing on the hard seat. Professor Lloyds took a deep breath and tried to be patient, as he explained yet again what he considered a simple equation.

  “Miss Furniss, surely you must understand at least a portion of this lesson? Tell me that this isn’t all new to you.” Lucy squirmed once more, attempting to find the least painful position. Her professor saw her movement and heard her small moan. He went to the closet, opened it and returned to her desk. “Stand up Miss Furniss.” Lucy’s eyes snapped up to his, her heart pounding, thinking she was about to be punished yet again.
Her mouth opened to beg for mercy when she saw him lift a large pillow in his hand. She blushed, but slid out of her chair. He placed the pillow on her seat and she cautiously sat down. Her relief was apparent in her soft sigh.

  Charles Lloyds tried not to smile but his eyes gave him away when she whispered, “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You are welcome, Miss Furniss. Perhaps now it will be easier for you to concentrate on the lesson, instead of your… um… your condition.”

  Lucy dropped her eyes, her face growing hotter with shame. Though the entire school was aware of what happened when a student was sent to the headmaster’s office, speaking of it was humiliating. She was saved having to respond when he turned her tablet to a fresh page and began again to explain the equation. After several attempts, she suddenly smiled and said, “Oh! I understand it now. Oh, thank you, Professor Lloyds. Can we do another?”

  Charles was thrilled with her excitement, and though it was only one portion of the exam, he knew that she truly grasped the mathematical concept. They spent the next hour going over similar equations and Lucy missed only a few. Both were engrossed in the lesson when a sudden sound broke through their concentration.

  “Excuse me, Sir. I’ve come for Miss Furniss.” Lucy looked up to see Mrs. Bremmer standing in the doorway. Professor Lloyds pushed himself away from Lucy’s desk and said, “Certainly. She will be ready presently. I wish to send several pages for her to study this weekend, if you will give me but a few moments.”

  Mrs. Bremmer nodded and stepped further into the room. She approached the two and held out an envelope, “Lord Wintercrest requests that you read his note and ask you to return a response with me if you would.”

  Charles took the offered envelope and opened it. He read the note quickly and then, with a smile, walked to his desk and wrote his response on the back of the note. He replaced the sheet of paper in the envelope and walked back to hand it to Mrs. Bremmer. She nodded and slid the envelope into her string bag. She watched as Lucy slowly stood from her desk, her small wince indicating her still aching bottom. Mrs. Bremmer’s lips compressed into a thin line as her eyes landed on the large pillow that Lucy had been sitting on. She was sure that his Lordship would not approve of his charge being allowed any such comfort after she had earned a good caning for her misbehavior. However, being a prudent woman, she said nothing. Lucy found herself growing even more uncomfortable as the woman stood silently waiting. She fumbled with her tablet and pencil, and then accepted a large stack of papers from her professor.

  “You have done a good job, Miss Furniss. I believe you have a chance of passing your exam if you continue to study this weekend. You have the fundamentals and just need to review the equations and formulas.”

  Lucy felt a thrill as she heard his approval. She gave him a large smile and said, “Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate your help and your concern.” She said the last even as her eyes dropped to the pillow he had offered her. He smiled, and led her to the door where Mrs. Bremmer had moved to wait. “Good bye Sir,” Lucy said quietly.

  He smiled and gave her a small nod, “Good bye Miss Furniss.” Mrs. Bremmer almost growled as she roughly took hold of Lucy’s upper arm and dragged her down the hall. Lucy wanted to pull away but the woman truly scared her with her rough and disapproving glances. Not wanting to bring any further attention to herself, she decided not to fight but would definitely inform Edward of this servant’s liberties with his ward. She hurried along beside the woman until they were both seated in the carriage.

  Henri made sure both were seated before closing the door and climbing up onto his seat. As the carriage lurched forward, Lucy gave a small squeal and grabbed at the edge of the seat. Several papers slid off her lap, and as she bent to gather them, she couldn’t contain a groan, as the movement pulled against the wheals on her bottom. Mrs. Bremmer smiled, though Lucy didn’t see her look of contentment. The girl might have sat on a fluffy pillow, but hearing her now assured the older woman that the naughty little girl had indeed gotten her bottom properly thrashed and, if she knew anything about the Lord, it would be thrashed yet again before the sun set on this day. Satisfied that Lord Wintercrest would soon have his home running properly, she settled back against the seat and ignored Lucy the entire journey home.

  The house was quiet when Lucy entered. She wanted desperately to speak with her sister but even as she turned to inquire as to where Louisa could be found, Mrs. Bremmer informed her, “You are to continue with your lessons in your room until it is time to dress for dinner.” Lucy simply nodded, wanting nothing more than to escape this woman’s company. She hurried up to her room and sighed when she was safely behind her closed door. She placed her papers on her desk and having nothing else to do, and somewhat afraid to be discovered not studying, she gingerly sat down and began working on a list of problems. An hour passed when she heard muffled noises seeming to come from above her head. She looked up at the ceiling, but heard nothing more. Sighing, she stood and stretched, a small groan escaping her throat. She was absently rubbing her aching bottom when she thought she heard a small cry. Looking towards the ceiling again, she gave a small cry herself when a loud knock sounded on her door. She threw herself back into her chair and had picked up her pencil when her door opened. Lucy stiffened until she turned around to see Molly, her maid, entering the room.

  “It is time to dress for dinner, Miss,” Molly said in her cheerful voice. Lucy nodded and watched as Molly went to the closet and returned with a light blue gown. As the girl puttered about the room gathering Lucy’s clothing, Lucy stood and stifled a small groan as her bottom again reminded her of its condition.

  “Are you feeling poorly, Miss?” Molly asked, her cheerful face showing her concern. The two had become friends during the past few weeks, and Lucy knew the girl’s question was sincere. She forced herself to give her a small smile.

  “I’m fine, Molly. Just a bit tired.” The girl didn’t truly believe her words but, knowing the two women had gotten themselves into some type of trouble, and having not being able to tune out the cries of Lady Wintercrest, as she obviously gotten her bottom tended to by the Lord, she didn’t pursue the conversation.

  “Very well, would you like a bath before you dress?” Though Lucy thought a cool bath would do wonders toward soothing her aching bottom, she had no intention of disrobing completely in front of her maid.

  “Not today, but thank you Molly.” Again Molly nodded, and was soon unlacing Lucy’s corset after the woman had removed her blouse and skirt. She quickly helped Lucy step into several petticoats and tied each around the girl’s slim waist. She held out a fresh chemise and then replaced the corset, drawing on the laces until Lucy panted that it was tight enough. A corset cover followed, and then the gown was pulled over her head. Lucy tried to remain still, as she sat on her chair and allowed Molly to remove her black stockings and replace them with thin, white ones suitable for evening wear. As Molly tied the silk blue bows to hold the stockings in place, she wondered again at the discipline her friend had endured, as Lucy moaned deeply as she lifted each leg for easier access in fastening the ribbons. Molly quickly released Lucy’s hair from its braid, and spent several minutes brushing out the tangles before fastening a blue ribbon to hold the heavy length out of Lucy’s face. The last item was to slip the blue slippers on Lucy’s feet, and finally Molly stood. “There, you look beautiful, Miss Lucy.”

  Lucy smiled and said, “Thank you Molly.” Molly gathered up the discarded clothing and prepared to leave the room. “Ummm, Molly?” Lucy said quietly and the girl turned to face her with a questioning look on her face.

  “Yes Miss?”

  “What… what is above my room? I thought I heard something.” Molly looked up towards the ceiling and then back to her mistress.

  “I don’t hear anything, Miss. The attics are at the top of the house; perhaps a small animal has gotten inside. Is there anything else, Miss?” Lucy shook her head and Molly quickly left the room. Lucy followed her, and ma
de her way downstairs dreading having to face Edward again. As she entered the dining room, it was to see Edward holding out a chair for her sister. Lucy saw Louisa wince a bit as she took her seat, but heard her thank him and lift her face to accept a quick kiss from her husband as he pushed her chair to the table.

  “Ah, there you are Lucille,” he said, even as he moved around the table and pulled out a chair for his ward, directly across from his wife. Lucy remained silent as she took her seat and placed her napkin in her lap. Edward seated himself, and picking up a small bell, gave it a short shake, signaling that they were ready for dinner to be served. As the kitchen maids brought in the bowls of soup, he turned to Lucy. “How was your tutoring session Lucille? Was Professor Lloyds able to teach you anything? It must have been very uncomfortable sitting on your welted bottom.” Lucy thought of the session, remembering both the patience and kindness of her teacher.

  “Yes Edward, he was wonderful. He explained several formulas for me and has given me lessons to study.” Edward’s eyebrow lifted at her words. He found himself wondering at the meaning of her answer but was pleased to hear she had been given additional work.

  “Yes, I understand that he also allowed you to sit upon a pillow.” Lucy knew immediately that the horrible housekeeper had seen fit to tattle on her.