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At Home In Corbin's Bend Page 11
At Home In Corbin's Bend Read online
Page 11
“You’ve got a big heart, Ever, and don’t worry about the price. I knew there must have been a reason for the extension of my trip and can’t think of a better way to spend the bonus money. You don’t need to cut back on a thing. Just remember, no more Bridezilla – promise?”
Ever laughed and moved to climb on top of him, leaning down to kiss him again. “I promise to try but if you’re going to insist on hotdogs and hamburgers at our wedding, I can’t guarantee anything.” Rob’s laugh was cut off as she moved again, her head lowering, her tongue flicking out to lick against his cock.
“Babe, you keep doing that and you can serve Filet Mignon to everyone in Corbin’s Bend as far as I’m concerned.”
All talk of the wedding ceased as her attention had his cock going to full erection. As she opened her mouth to engulf the head, her tongue dipping into the tiny slit, he moved her this time, spreading her legs and bringing her sex down to his mouth. They made love slowly, focusing more on bringing the other to pleasure than on reaching their own. Afterwards, they spooned on the bed, her bottom tucked against his groin.
As Ever drifted towards oblivion, she wondered what she could do to help John. Sure, hiring Tory would help them financially but she wanted to do more. She wanted to do something to touch him in his soul and perhaps help him see that losing a leg did not make him less of a man. She had seen the look in Tory’s eyes, had heard the love and fear in her voice. That woman loved her husband and if there was anything that she could do to help them, she’d move heaven and earth to do so.
Monday morning, Ever knocked on Tory’s door and smiled when Amber opened it. She gave the little girl a hug and waved to Beth as she followed her child. “Hi, I brought something for Amber if you don’t mind?”
Amber looked to her mother who nodded before she accepted the bag that Ever handed her. “What is it?”
“Something that you must promise to try not to make too much of a mess, okay? I don’t want us both to get into trouble with your mommy or Auntie.” Amber nodded and dropped to sit on the floor as she slowly pulled items from the bag. Soft oohs and ahhs drifted to the women as the little girl discovered thick coloring books, a huge box of crayons, a drawing pad, and a tin of watercolors as well as a package of washable markers.
“What do you say, Amber?” Beth gently reminded.
“Thank you, can we color now?” Amber replied, trying to pick up the color books and the crayons in her small hands.
Ever rescued the box and laughed. “How about you start without me and once your Aunt Tory and I finish, I promise to color with you?” That evidently satisfied the little girl who allowed her mom and her new friend to move her supplies to the kitchen table. Once she was busy concentrating on choosing just the right color for her first page, Beth offered Ever a cup of coffee.
“She can have one later,” Tory said, entering the room. “I need her to stand still for a bit, not squirm because she needs to use the bathroom.”
Ever giggled. “You heard her, I’m on my very best behavior.” The three women laughed and Tory took Ever upstairs. They had the same floor plan as Ever and Rob’s house but color choices and furnishings made them unique. However, the stacks of books, patterns, and fabrics that filled the loft space could have been at home in Ever’s loft. The only difference was that where Tory’s held full size dress forms, laces, bins of beads and a wall of threads, Ever’s held paints, canvases, and jars of brushes as well as sewing items. Ever relaxed and realized that she was in the best hands possible – the hands of a fellow artist.
“I know we measured you just a couple of weeks ago, but I need to double check if that’s okay?”
“As I said, I’m placing myself in your hands and promise to be a perfect client.” Ever went as far as to cross her heart and Tory smiled.
“Good to know. If you’ll strip down to your underwear, we can get started.” She turned to pick up her notepad and drape her measuring tape around her neck. When she turned back, it was obvious that she was trying to appear professional, but then broke into laughter. Ever stood, one hand on her hip, one at the back of her head in the classic, exaggerated pin-up girl pose.
“Well, are these undies better?” Ever lowered her arm and giggled as well.
“I’ve heard of black and white weddings but this might be a risk. Your lingerie is very nice, but black? I’d better make sure to use tons of fabric if you aren’t looking for your undies to be visible beneath your white gown.” Tory shook her head and held out the tape. As she wrapped it around Ever’s chest, Ever giggled, earning her a frown.
“Sorry, but this is all I had that comes close to wedding lingerie. I swear, I won’t wear black. I just forgot until this morning and didn’t want to wear my um, granny panties again.”
Tory giggled and nodded. “Good, I couldn’t believe you wore those. I mean, it’s not my place to say, but for someone as young and gorgeous as you are, I’d expect to only see those if you were sick or maybe as some sort of punishme...oh, God, I’m sorry.”
Seeing Tory’s face turn scarlet, Ever forgot trying to hold still, her entire body shaking as she laughed. “Hey, we both live in the Bend, if you didn’t know anything about spankings or such, I’d be shocked. And, yes, those are ones I normally wear on those nights, but I just grabbed them that day. I’d had a rough week and, um, they were the most comfortable.” The two women giggled again and then Tory got down to business.
Putting the tape down, she made her last notation. “Okay, you can get dressed and we’ll go downstairs for coffee and discuss some patterns. Um, you’ve added an inch or so – are you trying to gain weight?”
Ever pulled on her jeans. “Yes, a little. I have a tendency to forget to eat when I’m wrapped up in things. Rob was gone a while and I lost about ten pounds. I’m supposed to be working to put it back on. I...I know that makes your job harder...”
“Nonsense, we can work around that with different styles and larger seams. I won’t make the final fitting until a week before the wedding so we should be fine. In fact, Beth made a coffee cake so I’ll help you with your plan. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could just transfer a bit of my poundage to you? I always gain weight when John is deployed.” Ever reached out and gave her a hug before she finished dressing.
The two entered the kitchen where Amber was still coloring. Beth was in the laundry room, folding clothes. She joined them for the break and the three poured over designs.
It was late by the time Ever left. As Tory went upstairs to return the fabric swatches, Ever had drawn Beth aside. They made plans to meet for lunch on Wednesday. After keeping her promise to color with Amber, Ever told the little girl she’d see her again and took her leave. As she climbed into her car she realized she was excited about the dress for the first time. Tory had seemed unconcerned about the amount of work involved, reminding Ever that keeping busy was helping her cope with John’s rehabilitation. Ever understood how pouring one’s self into projects helped her with her own stresses and was glad she had decided to put her trust in the young woman.
Walking into the house, she was surprised that Rob wasn’t yet home until she remembered he’d said something about going into Denver to meet John. Tossing her purse onto the sofa, she started dinner. Rob had been doing most of the cooking and it would be a nice change to have it ready when he got home. Turning the radio up loud and kicking off her shoes, she danced to the music, singing along with songs that stirred her as she chopped vegetables and seasoned some chicken breasts. Sliding the pan into the oven, she pulled up the recipe for the homemade granola she had found on the internet and was mixing the ingredients when Rob entered.
“Hi, babe, this is nice. Something smells good.” He bent to kiss the side of her neck. “Make that two things that smell nice.”
Ever smiled and wiped her hands on a dishtowel before turning and wrapping them around his neck. “That’s chicken you smell and I’m sure I smell like marinade but thanks. How was your day?”
Rob took a b
eer from the fridge and sat at the table, grabbing a few raw vegetable strips before she could slap his hand away. “A little tough, but good. How was yours?”
Ever poured a glass of wine after sliding the pan of oatmeal, dried fruit and nuts into the oven under the chicken. “It was wonderful. I had a great time with Tory and the dress is on its way to becoming a reality. Amber loved her gift and it was fun coloring with her. Why was yours tough? Did you get to meet John?”
Rob sipped his beer and nodded. “Yes, and that was the tough part. That young man is definitely depressed.”
“Well, I guess that’s understandable. It would be rough to go through what he did and not have it affect you. He needs some love and understanding and I’m glad he’s got family here to help him through this.”
“What he needs is a swift kick in the ass,” Rob countered, finishing his beer. At the shocked look on Ever’s face, he shook his head. “Honey, he’s lucky in that he has family but sometimes what one needs is someone not so close. Pampering him or trying to show him that they’re handling everything isn’t always the best approach. Sure, he’s been dealt a shitty hand and it pisses me off that the fighting has gotten so dirty, but he’s a soldier and a very well trained one. Don’t get me wrong, I really feel for him, but if he acts like he did with me around his family, I’m surprised Tory is holding it together as well as she seems to be.”
Ever didn’t question his observations. She’d been an officer’s fiancé and had met many returning soldiers. She’d been aware of the counseling needed and appreciated the way families rallied around those that needed support. It might have been a while since Rob had left the military, but he’d always be part of it. “I’m sure you’ll think of something, honey. Just give it some time.”
Dinner was delicious and the granola was as well. Rob laughed as Ever dumped a huge bag of peanut M&Ms into the mix after it had cooled. “Hey, you’re the one who wants me to gain weight and since Tory told me I could gain another ten pounds before she starts to panic about the dress, I’m taking you both seriously.” She popped another M&M into her mouth and smiled. “This is one order which I’m going to enjoy keeping.”
After watching TV for an hour, Rob said he was going to shower and read for a while. Ever headed upstairs, her new idea churning around in her head. Moving the stack of fabrics off the chair, she settled into it, firing up her laptop. She was positive she’d read something about the project she was considering. Typing in a few key words, she was amazed at the amount of data that she had to choose from. It was only when Rob called up to ask if she was coming to bed that she turned off the computer. Flipping off the light and going downstairs, she wondered if Beth and others would be interested in helping. She smiled as she slipped out of her clothes and pulled one of Rob’s t-shirts over her head. Her soft giggle had Rob’s eyebrow lifting as she climbed into bed. Lifting the hem of the shirt, he grinned. She might be wearing a shirt that absolutely swamped her thin frame, but the sexy black panties fit her perfectly – of course, they still needed to come off.
Chapter 10
So, you found something?” Brent asked as he and Rob met for lunch.
“Yes, I’m going to do some work with the VA. I was all set to do something else but when I started visiting John, I met some of the staff and decided my skills might be put to better use.”
Brent grinned and picked up his hamburger. “Oh, I’m sure they will. The question is what skills are we talking about? Your computer skills or your kicking ass skills?”
Shrugging, Rob took his own bite. “Does it matter? Tell me, what do you know about the Davidsons? I was a little surprised that neither Ever or I knew either of them.”
“Doesn’t surprise me. They’ve only been here about a year and with John deployed and Tory working in Denver, neither were around much. Char and some of the other ladies made sure Tory wasn’t too lonely but with Ever working on the plans for the festival, teaching and making wedding plans, I guess they just didn’t meet. John’s a good guy and it’s a damn shame what happened. I’ve talked to him a couple of times but he’s not really receptive to visitors. He did pose the question of whether Tory would be allowed to stay if he doesn’t make it.”
“What sort of fucked up question is that? There hasn’t been a question of him ‘making it’ for several weeks as far as I know.” Rob’s scowl showed his anger and Brent sat back in the booth.
“Whoa, hold up, Rob. He asked when he was first brought home from overseas. The doctors were still trying to save his leg and when he discovered he would be losing it, he was simply making plans in case the surgery went wrong. You can’t blame him.”
Rob sat back as well. “Okay, I’ll grant him that, but shit, Brent, the man’s acting like he’s still at death’s door. I’ve decided that since I’m making Ever find some project to make her happy, I’m finding one myself.”
Shaking his head, Brent grinned. “And I’m guessing John is your project? Does he agree with you?”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass if he agrees or not. That soldier is going to find out that he needs to stop his pity party and remember he has a wife who loves him and a community that supports him. Sure, it might be a battle, but I’m not unfamiliar with those and he sure as hell isn’t either.”
“Well, if anyone can get him to come around, I’d be willing to put my money on you. Just let me know if I can do anything to help. As I said, I like him and Tory both. I’m sure you’ll find others that feel the same way.” He took a sip of his tea and another bite of his burger. “How is Ever by the way? Last time we got together she seemed stressed.”
Rob grinned and swallowed his last bite. “She’s good. The house is getting messier by the day but she’s happier than I’ve seen her in a while and she hasn’t had another dizzy spell. She’s gaining weight and sleeping better, so all is good.”
The men parted and promised to keep in touch. Rob stopped by the bakery and picked up a chocolate pie as a surprise for his fiancée. Pulling into his driveway he had to be careful not to sideswipe cars stacked on top of one another. Opening his front door, he paused. Several women were milling around, every surface covered with fabric. Not seeing Ever, he shook his head and went into the kitchen to find several children at his kitchen table, crayons and papers on the floor as well as the table top. Putting the pie on the breakfast bar, he squatted down between Amber and Jack.
“What are you drawing?” he asked after the children said hi. He listened and nodded as each child held up their drawing, stifling his laughter at the seriousness of their explanations.
“Well, you’re all doing a great job. Does anyone know where Miss Ever is?” The kids all shook their heads and turned back to their tasks. Rob stood, put the pie in the refrigerator, and glanced at the clock. It was close to five, a time that most families were fixing dinner. By the look of his own kitchen, there was nothing being prepared. Another glance in the fridge told him that Ever hadn’t gone to the grocery story lately. He sighed and knew he couldn’t blame her. He’d told her to find a project and by the looks of things, she’d found a huge one. Closing the door, he decided they’d order pizza for dinner. That decision made, he went to find his fiancée.
“Babe, I’m home,” he yelled. His announcement had several women looking up and then giggling. He shrugged and looked as if he were prepared to yell again when Ever leaned over the railing upstairs.
“Hi, honey, I’ll be right down,” Ever said and Rob managed to swallow back his next bellow. She ran down the stairs and to him. Giving him a kiss, she saw him look around the room. “Um, sorry, we sorta got carried away. I’ll clean it up later.”
“That’s fine but how many quilts are you making? I thought it was a secret.”
Ever waved her hand. “That was last week. Now we’re all working on making quilts. I’ll tell you about it later. Give us another few minutes to make sure everyone has their parts and then I’ll start dinner.”
Rob drew her into his arms and hugged her. �
�Babe, unless you can perform some very creative magic with a stalk of celery, one egg and heels of bread, we’re having pizza tonight. Go ahead and do what you need to. I’m going to take a shower and change.” Ever stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He bent close and whispered softly. “You do remember it’s Saturday, right?” As her blank look cleared and her cheeks flushed, he knew she had totally forgotten. “I thought so. But—”
“Shh,” Ever hissed. “I know and I’ll be ready. There’s no need for you to say anything.”
Patting her butt, he grinned. “No one would care or be surprised, Ever. Now, I’ll shower and call for the pizza. By the time it gets here, I expect the other husbands would appreciate having their wives and children home as well.”
Ever nodded and he headed towards the bedroom, stopping to talk to a few of the women. As he shut the door, he had to grin. Well, he’d asked for it and Ever had delivered. He might not know exactly what was going on, but it was great to see her amid her friends, excited about whatever project they were working on.
An hour later, they were sitting across from each other at the kitchen table. He had been a bit amazed at how quickly and efficiently the women gathered up their projects, tucking fabric, pins, and patterns into various totes. Those that had children, gathered them as well, Ange thanking Ever for providing the art supplies. Amber gave Ever a hug before she posted her drawing on the refrigerator under two magnets. It depicted a little girl holding her arms wide. He’d watched Ever’s eyes light with delight when Amber told her anytime she needed a hug, she only had to look at the picture. It was nice to see Ever excited about something again.
“Okay, can I know what you are doing or is this a girls-only sort of deal?” Rob asked as he added parmesan cheese to his slice of pizza.