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At Home In Corbin's Bend Page 12
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Page 12
Ever added cheese and dried pepper flakes to her slice before answering. “I can tell you but you have to promise not to say anything to John.”
Rob grinned. “How did you know I’m seeing John again?”
Shaking her head, Ever took a big bite of her pizza. “Please, you’ve been to the hospital twice that I know of and, Rob, you aren’t the type of man to step aside if you think you can help anyone. So, I’ll share if you will.”
“All I can say is I’m going to try. John isn’t exactly receptive but, Ever, the man is young and smart. He’s trained for years on how to lead men, how to make decisions under fire. I can’t just sit back and watch him wither away - at least not without trying to show him that he’s got plenty of life left to live. I’m going to do some IT upgrades and training for the administration at the VA hospital. It doesn’t pay much but we’re good for a while unless we go nuts.” When she appeared to be about to interrupt, he shook his head. “No, you will not pull back on the wedding. By nuts I mean really nuts - not paying for a wedding or whatever project you’ve got going. I also don’t mean cutting back on food. Tomorrow we’ve got to go shopping for groceries.” He paused to sip his wine.
“I’ve made plans to have John help me with the projects - he will have plenty of time, even around his physical therapy. His commanding officer told me the guy is a whiz with computers. Perhaps working on something that benefits other soldiers will help take his mind off his own problems. Maybe it will work, maybe not, but I’ve got to give it my best shot.”
Ever moved to sit on his lap. Giving him a kiss, she hugged him. “That’s why I love you, Robert Montgomery, you’re all big and commanding on the outside and soft and squishy on the inside.”
Rob laughed and patted her bottom. “Eat your pizza. I want this to be softer and squishier as soon as possible.” Ever laughed and they finished their meal as Ever talked about the quilts the women were making together. She told him about her research and her decision that she thought it was a great project to get the community involved. The quilts they made would be donated to wounded soldiers. As she cleaned off the table and put the remaining pizza away, Rob thought of how proud he was of her. He was even prouder when she turned to him.
“I’ll go get ready. Um, do you want me back in here or in the bedroom?”
“The bedroom is fine, honey. This isn’t a punishment spanking, it’s maintenance.” She nodded and left the room to prepare for the first of the weekly sessions. He followed, after making sure the house was secure.
Ever took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. After drying her hair, she put it up in a ponytail. Slipping on one of Rob’s white t-shirts over her granny panties, she had to grin. Tory hadn’t been far off. Yes, she did wear the old-fashioned underwear as a sort of uniform - a punishment uniform. After a last glance, she made sure the bathroom was tidy before opening the door. Stepping into the bedroom, she glanced at Rob who was sitting in the chair, a book open on his lap. When he didn’t call to her, she went over to the corner by the window and turned to face the wall. Putting her hands behind her, she settled in to think about her behavior during the past week. Nothing jumped out at her as being particularly naughty. She’d gotten a few pops as a reminder when she didn’t clean her plate. Since her last tantrum exactly a week before, and her talk with Rob, she had felt far less stressed about everything.
Her thoughts moved to Tory and John. She remembered lying awake at night, trying to be brave but failing, tears sliding down her cheeks as she begged God to protect Rob. He’d deployed to both Iran and Afghanistan and those months had been very hard. Though her anxiety level had been high, she strove to maintain a good front as was expected of an officer’s girlfriend and later as his fiancée. Her prayers had been answered and Rob had never been injured. She couldn’t imagine how Tory or John must be feeling. Her prayer was different tonight as she stood quietly. Ever prayed that she and Rob could help the couple. No matter what they did, she knew it would never be enough to repay God for his blessings all those lonely nights when her fiancé was in harm’s way. As she ended with her ‘Amen’, she felt Rob’s hand on her back.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“Yes, Sir,” Ever said, not turning from the wall.
“Are you sure? I’ve been talking to you and it’s like you were in another world.”
Ever chanced turning towards him, a soft smile on her face. “I’m sorry, I was thinking about John and Tory. I...I was praying that we could help them.”
Rob drew her into his arms, swiping his thumbs across her cheeks which were damp before dropping a kiss on top of her head. “You know, I’ve heard all sorts of excuses to get out of a spanking, but I don’t think a single HOH has ever shared that one. How am I supposed to spank you when you’re so thoughtful and sincere?”
Hugging him, she leaned against his chest. “Easy, Sir. It’s maintenance night and we’ve agreed I need this. Of course, if it makes it easier, I can pretend to throw a tantrum.”
“No, I don’t think that’s necessary.” He took her hand and led her to the chair.
Seeing the hairbrush on the table, she understood that he was taking this seriously and knew she should as well. It might not be a punishment session but just the presence of an everyday item that would now be used as an implement, told her it was obviously going to be more than a spanking.
Rob took a seat and pulled her to stand between his knees. “Let’s go over what you can expect. You’ll tell me about anything for which you feel you need to answer. If I have something to add, I will and we can discuss why I think additional atonement is necessary. I’m guessing some weeks there will be more discussion than others, but there is no time limit. After we talk, you’ll go over my knees. I’ll give you a warm up with my hand and a count of fifty with either your hairbrush or a paddle. You’ll then bend over the bed and I’ll give you ten strokes with my belt. Afterwards, you’ll spend at least twenty minutes in the corner, bare bottom on display and think about our rules and expectations. I’ll then tuck you into bed. Do you have any questions?”
Why in the hell did I agree with this? Would that be a proper question? Deciding that those thoughts weren’t the ones to go with, she shook her head. The truth was she had agreed with this. The truth was she needed this. She had absolutely no doubt that it would hurt, her butt would be throbbing tonight and tender for at least a day, but it would center her, keep her grounded and for some reason she couldn’t logically explain, instill in her the deep trust and love she had for this man.
“No, Sir,” she answered softly.
“Then, let’s begin.”
Ever stood as he reached under the t-shirt and pulled her panties down to her knees. When he sat back, she pulled the shirt up to her waist, literally exposing her body to him as she figuratively exposed her naughtiness with her confession. She told him she had argued about finishing some meals but hadn’t thought of anything else. Rob had nothing to add which made the confession time very short. He helped her over his lap, holding her tight against his waist as she settled herself into position.
The warm-up spanking started out slow but had Ever squirming and whimpering within two dozen strokes. When his hand stopped falling, she knew better than to think the session was over. Rob had never given her a single stroke less than what he had promised and she knew tonight would be no different. Though her bottom was achy and warm, she knew from experience it was about to get a great deal hotter. The first splat had her squealing and by the twentieth she felt him position his leg across hers to keep her feet on the floor.
“Settle, Ever. We are not halfway done yet.”
The brush splatted onto her flesh again and continued to make those awful sounding splats, one after another as her fiancé moved the brush from area to area to ensure not an inch of her butt would be pale when she pushed up and off his lap. Ever was not even aware when the fiftieth stroke had been given. All she knew was that her entire backside, as Rob put it, was very well w
armed. After a few minutes, her hitching sobs had turned into sniffles and she felt him guiding her up. Standing, she wanted nothing more than to rub her butt in a vain attempt to soothe the fire. When he held a tissue to her nose and ordered her to blow, she obeyed. It embarrassed her to have him instruct her to blow her nose but also helped reinforce her belief that he would take care of all her needs.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, go bend over the bed.”
Ever obeyed, her hands reaching to hug a pillow, her bottom throbbing and she still had ten strokes of his belt to take.
“You’ll count each one and thank me. If you forget or lose count, that stroke will be repeated. Do you understand?”
“Ye-yes, Sir.” Though she was looking forward as required, she heard him unbuckle his belt and the distinctive hiss of the leather being pulled from the loops of his jeans. Her bottom clenched tightly.
“Relax your cheeks, Ever. Spread your legs, push your ass up and out. You need to show me that you are willingly submitting to this whipping. I want your buttocks hanging loose.”
She quivered at his words, the tone of his voice wrapping around her soul. Opening her legs, she pushed her butt back and lifted it, forcing herself to relax her muscles. She heard the whistle through the air and the sharp crack as the belt fell against the center of her cheeks. Throwing her head back, she remembered to count. “One, thank you, Sir.” The next stroke landed just below the first, the third below that. She continued to count each one, lifting her head with each crack, crying out the count and her thanks before burying her face in the pillow that was becoming soaked with her tears. “Ten! Oh God...oh, thank you, Sir.” When she felt him helping her up, she wanted to beg to be allowed to cup her burning buttocks. Instead, she faced the corner again after Rob knelt to remove her panties and then stood to pull her shirt over her head.
“Nose and tits to the wall, Everleigh. Keep that hot bottom pushed out for me.”
Naked, Ever stepped into the corner, flushing as she pressed her breasts and nose close until they brushed the wall. She could not hide and knew Rob had a perfect view of her red bottom.
Rob undressed, pulling on a pair of sweat pants. He put his clothes away, hanging his belt on a hook. Returning the hairbrush to the bathroom, he entered the bedroom, setting the jar of arnica cream on Ever’s nightstand. He turned down the bed and left the room, returning with a cold bottle of water.
“Come here,” he said softly.
Ever turned and ran to him, grateful to feel his arms around her, pulling her close as she hiccupped against his chest.
“Tha-thank you, Rob. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Everleigh. More than you will ever know. Now, drink this and then onto your tummy.” Once she had finished the water, he helped her onto the bed.
Unable to stop a soft hiss, Ever rolled onto her stomach as Rob sat down beside her. She hissed again but then moaned softly as he gently massaged the cream into her backside, making sure it was absorbed into her skin. Pulling the sheet up over her, he bent and kissed her cheek.
“Get some sleep, babe. You did well.”
Ever nodded though her eyes were already drifting closed. He turned off the lights and left the room. She reached back, tentatively touching her bottom. As a finger traced along a slightly raised welt, she smiled. God, it was strange and she couldn’t explain it intellectually, but she was happy and felt peaceful. Sighing, she tucked her hand under her cheek and allowed the spanking and the emotions it had evoked to carry her into sleep.
Chapter 11
The next few weeks flew by as Ever continued working with the women of Corbin’s Bend. She had additional dress fittings as well, making sure she spent some time with Amber either coloring or painting. Rob and she had chosen a photographer and picked the flowers. It had seemed like forever since she’d enjoyed enchiladas and was already enjoying the complementary chips when Violet slid into the booth opposite her.
“Sorry I’m late. The meeting went longer than I’d planned.” Violet waved to Bernie, not needing to see a menu. “How have you been? I feel neglected. What’s happening in your world?”
“Everything’s great. How’s your quilt coming along?” Ever continued to munch on chips as Violet told her of her progress.
“I’m having a great time,” Vi said with a smile. “I’d rather sew with the group but I promise I’ll be done on time. How are the others doing?”
Ever grinned and filled her in on the project’s progress. “It will never cease to amaze me how the people in this community pull together. Beth has been incredible and has gotten in touch with most of the soldiers that worked with John throughout his years at the Academy and the bases he’s been posted.” She paused as their lunch was placed before them, spending a few moments chatting with Bernie, both apologizing for being scarce and promising to bring their men in soon.
Once she stepped away, Violet asked, “So, how is John doing? Any better?”
Nodding, Ever grinned. “Wait till you hear this. Rob finally got John to agree to work on some of the programs. You know suggest better ones, design some systems that make it easier to do whatever it is that they do? That was a breakthrough but not anything like what happened a couple of days ago.”
Ever ate a few bites and pulled her thoughts together. It really had been amazing and if she were honest, a bit hysterical as well. She leaned forward, a smile on her face as she related the story Rob had told her.
Rob walked down to the PT room where John should be finishing up his exercises. He was proud of the younger man. It had taken constant attention and a great deal of pressure for John to finally agree to help. Rob grinned remembering the young man stating he’d do anything if it meant Rob would just shut up and stop bugging him. Rob had seen through the man’s bravado though he pretended to agree.
He refused to set up a work station in John’s room. As far as Rob was concerned, John was done with isolating himself. Rob hoped that being forced to work among others, several in wheelchairs or with some sort of disability, all working flawlessly at their positions would help John understand that being disabled didn’t mean being useless. The first day John had entered the office using his crutches instead of a wheelchair, the others had cheered and applauded. Rob had had a hard time keeping his emotions under control. Walking into the therapy room, he was expecting to see John working with his new prosthetic leg. It was truly remarkable how far technology had come. If John could walk on the temporary one, he would soon be able to run with his new one. What he hadn’t expected was to see him in a wheelchair or hear him yelling at Tory.
“Tory, I have told you and told you that you will reopen—”
“John, I’m not going to do that. I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, I do not need to open another store. I want to be with you when you come home. I want to be there to—”
“Tory, I’m not going through this again. I do not want you to put your life on hold. I want you to live your life. I am—”
“A fool, Jonathon Davidson - that’s what you are. You’re being a bully and a...a shit! I don’t freaking care what you say – I’m not going to put us into debt just so you can sit at home feeling sorry for yourself! If you don’t like it, you can...”—she paused, her hands on her hips, her eyes flashing— “...you can just shove it up your ass since it’s quite obvious you don’t give a damn about mine anymore!” Rob stepped out of the way as she turned and saw him, her face flushing as she stomped past him.
“Tory, get back here!” John demanded, turning his chair and seeing Rob as well. “Fuck, how long have you been standing there? Don’t you have your own life?”
Rob leaned against the doorframe. “Long enough to agree with your wife. You’re a bully and a shit. I’ll add that you’re not as bright as I thought you were either.”
“Like I give a crap what you think. You might have outranked me but you aren’t in the service anymore. I don’t have to listen to you and I s
ure as hell don’t have to work with you. Get the fuck out of my way.”
“No,” Rob said firmly. “You might be able to drive your wife to tears, but I promise you won’t get rid of me that easily. Damn it, John, when the fuck are you going to stop being so selfish and remember that you’re a man! You live in Corbin’s Bend for Christ’s sake. You can’t tell me that you’d let Tory get away with all that screaming and cursing. Can’t you see past the nose on your face? Your wife’s begging for you to take her in hand. She needs you to spank her butt. She needs you to make her cry and then she needs you to love her, remind her that she didn’t lose her husband in that fucking desert. John, if you can’t do that, then be a man and let her go. Stop all this middle of the road crap. Either you want to return to life and love her or you don’t. What happened to you wasn’t fair but pretending that you don’t need her—don’t love her—isn’t fair either.”
John closed his eyes, his hands clenched on the wheels of his chair. Rob remained silent - the ball had been put into play - it was up to John whether he wanted to catch it or kick it out of reach. John finally looked up. “I can’t. I’m not the man she married. She deserves more than I can give her.”
“Bullshit.” Rob moved forward and stood over him. “Lie to yourself, soldier, but don’t try to lie to me or to your wife. She doesn’t want another man. She wants her man and that, John, is you. You don’t need two legs to be a man, you just need the courage to work through the pain and the guts to face the fact that your life may be different, but it is your life. Live it or get out of hers. I promise, there are plenty of others who would be willing to step in. Hell, if Tory needs a spanking, and you and I both know that’s what she was asking for, I think I’ll volunteer. I’m not just good with computers, I’m pretty damn good with my hands as well.”
John roared as he pushed himself up. “Don’t you fucking touch her! She’s my wife! Lay a single hand on her and I’ll beat the fucking shit out of you!” His breaths came hard and fast, his fists clenching as he stood eye to eye with Rob.