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Louisa Revealed Page 7

“Edward, I wish to speak to you about your housekeeper. She… ”

  “I’m not through talking, Lucille, and you will not interrupt me, young lady!”

  Lucy’s eyes flew to her sister’s and though Louisa didn’t speak, there was a warning to be seen in her eyes. Lucy looked back at Edward and slowly nodded. “I’m sorry, Sir. I… I didn’t mean to interrupt. It’s just tha.… ”

  “And yet you are still speaking. Be quiet and simply listen, unless you want me to turn you over my knee!” Her face was priceless. Her eyes widened and a deep flush stained her cheeks. Her mouth opened again and yet, she slowly closed it at his look, and nodded again.

  “Much better. I do not permit comfort after a punishment, Lucille. Sitting on a pillow is not allowed and you should have refused it. Headmaster Thorne had good reason to cane you and you are to feel that reminder for as long as possible. Sitting on a pillow, rubbing your bottom, lying on your tummy negate the lesson, and that is not the objective, now is it?” Lucy was mortified. To be speaking of such things – especially seated at the dinner table, with servants coming and going freely from the room appalled her. She again looked at Louisa, only to jump in her seat when Edward said firmly,

  “Your sister is not speaking to you, Lucille. Keep your eyes on me when I am talking to you!” He waited until she raised her eyes to his, and was pleased to see the first glint of tears appear in her eyes. He knew she was embarrassed, but he firmly believed that humiliation was almost as good a teacher as a nice, hard paddling.

  “I’m pleased to hear that you believe you have learned at least something from Professor Lloyds. You shall spend every hour until your exam studying.” He saw her look of dismay and he corrected himself, “Well, certainly not every hour as you do have an appointment in my study after dinner.” Lucy heard her sister’s quick intake of breath and couldn’t help but slide her eyes to her sister. Edward allowed the glance, knowing his little one would dare not speak unless he spoke to her or gave her permission. True to his belief, Louisa said nothing; she just quietly continued to eat her soup.

  Lucy looked back at her guardian and asked, “An appointment Edward? I’m not sure I understand the necessity of an appointment.” Edward chuckled, and after taking a bite of the delicious mushroom soup, wiped his mouth with his napkin and leaned back in his chair.

  “It is not necessary for you to understand, Lucille; it is only necessary that you keep your appointment. I’m sure all will become clear at the proper time. Now, since you have found Professor Lloyd’s tutoring to be helpful, you should be pleased to know that he has agreed to continue your lessons.”

  Lucy looked confused. “Continue?”

  “Yes, I have engaged him to attend you several hours this weekend, in an effort to assure you learn enough to be able to pass your exam on Monday. Your actions have brought great disgrace upon my household, and no more shall fall upon it. You must study hard, and I believe his presence during your study hours will do nothing short of guaranteeing success. You obviously can’t be trusted to your own devices, now can you?” Lucy felt her face flush again, as she felt she was being treated as a small child, instead of an adult woman. She again glanced at her sister, but only saw pity in her sister’s eyes.

  Lucy dropped her gaze to her soup bowl and answered, “I promise to study, Edward. It’s not necessary for you to spend money on a tutor.”

  “Nonsense, Lucille – and it is not your responsibility to worry about my finances. Your only responsibilities are to behave and to learn your lessons. Your lesson in obedience will be continued in the study after supper, and your lessons in mathematics will continue first thing tomorrow morning.” Lucy felt her bottom clench at his announcement, and her fear grew. Though Edward spent a great deal of time behind the doors of his study, she had never been inside. Her face burned as she remembered that there had been more than one occasion where she thought she had heard horrid crying from the room. When she had dared to speak to her sister about her fears, Louisa had immediately assured her that she must be mistaken. Suddenly Lucy was positive that she had been correct. Bad things happened in the study. Bad things that caused shrill cries and muffled words. Her heart began to pound, and she kept her eyes on her soup bowl, feeling as if she were going to faint. She didn’t see the satisfied look on Mrs. Bremmer’s face as she walked into the dining room behind the serving girls. As the main course was placed before them, Mrs. Bremmer bent to speak softly with Edward.

  “Excellent,” he said at whatever she had whispered. “Please place them in the cabinet as I shall have need of both after supper.” Mrs. Bremmer nodded and left the room.

  Louisa’s eyes flew to her husband, and she saw him grin. She blushed hotly, knowing exactly what the conversation had entailed. While Lucille had never crossed the threshold of Edward’s private domain, Louisa had spent several hours in the room, very few of them pleasant. Being given an appointment always caused her heart to race. She knew she’d spend her time with her bottom bare and vividly colored by some implement or another standing in a corner until her husband considered she had enough time to thoroughly learn her lesson. Her own bottom clenched at the knowledge it would soon be bared and most thoroughly birched; the most horrid and painful lesson of all. She felt her appetite disappear and simply pushed the food about on her plate.

  Edward watched his wife and smiled. “Eat your supper Louisa, you’ll need your strength and need to replace the fluids you have lost.” Lucy’s head came up at his words and she listened as her twin answered, her face incredibly red.

  “Yes… yes, Sir.” Lucy didn’t understand what was happening, but was too scared to ask questions. The atmosphere, her sister’s demeanor, the conversation all did nothing but contribute to her growing sense of unease. The only person seemingly unaffected was seated at the head of the table, calmly enjoying his supper. The remainder of the meal was silent, as the entrees were replaced by dessert. Louisa barely was able to take a few bites and Edward, knowing why her stomach was roiling, allowed the dish to be removed.

  As the last girl brought in the pot of tea and poured Edward a cup, he said, “You both may be excused. I will join you in a few minutes.” Louisa stood and reached her hand out to her sister. Lucille quickly rose and, stepping around Edward’s chair, took her twin’s hand, squeezing it hard. Edward watched the two identical women and said, “Louisa, you are to remain silent, as it is not your place to inform your sister of what her appointment will entail. Go now with Mrs. Bremmer.” Mrs. Bremmer beckoned to the two, and they silently followed her out of the room and down the wide hall to the back of the house. Lucy had spent many hours in the large library, but his study was considered off limits. She had found herself curious to discover what resided behind the heavy double doors, but seeing how slowly her sister approached the room, found she was no longer curious, just incredibly and overwhelmingly frightened.

  Mrs. Bremmer opened the door and stood aside as the two girls entered the darkened room. They stood silently, as Mrs. Bremmer quickly lit two lamps on the wall, illuminating the large desk dominating the room. As the room grew brighter, Lucy saw the room also contained a leather sofa and two large and comfortable armchairs with a leather covered ottoman between them. She saw bookcases lining two walls and itched to discover what volumes they held. Both girls loved to read, and often escaped into the fantasy worlds contained in novels.

  Lucy saw that one wall contained a large armoire and wondered what was inside. She looked over at her sister and whispered, “Louisa, what is going to happen?” Louisa wisely just shook her head, remaining silent, as ordered.

  Mrs. Bremmer wasn’t quite as silent. “Lucille, you are to remain quiet. You are in enough trouble, young lady, and I don’t suggest you try to entrap your sister in your naughtiness again today. You heard his Lordship’s instructions.” Lucy felt her face flush at the words, and she dropped her gaze to the floor. Apparently satisfied, Mrs. Bremmer walked to the armoire and unlocked it with a key from the ring hanging from h
er waist. She then turned to face the girls. “Into the corners. You will stand and think about your naughtiness until his Lordship arrives to attend to you.” Lucy didn’t move but Louisa obediently walked to an open corner and pressed her nose into the wall. Lucy watched as her sister raised her arms and placed her linked hands on top of her head. “Lucille! Are you deaf or disobedient?”

  The sharp question caused Lucy to jump and then hurry to place herself in the only remaining open corner. She trembled as she pressed her nose into the hard surface and then gave a small shriek as she felt her arms being pulled above her. “Hands together on your head, Missy! I swear you are a dense little one. Haven’t you ever been in a corner before?” Lucy flushed again and felt exactly like the small child she was the last time she had been put into a corner by her father. She also felt humiliated at being physically arranged into what must be the proper position. She suddenly understood that her sister seemed extremely familiar with what was expected, and her mind whirled at that implication. Satisfied with the girls’ positions, Mrs. Bremmer stood back, and then took a seat on the sofa to await her employer.

  Edward leisurely finished his second cup of tea and stood. He knew Mrs. Bremmer would have the girls in their corners, with instructions to think about their behavior. Expectation of a coming punishment quite often had a very good effect on the miscreant. As their mind began to accept the inevitable pain their bottoms would soon be feeling, the time would seem to stretch into eternity. He knew their attention would be focused on every little thing that happened from the moment he stepped into the room.

  He smiled even as he walked leisurely towards his study. He had every intention of beginning Lucille’s journey into what a properly trained woman should expect, as well as continuing the long-overdue education of his wife. While he was not married to Lucille, he was her guardian, and decided that any training she received under his roof would only serve to enhance her desirability as a proper, submissive wife once she wed. He entered the room, and saw the two girls standing where they belonged, hands in the proper places. The scene could not have brought him more pleasure. These two females had caused him nothing but annoyance today, and seeing them both with noses touching the walls, he felt himself grow even more determined. Louisa would no longer be allowed to hide her true position from her twin. No, in fact, having his little lady take on her true role in his household would serve as a powerful and visible lesson in exactly how a submissive wife should behave.

  He nodded to Mrs. Bremmer, and strode to open the armoire door. He saw the two birches he had ordered lying next to each other on the shelf, and felt his cock stir at the sight. They were wonderfully thick, and consisted of several individual switches that he knew his housekeeper had selected, and formed into two excellent rods of correction. He left the birches in place, also leaving the doors open. He moved around and seated himself in his desk chair. He saw Lucy squirm in her corner and smiled. She would soon do far more than squirm. He made the girls stand an additional quarter hour before he spoke.

  “Come stand before me, girls.” The sisters stepped away from their corners and while Louisa kept her arms on top of her head, Lucy gave her arms a shake and then rubbed at the tip of her nose, which was sore from being so tightly pressed against the wall. When she saw Mrs. Bremmer begin to rise from the sofa and saw Louisa’s position, she followed some sense of self-preservation quickly muttering an apology as she scrambled to get her hands linked and in place again. The housekeeper gave a small grunt, but settled herself back onto the sofa. The girls stood side-by-side in front of Edward’s desk. He settled back in his chair and began to speak.

  “I am extremely disappointed in both of you. You have caused shame and disgrace to fall upon Wintercrest and for that you shall be severely punished.” He saw Lucy glance over to his sister and continued. “Lucille, when I am speaking to you, your eyes are to be on mine. You are not to look at your sister, or anywhere else. Your attention is to remain on me. Do you understand me, young lady?”

  Lucy felt her heart pound, as she grew angry. She didn’t understand what exactly was wrong with her sister. They had always supported each other and yet, Louisa simply stood quietly, hands on her head, eyes staring across the desk to the man she had wed. Before she allowed herself to snap at her guardian, though, Lucy reminded herself that it was her own fault that Louisa was obviously in the same amount of trouble. She took a deep breath, lifted her eyes to Edward’s and said quietly, “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, Edward.”

  Edward shook his head slightly, but knew she’d learn soon enough proper forms of address. He allowed her to settle a bit before he continued from where he had been interrupted. “As I was saying, you are both very, very naughty little girls. Naughty girls need to learn how to be good girls. It is my responsibility to teach you both that this sort of misbehavior, deceit and outright disobedience will not be tolerated in this household.” He paused for a moment, seeing their faces flush at his harsh words, and saw Lucille open her mouth as if to interrupt yet again. He abruptly cut her off. “Such severe disobedience calls for severe chastisement. You are to both be put under the birch for your punishment.” He wasn’t really shocked when he was interrupted.

  “The birch! That’s ridiculous, Edward. I mean, we’ve already been punished. You saw Headmaster Thorne cane us. Surely that was punishment enough. You… you don’t have the authority… you can’t!”

  “Silence!” Edward’s voice thundered in the room and stopped Lucy mid-sentence. “You are not allowed to speak when facing discipline Lucille, and never are you to dare interrupt me at any time. You are far too quick to loosen your tongue young lady, and if I hear another word from you without your being first asked a question, I shall gag you!” Lucy’s mouth dropped open in shock, and she once again looked to her sister.

  Louisa kept her eyes downcast, her posture rigid, her voice silent. Lucy trembled as the reality of the situation gradually began to set in her mind. She had never been birched, though had seen several servants take such a punishment during her childhood. It had looked horrid and the cries had been awful to hear. Her throat went dry at the thought of undergoing a similar punishment and, without thinking, her voice again broke the silence, “Please Edward, please don’t do this.”

  Sighing heavily, Edward stood and approached his ward. Towering over her, he looked down and ordered, “Open your mouth, Lucille.” She felt his hand cupping her chin as he forced her face to rise to meet his. She saw his free hand dip into his pocket and remove his white linen handkerchief. Shaking her head in disbelief she watched as he folded it into a thick square. “I said open your mouth. You were warned to remain silent, and you shall learn I do not repeat myself. If you don’t obey me immediately, your punishment will be repeated tomorrow and every evening until you learn to be obedient.”

  Lucy began to tremble as his hand on her chin increased its pressure. Seeing the look in his eyes gave her no reason to doubt his threat. Slowly her mouth opened and she closed her eyes as he began to press the thick wad of linen into it. She moaned as it pushed back into her mouth, filling it completely.

  “Close your mouth and do not open it again young lady.” Her eyes filling with tears of mortification, Lucy clamped her lips closed against the horrid gag. Her cheeks bulged with the contents, and Edward nodded and returned to his seat. He let a few minutes pass until he continued. “That is far better. Perhaps you need to remain gagged for a few hours in order to learn to shut your mouth and open your ears, Lucille.” He was happy to see her face flush, knowing it was coloring as a result of both her anger and humiliation. “My authority in this household is never to be questioned Lucille. You as well as your sister and every employee sharing my home are under my total authority. Question me again on that subject and you shall your bottom blistered every night for a month until the lesson is indelibly imprinted on your bottom as well as in your mind. Do you understand me little girl?”

  Lucy’s eyes had grown huge as his bore into hers, his tone
level and almost flat—one that brooked absolutely no question. She believed every syllable of his speech. She swallowed as best she could around the gag in her mouth and nodded her head slowly but deliberately. “Very well. As I was saying, you have both been extremely naughty and your punishment shall be a very thorough birching. Perhaps having a well-thrashed bottom will remind you both of your proper place in this household. You have few responsibilities. Lucille, you are only responsible for being a proper student and, as today has proved, you have failed miserably. Louisa, your only duty is to obey me and behave, as a good wife should. Today you also failed miserably. Both of you are guilty of deceit, deception, deliberate disobedience and foolish choices. I am very disappointed in you both. I realize you are quite nicely gagged and cannot speak Lucille, but Louisa, before we begin do you have anything to say to me?”

  Louisa was quick to lift her eyes to meet his across the desk. “I’m sorry I was disobedient, Sir. I apologize for my deceit and deception and beg for forgiveness.”

  Edward nodded, pleased at her words. His face turned to Lucy. “Good girl, now I realize you are unable to speak Lucille but nod if you agree with your sister’s apology.”

  Lucy felt her heart pound, but had to recognize her own guilt in the endeavor. She truly wished she could speak for she felt a need to beg him to release Louisa from what he had planned. Her eyes filled as she tried to ask permission to speak. The sounds were garbled and incoherent through the thick gag in her mouth.

  Edward watched her closely but saw no sign she was attempting to be disobedient. “Do you have something additional you’d like to add, Lucille?” She again nodded her head. “You will remember to be respectful and weigh your words before they fall from your mouth?” he asked and saw her blush but again nod her understanding. Edward smiled at her and then nodded to Mrs. Bremmer. The woman stood and then snapped her fingers under Lucy’s chin.