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Designed for Submission (Devine Designs) Page 8
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Page 8
Elizabeth felt her heart stop, even as her mouth dropped open. She whipped her head back towards Nancy. ''Why the hell didn't you tell me? I can't believe you'd …''
''I expressly forbade her to, Liz,'' Jason answered for his wife. Elizabeth attempted to pull her hand away but Jason kept it firmly in his. Though he rarely needed to remind Liz that she was a Submissive who craved a man's authority, this was one of those times.
''Calm down,'' he said, firmly. ''There is no reason to be angry at Nancy because she was simply following my order.'' Elizabeth continued to fume, but he kept her hand in his and his eyes on hers, and she finally nodded.
''Good,'' Jason said, and then grinned. ''I do need to say that I am really quite proud of you, Nancy. I know how hard it was to obey me in this matter.'' Nancy smiled at the praise and then giggled when he continued. ''At least I know that you are capable of obeying me on some things.'' Nancy flushed, thinking about all the spankings since her wedding. It seemed her new husband was determined to start obedience training the moment they had finished their vows, both sets.
Jason turned back to Elizabeth. ''You know it is protocol not to go around outside any club environment and start dropping names of who is involved in the scene. It would not be proper of either Elizabeth or me to speak of it outside our own home. Imagine someone you were unaware of had witnessed a scene you were involved in and then begin talking about it to friends that weren't in the lifestyle or committed enough to follow protocol. It is a respect and trust issue that is vital in our community,'' Jason finished, and Elizabeth knew he was correct.
''I understand,'' Elizabeth said. ''But, if that is protocol, then why are you telling me now?''
Jason smiled as he squeezed her hand. ''Because, Liz, you are part of this family and I feel responsible for you and will, until one day you allow another man the honor,'' Jason said, and Elizabeth felt a rush of love flow through her. ''I am telling you so that you know not to be afraid of Garrett or what he might say. He is too highly respected to dishonor anyone that way. Until today I was not sure he had seen us at the club because we were only two of many watching. His speaking to Nancy and commenting on her collar was his way of alerting her that he had seen her, knew she was a collared Submissive, and it was okay that she had discovered his own tastes.''
''Wow, I still can't believe I didn't pick up on him,'' Elizabeth said.
''Liz,'' Jason said softly, ''Maybe it takes a Dom to understand another one. The man is a man of authority; he has employees under him that not only enjoy working with him, but respect him as well. He employs very creative people—artists, really, who are known for their love of life, art, and are very passionate people. It really shouldn't surprise you in the least. It is obvious he enjoys art and creative people, while still needing to maintain control. His being a Dom is probably as much a part of his genetic makeup as it is mine.''
Elizabeth finally understood and relaxed back in her chair. Jason released her hand, and she quickly picked up her glass and drained it. The iced tea helped cool some of the heat she was feeling, as she thought about all she had just heard. When she giggled, Jason and Nancy looked at her, as if expecting her to become hysterical.
''So, what about the ottoman?'' she said, as she giggled again. ''Now every time I see one, all I'm going to think about is exactly what he might use one for.''
Nancy looked at her husband and smiled, as she turned back to Elizabeth. ''Gee, I don't know,'' she said, ''probably the same things we do?'' She started laughing, and soon Elizabeth was laughing harder, as well.
Jason just shook his head. He stood to bring out the dessert he had prepared but turned before stepping into the house. ''Women,'' he said, softly, looking at the two. ''God knows we can't live without them but He also knows that no man, dominant or not, will ever be able to understand them.'' He entered the house, smiling at the sound of laughter.
Chapter 8
Elizabeth and Nancy were in their office, facing Garrett Foster, who was seated on their small sofa. They had been a bit surprised when he called and asked if he could drop by but were anxious to hear his reasoning. ''I want to again compliment you both on the job you did for the Dietrichs,'' Garrett said. ''I can't tell you how much they praised the efforts of you and the team.'' He held out two envelopes, one towards each of the women. They reached for the envelopes but did not immediately attempt to open them. ''As you know, Benjamin and Helen have been my dear friends for years. I practically grew up with their son, Logan. Our families are still close. They not only loved the house, they were both deeply moved by the mosaic, Miss Adams, Nancy,'' he said, and nodded towards the envelopes they held.
''Please, open them.'' He waited as the women did so and pulled out beautifully embossed cards inviting them to attend dinner in the Dietrich's home that Friday evening. ''I have also been instructed to inform you that, after dinner, they would like to discuss an additional project with you both,'' he said. He was a little surprised when Elizabeth seemed hesitant. ''Is there a problem, Miss Adams?'' he asked quietly. ''Please, don't consider this a command performance. If you have previous plans, I'm sure I can ask Benjamin to reschedule.''
Elizabeth shook her head, not needing the dinner to be changed but wondering if she should inform him that, if all went well, she probably did not have the time to invest in another project. Remembering she still had financing to arrange, she answered. ''No, Sir, there's no problem. I would love to attend the dinner,'' she said, and Nancy concurred. Elizabeth sat up a bit straighter, knowing she owed this man for helping hone her own skills and would not want to hurt him in any way. ''Excuse me,'' she said softly. ''Could you give us an idea of this project? Maybe an estimated time line?"
Garrett wondered at the question from a woman who was constantly taking on work and never hesitated to put in all the hours a project needed. He looked to Nancy who simply smiled, not offering him a hint as to the cause of the question. ''I've been asked to allow Benjamin and Helen to describe the project,'' he said. ''However, they have discussed it a bit with me, and, if you accept, I'm sure it could be completed within a couple of months. It is nothing as extensive as the one we just finished.''
Elizabeth seemed to relax as she nodded and smiled. ''Thank you,'' she said. ''I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I sincerely appreciate your help in bringing our firm to the attention of the Dietrichs, as well as a possible new project. However, I am in the process of launching a project of my own that I have been working towards for a very long time. I just do not want to overextend either myself, or our firm.'' Nancy was very proud of her friend. After years of saving, designing and dreaming, Elizabeth was finally ready to take a chance to fulfill her dream.
''I find that admirable, Miss Adams,'' Garrett said. ''I appreciate your openness and wish you all the success in your endeavor. Perhaps you'll share the scope of the project with me when you are ready.''
Elizabeth smiled, knowing he was sincere in his hope for her success. ''Thank you, Sir,'' she said, with another smile. ''I would love to discuss it with you one day. I really value your experience and would appreciate any tips you might wish to share.'' Garrett nodded, and Nancy had the brief thought that her friend might be playing a game she didn't realize she had started. Garrett was a Dom and Liz a Submissive. If Elizabeth offered to share a personal dream project over some private meetings, she could also be imagined offering herself as a possible play partner if the two ever met in a D/S club. Nancy smiled, wondering if her friend was indeed interested in such things. Garrett was an incredibly attractive man.
Garrett again wondered if the beautiful woman he had come to admire greatly also lived a more erotic lifestyle than most professional women he knew. Her tone and her respectful address, as well as the way she looked—soft and sweet—easily brought a picture of her kneeling, head bowed, waiting for a Master's instruction. He realized where his mind was going and forced himself back to the matter at hand.
''I shall look forward to it. I need to ask that you do no
t share the contents of this meeting with anyone outside this office,'' he said, and saw that their curiosity was piqued. They both nodded, and he knew he could rely on their confidentiality. ''I believe you'll understand more after Friday's meeting.'' He stood and the women stood as well. As he walked to the outside door, he seemed to remember another item.
''Nancy, the invitation includes your husband,'' he said, and saw her surprise and delight. ''The Dietrichs understand you are a newlywed and wouldn't dream of taking you away from your husband so soon.''
''That's so sweet,'' Nancy said, meaning every word.
Garrett turned to Elizabeth. ''Miss Adams,'' he said softly, ''if you also have a partner that would miss you for dinner, please let my assistant know. I'm sure Benjamin would understand the need for another place at his table.'' Nancy thought the question strange but then smiled, as she watched him watching her friend.
Elizabeth flushed and lowered her eyes before shaking her head. ''That's not necessary, Sir,'' she said. ''I'm not … I don't need …''
''That's fine, thank you,'' he said, satisfied that he had what he needed. ''Until Friday then,'' he said, opening the door and stepping through it. The women waited until they were sure he was no longer in the hall.
''Oh God,'' Nancy gushed, fanning herself with the envelope where she had replaced the invitation. ''How exciting is this? I can't believe they want just the two of us for another project. What do you think it is?''
Elizabeth slipped the invitation into her purse before answering. ''I have no idea,'' she admitted. ''And why is it so secret that Garrett … I mean, Mr. Foster, couldn't tell us about it?''
''I don't know, but promise me you'll at least think about doing it if they offer it to us,'' she said, knowing that she wouldn't enjoy doing the project without her best friend.
''I don't think it will be a problem,'' Elizabeth said. ''I have no intention of giving up any projects until I have the financing set up. I certainly can't afford to turn down any jobs right now.''
Nancy stood and grabbed her purse for an afternoon coffee run. She was smiling as she stood with one hand on the doorknob. ''Am I picking up on your possible interest in Garrett as more than a business friend?'' she asked.
When Elizabeth looked up from her desk, she looked surprised. ''Garrett?'' she said, as if the name was unfamiliar.
''Yes, Liz,'' Nancy said, rolling her eyes—something she never did in her husband's presence, for fear of her own bottom. ''You know, the very handsome, very rich, and very, very sexy man that was just sitting on our couch? The one you said you would be happy to … let me see … sit at his feet and soak in any ideas he might have about a project whose details you've slaved over for years? Yes, Garrett.''
Elizabeth looked surprised, her face flushed. She had not honestly given a single thought to Garrett as a possible partner. She saw the face in her dreams, flashing across her mind, but could not admit her intense, senseless attraction to some mystery man. Nancy was still at the door, watching her closely.
''No,'' Elizabeth said, shaking her head. ''I admire him greatly and do appreciate his experience, but no, I hadn't even thought of him in that way. Besides, didn't you say he was involved with another Sub? I mean, he was flogging her, right?''
Nancy shook her head. Her best friend could be so obtuse at times. ''Honey, just because he was participating in a demo does not mean he is a one-Sub Dom. Heck, there was another, very fine, gentleman that did the next demo. Perhaps they were just asked to demonstrate their abilities at the club. I think Garrett might be thinking about discovering whether you, proper Miss Adams, like to play as well.''
Elizabeth smiled. ''It's nice of you to think I'm so enticing, but girlfriend, other than business, I do not feel the attraction,'' Elizabeth said. ''Now, stop probing and go get coffee.''
Nancy shrugged her shoulders and left thinking that, perhaps, the lady doth protest too much.
Wednesday evening found Elizabeth both excited and frustrated. Her meeting with the bankers had gone well, but she hadn't received all she needed. The property she had tentatively decided upon had recently gone under contract. Though the sale was pending, there was still a faint hope it might fall through and become available again. The bank was willing to give her a loan, however, since Elizabeth was the only applicant on the forms and had admitted she intended to cut back on outside projects in order to focus on getting the place up and running quickly, the banker had insisted she come up with an additional five percent as a down payment, regardless of what location she might purchase. Even with her savings, she would still be short a few thousand dollars after emptying out her own accounts. As she ran the figures through her head again, she knew she might have to continue accepting larger projects to work on with Nancy for a few additional months, or else find additional financing. Nancy had assured her that she would be content to handle only smaller projects or, if necessary, hire temporary help while Liz worked on her dream. They had decided to play it by ear and not make any decisions until they knew more about what would be required.
Friday evening came quickly. She dressed with care in a light violet-colored dress that had tiny white polka dots covering the fabric. She cinched a purple belt around her waist, put her hair back with a clip and slipped her feet into deep purple heels with thin straps fastened around her ankles. She hurried to answer the door, to find Jason outside.
''You look beautiful,'' he said, as he took her arm. She thought he looked fantastic in his black suit, white shirt and a very colorful tie. He helped Liz into the car, and Nancy, lovely in a green dress, blonde curls framing her face, turned to smile at her.
''I'm so excited,'' Nancy said. ''I'm afraid I won't be able to eat a bite.''
When Jason snorted, she reached out and slapped his arm. ''Sorry, honey,'' he said, ''I just can't imagine you sitting at a table full of food and not eating.'' Nancy sighed, knowing he knew her very well.
They drove through the tree-lined streets of River Oaks, passing huge, elegant homes that were more estates than residences. Jason pulled into the driveway of the largest one and whistled. ''Maybe I'm in the wrong business,'' he said, as he escorted the women to the door. Nancy kissed his cheek and assured him that he was in a perfect business as far as she was concerned. He ran a successful accounting firm and managed his money very well.
The door opened, and Benjamin ushered them into the foyer. ''Welcome,'' he said, with a smile, pressing a kiss upon Nancy's cheek and then Elizabeth's. ''I can't tell you how much Helen and I appreciate your coming.''
His wife stepped from behind him, and she was soon hugging the women. ''It is wonderful to see you again,'' she said, and any nerves Elizabeth had felt, disappeared. The couple had always seemed friendly and approachable, even when they first met months ago to discuss the remodeling of their home. Tonight, they seemed more like friends than host and hostess. Jason was welcomed as well, and congratulations given to the young couple on their recent marriage.
They were led into a room that another team member had done, and Jason commented on how beautiful it was. Helen asked what they'd like to drink and brought their glasses of wine to them, after serving her husband first. As they chatted and sipped their wine, the doorbell rang. Elizabeth and Nancy were standing in front of the large fireplace, their backs to the room, as they talked to Helen.
They saw her eyes light as she smiled. ''There are my darling boys,'' Helen said, rushing around the girls. The two friends turned to see who entered the room. It was Garrett, a smile on his face that showed his genuine pleasure. Then she realized that Helen was being embraced by another man, who kissed her cheek and then released her, straightening to his full height.
Elizabeth felt her entire world tilt. She was unaware of her gasp, which had caused Nancy not only to turn towards her but to quickly grab the glass that was slipping out of her hand.
Nancy saw the color draining from her friend's face. ''Liz, what's wrong?'' Nancy said, looking to see Jason moving to them. Elizabeth didn't
answer, her eyes glued to the foyer.
''Liz … Elizabeth—look at me,'' Jason said, moving in front of her and taking her hands in his. The contact seemed to free her, and her eyes rose to meet his. Her color returned in a rush, her entire body seeming to flush.
''I'm … I'm fine,'' she said, and flushed even more. Benjamin seemed to understand that something was not right with his guests. He began to walk towards the fireplace, his face showing his concern. ''Oh, God,'' Elizabeth said, and closed her eyes for a moment. She forced herself to collect her emotions, before she embarrassed her host.
''Miss Adams, are you okay?'' Benjamin asked, as he reached them.
She nodded and forced a smile. Realizing that Jason was still holding her arms, she lifted her hand. ''I should have eaten lunch before drinking,'' she said. Nancy was looking at her like she was an idiot; the two had eaten lunch together, however, her friend said nothing and simply nodded. ''I'm fine, I promise. Please, forgive me,'' Elizabeth said. Jason slowly released her, as if uncertain she could stand on her own. Benjamin looked skeptical but finally nodded. However, when Elizabeth attempted to retrieve her glass from Nancy, he plucked it from her.
''Forgive me for insisting,'' he said, as he put the glass on a table by the fireplace, ''I think you should eat something first, my dear.''
She flushed again, feeling like a fool, but nodded. ''Yes, Sir, I think that's a good idea,'' she said. He nodded in return and left them, returning to his wife's side to tell her that dinner should be served immediately.