At Home In Corbin's Bend Read online

Page 9

  Rob walked without purpose of direction. He nodded at several people out doing the same, some pushing strollers and some with dogs on leashes. He didn’t stop to chat and was surprised when he looked up to see that he was at Charles’ house. Was his subconscious telling him he needed the advice of a man that was considered an expert when it came to discipline? Did Ever’s speech about his discipline being stupid and unfair mean she no longer respected him enough to want to follow their rules or accept him as head of their household? His shoulders sagged as the door opened and Charles stepped out, walking down to meet him on the sidewalk.

  “I could use some advice,” Rob said quietly.

  “Let’s walk,” Charles suggested and the two men walked down the sidewalk, not speaking. They reached the dome and walked to a table in the park area. Taking seats opposite each other, Rob gave a sigh as he gave a summary of the past hour.

  “I think I’m losing her, Charles. It’s like she’s someone else or maybe I am. I thought we’d worked out the whole HOH thing and agreed on the fact that we’d practice a domestic discipline dynamic. I admit, the first week back had to be rough on her – hell, it was rough on me. But, it was what we agreed on before we moved here and has been working since the first day. I’m at a loss now. Do I ignore the fact that something is wrong and continue as I’ve been, or do we rethink our relationship?”

  Charles sat quietly for a few minutes. “Rob, you and Ever have chosen a lifestyle that takes a great deal of trust. It’s not for everyone, but I still believe it is one that benefits both of you. I can tell you that there wasn’t a single day while you were gone that Ever didn’t miss you. She needs you, Rob. She needs you to be the man she fell in love with. Hell, we knew this wasn’t going to be easy. It’s hard enough to maintain control over your own life, accepting the responsibility to help Ever control hers is an additional burden.”

  Rob bristled. “It’s not a burden, Charles. I’d do anything for that woman. I love her.”

  Charles smiled. “That’s good to hear. If you didn’t love her, you wouldn’t feel that way. Tell me, when was the last time Ever did anything creative?”

  Rob looked at him, surprised at the question. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Humor me,” Charles answered.

  Rob shrugged. “Well, she’s been teaching at the school weekly. She really enjoys those kids.”

  “I mean, when did you come home and discover her so immersed in a project that you had to physically touch her to get her attention? When was the last time she was covered in clay or paint or threads because she hadn’t taken time to do anything other than create something?”

  “Not since I’ve been back,” Rob admitted. “We’ve been together every day and she hasn’t acted like she wants to work on anything.”

  “And you don’t find that strange?” Charles shook his head. “Rob, Ever is an artist. She’s always busy with some project or another. You’ve told me yourself that you do a lot of the cooking because if left to her own devices, she might grab a sandwich every once in a while. I’m thinking the problem isn’t that you were away for an extended time. I think you are together too much.”

  Rob sat back. Could Charles be right? Was he stifling Ever’s creativity? Thinking about it for several minutes, he nodded. “Yeah, you could be right. This is the first time I’ve thought about it, but I honestly can’t remember the last time she was working on something just for the love of it. She spent weeks pulling together the festival but even then she didn’t have her own booth. Man, why didn’t I realize that before? I know it excited her to get so many others to come show their work and she was thrilled when Violet came and sold all her paintings. Charles, you’re right. My little artist is experiencing withdrawal. I think she believes that she has to put aside her own needs to make sure I’m happy. I’ve even been reading up in her studio and now realize I was missing her stirring around. Maybe she’s thinking she’s being forced to accept this whole wedding thing as a project that she has to do, not one that she wants to do.”

  “Well, what are you going to do about it?” Charles asked.

  “I don’t know exactly, but I’m going to do something.” He stood and Charles did as well. Walking back towards the house, Rob added, “I can tell you I’m not going to spank her tonight. That girl has had a very shitty day and needs comfort and not a paddling.” He looked across at Charles as if expecting the head of the disciplinarian committee to protest.

  Charles chuckled. “That’s your decision, Rob. I can tell you though that there are other lessons that can be learned without a spanking. Give it some thought and I’m sure you’ll think of something. Ever loves you, Rob, and you love her. It will work out – that I am absolutely sure about.”

  The men parted with a hug and Rob felt far better as he walked home, his steps faster. Opening the door, he took a deep breath. Yes, the aroma of paints and clay, glazes and stains was nonexistent. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized it before. Well, if he missed it, it was a certainty that Ever missed it as well. He’d fallen in love with an artist and knew that immersing herself in the creative process was what allowed her soul to soar.

  Locking the door and flipping off the lights, he went down the hall and opened the bedroom door. Ever was curled up on the bed wearing the butterfly robe. He felt his heart fill at the sight of her. Undressing, he brushed his teeth and gently moved her, sliding the robe off before he slipped her between the sheets. Climbing into the bed, he pulled her to him, wrapping her in his arms. When she stirred, he shushed her, kissing her cheek and telling her to sleep. He continued to think about their future and his responsibilities before sleep claimed him. If he were the HOH, he needed to be strong and yet take every part of Ever’s needs into consideration. They would continue the D/D dynamic as it was one that they both thrived under. Granted, Ever was the artist but there was nothing to keep him from being creative as well. He’d never make money or a name for himself as an artist but that wasn’t his goal. His only goal was to assure his future wife not only felt safe and secure, loved and desired, but fulfilled in all ways. It was a goal he was determined to reach.

  Chapter 8

  Ever walked into the kitchen to find Rob taking a quiche out of the oven. The room was filled with the tantalizing aroma of sausage and peppers. “That smells great,” she said softly, waiting until he put the hot dish down before putting her arms around him. “I’m sorry, Rob.”

  Rob hugged her, dropping a kiss on top of her head. “It’s going to be okay, Ever. I’m sorry as well.” He poured two cups of coffee and handed her one. “Let’s eat and we can talk about what’s going to happen.”

  “Um, okay,” Ever said, her eyes sliding to the paddle on the wall. She was pretty sure what was going to happen but if he wanted to talk about it first, she’d be respectful and listen. They ate the quiche which was as good as it smelled. Rob smiled when she asked for another slice and finished it with her second cup of coffee.

  When they were done, they washed the dishes together and then took their cups of coffee out onto the porch, settling on the swing side by side. “Are you going to paddle me, Rob?” Ever hadn’t intended to ask but felt uneasy, the weight of the unfinished discipline hanging heavy over her. “I know we agreed to weekly spankings, but didn’t wake me up last night.”

  “Ever, I love you with all my heart,” Rob said, setting his cup on the floor before taking hers and placing it beside his. He pulled her onto his lap. “I know we agreed and I still feel that you’d benefit from weekly spankings. Regular spankings seem to settle you and I think we should at least try for a few months.” He saw her nod and heard her give a soft sigh. “I don’t want you to think I didn’t wake you because I didn’t care enough, babe. I didn’t wake you because you needed to sleep. You had a crappy day and you deserved a break.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “I’m glad you told me...I...I thought maybe I’d been so terrible that didn’t care enough

  “Oh, honey, I care so much it hurts sometimes. Everleigh, you are my life and my love. However, you aren’t my shadow and that is what we’ve been for the past month. We haven’t spent almost anytime apart and that’s going to stop.”

  “Rob – no, please. I don’t want you to go away again. I couldn’t stand it...”

  “Shh, I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured her, hugging her a bit tighter. “Well, not traveling anyway. But, I am going to go back to work. I’ve received a lot of offers and will pick one that allows me to do the work that I enjoy and am good at while still getting home every night. You never complained when we had to move with the military, you never complained when I started as a consultant and spent weeks overseas. In fact, Ever, you don’t complain. Hearing you complain and whine and cry about this wedding is the first I’ve seen you complain and frankly I don’t like it, and, Ever, I don’t think you like it either. Our wedding is supposed to be a day that is special and beautiful, not just a day to ‘get through’.”

  “I know but I—”

  “Shh, I’m not done. I’m going to tell you this one more time. I want you to be my wife and, Ever, if that means going to City Hall in jeans and t-shirts, I don’t care. If it means having a ceremony in the backyard with hotdogs, I don’t care. All I care about is hearing you say ‘I do’. You’re turning into someone that I know you don’t want to be because of this wedding. I don’t want to hear another word about it for at least a week. Take that time to decide what you want the day to be, not what your friends want, not what your mom or sister wants, what you want – understand?”

  Ever nodded slowly. “In other words, you aren’t too thrilled living with Bridezilla?”

  “I’d much rather live with Everleigh Harris, soon to be Everleigh Montgomery – you know the woman that stole my heart?”

  Ever smiled and kissed him gently. “Thank you. I’m sorry and won’t bother you about the dress.” She stopped speaking when he pressed a finger against her lips.

  “A week, Ever. Not a word about dresses, cakes, flowers, photos, food, or whatever for a week. Give yourself that time.” When she nodded, he kissed her and they sat and rocked for a few minutes. “I’m giving you an additional order. I want you to find a new project. Something you want to do and something that will rekindle your spirit. I miss the house being a bit messy. I miss coming home to see you immersed in your work and singing to the radio. I’ve loved all this time together but we’re both still young. We’ll have plenty of time to spend together when we’re old and retired. Until then, I want my Ever back and not some future version of her. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Ever nodded, her face relaxing with her smile. “Yes, Sir. I don’t know how many books you’ve read lately but it’s time you get out of my space and let me make a mess.”

  “And she’s back.” Rob smiled at her giggle. “I suppose that’s one way to tell me I’m cramping your style. Promise me, young lady, that you won’t attempt to keep all this stress inside – share it with me. It’s as bad as not taking care of yourself with eating. Stress is just as harmful to your health.”

  “I promise, if you promise not to let me become so involved that we don’t spend at least a few hours together every day. Oh, and you don’t complain if the house isn’t spotless. I think you’ve forgotten that it can get more than a bit messy. Deal?”

  “Deal.” He bent to kiss her. “I’ll help with the housework and cooking but I will expect you to remember to stop and eat something every couple of hours. Deal?”

  “Deal.” They kissed again and then she pushed herself up to sit straighter. “Does this mean you’re extending my pardon?”

  Rob looked at her closely before answering. “Are you asking me to, Ever?” He looked pleased when she didn’t need time to think about her answer.

  She shook her head. “No, Sir. Part of me wants to as I know you’ll make sure my butt is sore but I also know I need you to keep our agreement. I need to know that even if I go a little bonkers, my future husband won’t let me step too far out of bounds.”

  “Then you can rest easy for I promise not to let that happen. We’ll start maintenance next Saturday.” Bending to kiss the top of her head, he spoke again. “However, I’m thinking a nice sexy spanking might tide you over. Deal?”

  “Oh yes, that’s a deal!” She giggled as he stood and carried her into the bedroom.

  Rob undressed her and then himself. She knelt on the bed, cupping his face in her hands and pulling him down to press her lips to his. Her entire body began to tingle as he released her mouth and sat on the bed, his back against the headboard. When he patted his thigh, she smiled and crawled over his lap, his cock beneath her stomach making her bite her bottom lip in anticipation. Feeling it jerk as she settled into position, she felt her pussy gush with arousal. Part of her wanted to suggest they skip the spanking portion of their play but a needier part knew being over this man’s lap, her bare bottom offered to his hand was exactly what she desired. She sighed, her arms crossed with her cheek lying on top. Her long legs rested on the mattress behind her. Every part of her body was relaxed, her long hair trailing down her back. Goosebumps broke out across her skin as Rob stroked his hand down her back and lifted her hair, pushing it off her skin so that he could run his fingertips down her spine.

  “Honey, you’ve got to gain some weight. I know you don’t diet, but I can see your spine and your bottom is getting too skinny.”

  Ever purred as he slowly ran his fingers over her. “I’m a very lucky woman, most men want their partner to lose weight and you want me to gain it. Rob, you keep cooking and I promise I’ll fatten up. But, if you’re really concerned, we can place daily orders with Ange.” She giggled again at his groan.

  “Great, I’ll get fat but if that’s what it takes, I’ll make the ultimate sacrifice because I love you.”

  “Good try, but we both know you love Ange’s cakes!” She squealed when his hand descended sharply onto her bare butt and then moaned as he stroked her skin. Wiggling her hips, she spoke softly, “More please.”

  “What I love is you and what I adore is your lovely round ass. If that means personally feeding you a cake a day, then, my love, you’d better get used to eating from my hand. Until then, you’ll have to be contented with my hand doing this.”

  Ever moaned softly as he began to spank her softly, following each swat with his fingers rubbing the pain away and stroking down her back and down her legs. She shifted her legs slightly apart, inviting him to notice her increasing arousal. Her invitation was accepted as she felt his hand slipping between her thighs, his fingers stroking along the lips of her sex. Even though the tattoo had disappeared after several showers, she remained nice and smooth and his light touch had her gasping. She lifted her hips a bit, pushing back against his finger as it slid into her sex. When he added another and began stroking gently in and out, going a bit deeper with each stroke, her moan was deeper, her body reacting to the sensual touch by flooding her pussy. Her arousal increased as he lifted his other hand and brought it down sharply on her left buttock, following with another to her right cheek.

  Ever moaned and pushed her bottom up as if asking for the hand to spank her again. She could feel her pussy contracting around his fingers as they continued to move in and out of her body.

  “You like this spanking don’t you, little girl?” he asked, swatting her sharply again and driving his fingers deeper.

  “Yes, oh God, more...please more.” Ever pushed against his fingers, her body beginning to spiral towards a climax. “Spank me harder, Sir.” When Rob spanked her again, she whispered for more and he began to apply swat after swat, his fingers still fucking her until she suddenly arched and cried out as she came, her pussy clutching around his fingers. Rob gently continued to stroke in and out, his thumb moving to rub against her clit. She gasped at the pressure against her sensitive clit and attempted to crawl off his lap.

  “Settle down, young lady. Your spanking
isn’t over. Relax and let yourself go, come for me again.” She whimpered as his thumb and finger moved to pinch her clit lightly, his other hand applying swat after swat, turning her cheeks a pretty pink.

  “Oh, God,” she cried out as he pinched her clit hard at the same time he slapped her bottom. He continued, his swats coming faster, his hand working her sex until she was clawing at the sheets and arching her back, exploding with an intensity that had his fingers soaked with her juices. Rob pulled his fingers out, rolling her off his lap only to move between her legs. He pushed into her, holding her legs open and lifting her to go deep. She reached out to clasp his arms and moved to match his rhythm. Her mews and gasps, her soft moans and sharper cries continued to fill the air around them. He fucked her slowly at first and then harder and faster until he pushed to the hilt inside her velvet warmth and she felt him come, his cock jerking as he emptied into her.

  Rob lowered himself onto her, his mouth finding her breast, laving her nipple and biting it gently. Her hand held his head to her breast as he continued to move between her nipples, suckling and nipping as she felt his cock hardening where it was pressed against her stomach. This time he made slow and gentle love to her, kissing and nibbling on her skin, her breasts, her neck and then claiming her mouth as she cried out again, her climax drawing his own. After a bit, he pulled out of her and drew her to him. Reaching down, he pulled the quilt over them both.

  Ever clung to him. This was what she had needed and what he had also needed. When he kissed the side of her neck, she couldn’t stop her body from shuddering or the soft moan his lips drew from her.

  “I love you,” they said in unison. Ever smiled and knew that everything would be fine.